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File:[SubsPlus ] Oshi no Ko - S….jpg (228.13 KB,1920x1080)

 No.132183[Reply][Last50 Posts]

It's funny how Oshi no Ko seems to have forgotten that Ruby existed, which is kind of good. But, I feel like Kana isn't getting enough focus. I think it's obvious to everyone that she's the best character.
When Kana isn't on screen the other characters should say "Hey, where's Kana?"
110 posts and 68 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The second season has centered around Kana and yet you feel like it's wasted potential compared to the first? Maybe you're unconsciously noticing the lack of the real main heroine.


>centered around Kana
Is it? Wasn't it some dumb stage play? Don't remember seeing Kana for more than a single scene before I dropped it...


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HARD and i mean HARD disagree
looking around the three highest rated arcs are the prologue, reality show, and tokyo blade, and the latter fucking dominates
it's got a good deal of characters trying to figure out how to best fit into a complex production by looking at themselves and the role they've been presented, how to adapt to them, with solid conflict and good payoffs
by comparison the showbiz arc is trivially simple (that's the one at the very bottom of the list with 0.56%), prologue fails to be seriously followed up on for a very long time, reality show i still dislike, and first concert i only vaguely recall a lot of explanations for varieté but not a lot of struggle with it

anyways i took a glance at 4/a/ earlier today and a leak came out, they're at each other's throats at a speed of ~3 posts per minute, and particularly shitting on aka
the term for >>132799 is "inbred" by the way


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I wouldn't say season 2 is centered on Kana, although it should be. Season 1 also had a few Kana-centric episodes, after all. There's still a lot of time spent showing other characters that aren't interesting at all, which makes for some dull moments. I think it was a mistake to introduce another cast of characters for the play, but at least it barely focuses on them.


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nevar 4get débora mem-chorizo

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 No.120996[Reply][Last50 Posts]

You're watching the four gorgeous shows currently airing, right? It's amazing to see these every week. Dungeon Meshi and Urusei Yatsura extend into Spring, but I'm definitely going to miss Undead and Frieren. I feel like the "anime is terrible since ####" people really need to actually pay attention.
117 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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That's really incredible. I have to admit that I felt disappointed to see the 3D horses (I think I already said that) but if it was a sacrifice they made since horses are apparently a major pain to animate then I guess it's tolerable when you take the anime as a whole.
They seem to have themes for each villain, like the eye guy's bizarre close-ups remind me of Ren and Stimpy and this most recent episode reminded me of classic Disney.


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Turns out they actually used physical paper for that flat segment in the last episode. It's a surprising amount of effort and thought put into those thirty seconds of animation, especially for something that is anime-original. In the manga it's one shot of him running with narration around it. Alongside that we had Takauji's massacre, all the ear weirdness, and Genba's fight with the radar duo. In fact, a ton of the visuals are wholly original and comparing this episode to volume 2 is like night and day.
All his jumping around is adapted from a single panel, and the purple ring of fire is hardly even implied when you look at how small the fire is. Same for the mass beheading that's only a bunch of heads casually flying upwards. But also things like Genba sitting on his web of ropes or acrobatically transitioning from the party to the assassination of Takauji. Even just the radar background behind the ear/eye pair. Fucking insane adaptation.
>despite its rather mundane subject matter of teenagers being pop stars or theater actors
I wouldn't truly call it mundane, as certainly the things that take place are rarer than something like Yuru Camp, Slow Loop, or any other themed CGDCT you can think of. Past that, it's not like a grounded story directly equates to regular visuals, as Tatami Galaxy is really out there for an anime about a guy living through his college years (granted, that's Yuasa). There was a lot of heightened emotion here to match the guy's state and it was entirely fitting, that's what it makes it powerful.

'Twas raw, I forgot to make half of the reply and there was a sentence I hadn't even finished writing.
>horses are apparently a major pain to animate
Man, I wonder how Steel Ball Run is going to turn out. Half of the manga takes place on horseback or besides a horse and frequently with at least half a dozen of them, they are central to the story.
>They seem to have themes for each villain, like the eye guy's bizarre close-ups remind me of Ren and Stimpy and this most recent episode reminded me of classic Disney.Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Posting in this thread again to say how much I love Sengoku Youko.
It's just so pretty and a treat to look at. It's hard to describe since I think the other shows might have better "direction", but Sengoku just looks more appealing to me somehow.
There's such a great variety of themes with all sorts of brilliant colors! Clips don't do it justice because while other shows go to 11 for 20 seconds (sakuga or whatever) and then hang around at 6, this one has a far more leveled approach.
I'm also reminded that it's the same studio that did Utawarerumono 2 and 3, and unlike those this one got a proper budget. (sigh)


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To demonstrate the variety I mentioned, this is in the same episode.


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I think Atri deserves mention as being another good-looking show, but this time centered on the character and facial animations! From a VN source where each character had a few portraits to this is quite the leap I'd say. Best faces of the season, although you need to go frame-by-frame to appreciate some of them.
I don't know what it did to get such a fantastic adaptation, but it's very nice.

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Aniwave, formerly 9anime, is dead among many others killed by a big C&D wave by corporate media fags who have been getting really aggressive with their attacks recently. It's causing a lot of paranoia. Sucks since they had a really nice UI and I liked episode comments.
Just giving a heads up if you're on a streaming site that isn't dead you should probably finish up what you're watching or back it up. If you're getting your stuff through the usual methods then you should be fine for the time being, but something to keep an eye on if you aren't already.
10 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


hi laala


>no one has been able to create accounts
oh fuck, wonder if I still have my nyaa account password stored somewhere... haven't used an account in ages but wouldn't want to be completely locked out... you just never know these days huh.
>streaming sites
I couldn't care less about streaming sites, those ad ridden hell holes are better off dead. They're no better than any legal streaming site; taking money from viewers and keeping most, if not all, to themselves. But streaming sites are a good way to keep the tards away from torrenting sites, but now even the torrent sites are coming to light. Before you'd have to google "anime torrenting websites", which was still s


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(AAAAAAAAAAAA misclicked ctrl+enter)
... which was still somewhat safer since the ones googling that already know about torrenting, but now I've actually seen youtube shorts that mention anime torrenting, and gloating tards commenting about nyaa. I just hope I don't have to go around begging for private trackers to take me in.........


Something will come back within the next couple of months.


dumb ctrl+entard

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 No.72689[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you played any "ero" (a Japanese word meaning 'erotic') games lately?
406 posts and 156 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The only other engine I'm aware of is uhh... WolfRPG or something? It seems to work quite well and I think I've seen a greater variety of games using it, but it could just be my own personal experience. I don't play H games too often.


wolfrpg is basically untranslatable so I dunno. But the games tend to be good. I think it also has 3D RPG possibilities.

I just mean that RPG Hgames are overall a miss because they're made by people who only excel at art if anything.


a lot of creators have been moving to machine translations, but they don't even speak English so they can't playtest them. Leads to a lot of bugs making their translations unplayable.

The language is correct though, but it messes up with some niche terminology. Interesting enough the translation is also trying to impart some sort of technical knowledge of japanese culture by translating sexy as seductively. I bet they're all using GPT


Played an eroge written in Godot. Rare


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There's an interesting NTR game coming out which I played the demo of, but it's in Wolf RPG. In the struggle between learning how to translate compiled games and using the game as a way to learn some simple Kanji.... I dunno, but it seems like a good female-protagonist "self NTR" corruption game.


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Does NBR really matter if the sister is still beaming with brocon energy? Sure, being related by blood is ideal, but if the siblings are highly compatible with each other then isn't that just as good?
11 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I like it when siblings who don't know they are siblings end up together, dating all that, and then find out they're actually siblings. One of them is panicking and wants to run away while the other still wants to hold on to the relationship and has to do everything she can to get her partner back.
It's like incest without the incest. Perfectly rational to keep going.

I like it even more when it's just straight up incest incest from two siblings living together though. They love each other so much they just can't hold back anymore. Cute...


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I agree


Stop posting, Kaga.


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spending a wild time in the coze zone

Considering how many kimoota get upset over "fake" sisters, being fine with NBR might actually be a hipster thing.


Good trips.
I think the real attraction to these incestual/pseudo incestual relationships is the conflict based on the taboo itself. If they just act like a regular couple then it's a frivolous detail that does nothing other than to check a box. Whether you're blood related or not doesn't matter all that much, it's about their relationship as siblings and how love may play around that.

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 No.103108[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I am... a Raven!
121 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I think if you take out the hard lock and instant turning, this game becomes near perfect. The gunplay just feels so good and I love the way impact melee has.


I wouldn't call it near perfect. Actually I don't like the stun centered gameplay either because it turns the game into just shoot>stun>combo. This ruins melee for me because it feels sub-optimal to use for anything other than hitting a sunned enemy. Melee in previous AC games had you thinking in 5d trying to figure out how you were going to land a pilebunker. It always felt extremely satisfying. I don't get that here. I honestly think this is one of the worst AC games, but it's still a pretty good game funny enough.

The worst part though is that it's so casualized that's it's hard to believe they will just revert back to the OG AC formula since nu-AC fans will see it as "clunky."


You can play this game on your browser, I think. It's on the internet archive. I remember seeing people online saying you could play it using the edge browser on the xbox with a controller but I'm not sure.


meant to reply to the OP...


>Chorus: ARMORED CORE VI: FIRES OF RUBICON Development Staff

soul overload

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I was worried about the new Geass because of that one post about it being not as good, but watching the first ep it was pretty much what I'd want out of Geass (maybe a bit more fanservice would be nice though). It was over the top, full of style, and most importantly fun. That's the one thing that made Geass the masterpiece it was, it was a masterclass in bringing fun to the audience and getting you excited. If this anime can bring back that feeling of hype and not get into the weeds about 'proper writing' this/ironic meta references that then it should be great.

Looking forwards to the rest of this. Also the CG wasn't bad at all.
36 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Amen to that. I've come fully from being cautiously optimistic about to absolutely detesting this diarrhea dog turd.

Geass is dead and nothing after R2 matters.


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>¥To make a quick buck off of your kuso tie-in gacha game?
Oh is that why it exists? Anime stuff funded by gacha are usually passion projects, though, since the profits can't compare. A JPEG could make more money than every BD sale combined.
Huh, that's weird. But yeah, this is really stupid. I do want to see where it goes, but it's not like I'm invested in the characterse or world. More of a "so bad it's good" kind of thing.


>Anime stuff funded by gacha are usually passion projects
What on earth gave you that idea? Gacha are soulless cashgrabs in every respect, nobody is passionate enough about them to make a full anime about it. In fact, the best gacha anime are the ones that take advantage of the fact that nobody cares about the anime as anything except a way to get the name in people's heads to make an original story that has next to nothing to do with the gacha.

That said, there is no reason to think Roze exists to sell the gacha. It's likely just part of their CG revival plan since no successful IP can go unbeaten these days.


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>What on earth gave you that idea?
I thought I gave my reasoning there...
If you have a successful enough gacha there's no reason to do anything else with the IP because nothing else will compare to gacha's free money. The only reason to make an anime or video game from a gacha is basically for fun. X amount of money spent on the anime adaptation would be more productive being spent on the gacha by uhh... I don't know, hiring some new artists or running a new ad campaign on tiktok or whatever.
I'm not sure how animation studios think about gacha adaptations. Work is work, I guess. Yostar Pictures mostly did gacha adaptations but they seem to moving up in the world with Sentai Daishikkaku and assistance credits on stuff like Dungeon Meshi.


>nothing else will compare to gacha's free money
True, but you have to factor in how much an anime will increase the eyes on your gacha and get them hooked on it. It's not like the anime can't possibly bring in more money for the companies.

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 No.127237[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you read any interesting articles lately? Anything news worthy you think kissu would want to know about?
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The Bank is definitely on my marry list.



Odd to see such scruples but I respect that.


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Amazing... This is Ottawa

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This is a thread for discussing and planning streams that people can host using kissu's own anonymity-supporting cytube fork at https://theatre.kissu.moe/! People can and should make threads for the big day so they can post images and stuff and be more in control, but a thread to talk about stuff was suggested and I think it's a good idea.
I think I'll edit this OP to coincide with planned streams as well.91 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


anyways, keep your eyes out for whatever happens to happen tomorrow


Now that Kaiji S1 is complete I think we can return to SZS. I'll be streaming Zoku NOT this week but the next, in two parts on Friday 30th and Sunday the 1st.


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Looking forward to it.


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I should probably get around to doing the Mewkledreamy stuff sometime. I think I'll hold out until there's been a pause in streams for a while, though.


It may be a problem to try and wait for gaps to truly become clear, since it's unpredictable stuff and you yourself may be dealing with something else when they do occur. The kind of stuff that's only visible in hindsight.

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This year was the first time I ordered groceries online and had it delivered to the door. It's really weird and feels futuristic. It's not good for everything, such as wanting to actually look at raw vegetables or just browsing, but it's really nice. I even ordered some frozen yogurt to see what would happen and it came in some layered cardboard pouch thing that did a great job of keeping it cool. There's also subscription options so it happens automatically, but I think I'm going to hold off on doing that for now. I've also started ordering some bulk cereal and protein bars on amazon and it seems pretty efficient. I think I'm going to look up to see if Costco supports this stuff.
When I told my mom about it she said this stuff is bad for society because people need to go out and socialize and I don't think she's wrong exactly, but not everyone enjoys being surrounded by people. *cough*

Have you done this stuff before? I think I'm late the party in trying it.
18 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I refuse to use these services or use the self checkout. I'm not bagging my own groceries and I'm not letting some random person pick out my meats, veggies and fruits. I don't use the self checkout because I don't want people to lose their jobs. They've already gotten rid of bag boys and forced the cashiers to do double duty. Now they close check out lanes and have one person watching over 4+ self checkout registers. It's annoying and the things always make you wait for someone to come over and confirm you aren't stealing.

I stopped shopping at one big box store because of these problems. If I go to my local grocery store they always have 5+ lanes open and the selection of meats is much better because it has a real butcher shop inside. They also have a real bakery.

Going to the grocery store is like the only reason why I leave the house anymore. So I guess I do "socialize" with the people there. I also like being able to walk around with a firearm inside of them. I usually run into random people also carrying and we talk shop about guns and I've even gone to the range with a few of them in the past. Never had a bad experience so far. At least the police haven't been called. I did have one lady who was obviously a Cali or NYC transplant freak out about it once and stop recording me and she threatened to call the police. But then a bunch of other people with firearms started to gather around and told her to stop being stupid. She got scared and ran off. With any hope she went back to where she came from. Our are has become flooded with such people since covid. They all moved here because of the cheap land/rent and they've been trying to get a lot of the local laws changed.

Anyway, I try to support local business so I won't use these services. We didn't even have uber and whatever the fast food delivery services were until a year or two ago. We tried one of the fast food ones but it ended up costing $10+ more than usual and the food was cold by the time it got here. I saw a lot of people doing it for side money at first but it finally calmed down. People don't like random people touching their food and we don't have lazy people here to support that kind of business plan.

My ultimate goal is no longer having to use the grocery store at all. At least not weekly. I'm working on getting chickens and eventually other livestock. I already have some cows. I want to add pigs and goats into the mix along with the chickens. I want toPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I rambled in my last reply as I usually do. I just wanted to add; The absolute worst thing about covid was all the 24/7 businesses closing and those hours never returning. I used to get all my grocery shopping done between the hours of 1-4am. It was really comfy and usually I was the only person in the store. There was always at least one checkout lane open with an actual person manning it.

Since the panic no place stays open past about 9pm here excluding the one 24/7 gas station. So now I'm forced to shop with all the other people and I hate it. The local grocery store isn't that bad. But if I go into any of the big chain grocery stores it's awful. The worst humanity has to offer on full display. People are rude and always on edge. They don't discipline their children and let them run all over the place. I've even had some steal things right out of my shopping cart just because they were too lazy to walk a few ales over and get it themselves.

Now I only go to the local place where none of the new transplants set foot in. They think it's a "racist store" because of the name or something. I don't know why they refuse to enter it since it's named after the guy's family that owns it. But whatever the reason I'm thankful. These people are insane. They assume all the locals are dumb and they keep trying to "educate" us on social issues. We never had a problem with "racism" until they started moving here in droves. City won't do anything about them because they're made so much money off taxing the new residents since covid. We've had a lot of outsider investors coming in to convert old factories and buildings into apartments for these people. They even let them have a bar right on main street after denying the locals that for years. We'll probably be bred out in a generation or two.


I get free bags at self-checkout


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The past few months I've tried ordering protein bars in bulk off Amazon, but I don't think this is the way to be doing things. I think this stuff is cheaper to buy at Costco, but Costco has a limited selection in the store naturally. I think you can order stuff online from them, but I've heard it's not as cheap.

Do people ever make their own protein bars? I wonder how that would work, just buying a bunch of oats and peanut butter and stuff. but I don't think it would last for weeks at a time without vacuum sealing or something...


>Do people ever make their own protein bars?
you can make a big sheet of it then cut it up into lines but it's definitely not going to last you weeks and i'm not sure how practical it is for someone who's looking to buy in bulk in the first place

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 No.131758[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Other thread hit bump limit.
101 posts and 35 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


you did it! you won jongsoul


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yakuman get


holy... did you win?


yeah, the next turn was east 4 and i was the dealer so i just folded early and won. (it was an east game) the animation is really cool, first time seeing it.


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what a kokushi haipai looks like btw

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 No.127496[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you watched anything neat on youtube or similar sites lately? Don't just link it, mention why you like it!
This is a re-enactment of the American Psycho dubs man scene with Weird Al and Huey Lewis. There's some very nice attention to detail and the humor is great. Somehow it's 7 years old and I never saw it.
805 posts and 48 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




one of the best parts of being in the 2020 era is that people are being much less retarded about farming. It's no longer about dumping chemicals into fields, but trying to maximize land efficiency.

Well, probably not so much on the mega-crops. But it's good to see a more scientific approach to embracing nature rather than an emotional one or a chauvinistic one.



I've watched almost all of these videos now, and they're really nice to watch while in bed and drifting off to sleep. He releases a new video every week and he seems to be picking up more patreon supporters, so hopefully he keeps doing it for a long time. There's just something very soothing about a guy playing a game thoroughly and narrating it and making occasional dry jokes. I'm not going to watch it 'actively', but yeah, amazing bedtime material.


Actually, nevermind, it's not every week. Still good, though.

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 No.105227[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Do you have any experience gardening?
I decided that I'm going to attempt gardening this year. My dad grew up on a farm and we had crops in the backyard when I was a kid. I still have the old tilling machine that's in good shape and some other rusty tools, but I don't have a hammer to mine silver from nearby rocks so I won't be able to upgrade the stuff.
I think it's too late for my geographic location to start growing early Spring stuff from seeds, so I need to buy some that are already a few weeks old from a local nursery, or maybe online? This stuff sounds kind of fun as long as your expectations are reasonable.
256 posts and 153 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Speaking of spiders, this one has been hanging out for about a week. Pretty big. It seems to be holding and eating something it caught and tied up. Camera focus seems to struggle a bit on this.
Using a spoiler since some people may not want to see a big spider while casually scrolling kissu.


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Carrot. I drew the thing on the right to demonstrate how impressive carrots are. I had no idea they got so big when they made it to the flowering stage.

Carrots are really great in a garden. The leaves are pretty and carrots are very good at leaf coverage which means the soil doesn't dry out as fast. It's a solid line of wispy green leaves that easily sway in the breeze. Normally when you're growing carrots for food you pick them a month before now, but I've kept them in the ground so I could just pull them up when needed. I'm not sure if there's any repercussions for that in regards to flavor or texture, but I don't think there is. It might just be that if you want to be efficient then you need to pull them out and replace them with new crops.


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Lastly, here is a close up of a carrot flower that I'm pretty sure is in the process of turning into seeds. I assume each of round things turns into a seed, so that would mean I'll have thousands of carrot seeds soon. And carrots thrive during cooler weather so the plan is to put them back in the ground soon, probably in a different row.
I noticed a bug in the middle so I took a picture. It seems like a great spot to sit back and relax as a bug, but now that I can zoom in I think it might be dead. Well, it seems like a good place to die, too.
That's it for now! Gardening is pretty fun when it's not a billion degrees outside.


do the wabbits love them?


The problem with rabbits is that they greatly prefer sprouts. So one rabbit could just go down the row and take bites out of them and kill 20 plants for one meal. Once plants are established they're not as damaging. I've seen a couple rabbits around, but not as much as last year. I don't think the garden has much they like this time.

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 No.89870[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Whenever you see this thread go and get some exercise! You can't just laze around all day as a NEET!
260 posts and 97 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


whats your least favorite stroke?


Oh yeah, I don't know when but eventually I stopped doing pushups because my arms were becoming noodles and it was getting harder to use my controller. Had to have passed 300 pushups total though...


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worked out today
aiming for this physique


Was going to do my normal workout but for some reason my kneecap feels off today and walking on it sorta hurt and felt a bit pressured. Not sure why but I think it's a good sign to give it a rest day.


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haven't exercised in a week because of stupid NEET sleep cycle

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How does one maintain a youthful appearance past their actual youth? I think I look alright for my age, but I worry about years from now, especially since my diet and lifestyle aren't exactly the best.
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I think most of the stuff has already been said so I can't offer much. I guess you should avoid drying out your skin, which means you should avoid taking showers too often. Those people that shower every day (or even twice!) are stripping away all the oil and beneficial bacteria that keeps the skin protected. Obviously it can't be avoided if you have a physical job and you get sweaty/dirty, though. I guess you would need a good moisturizing cream setup in that situation.


Oh yeah, speaking of washing. People say you should avoid "sodium lauryl sulfate" in soap and shampoo as it's very effective at removing oils. That can be a good thing when it comes to cleaning contaminates, but it can also be a bad thing since it's so good at removing the body's protective oils. When you get stuff without it, though, it's far less effective at producing a lather so it's more annoying to use.


no drinking no drugs no sex no ween
avoid direct sunlight
minimize stress
develop your inner bodies and energy centers
allegedly no food is the secret to immortality but i don't know the exact mechanics. i think it's because you need to develop yourself to the point you no longer depend on food for prana and you can supply your own. not sure


Facial hear has an impact, often when I find out how old a Youtuber is it surprises me because they are actually younger than I think they are, often they are even younger than me. Atlas Pro is an example of this(I forget how old he is but I know it was younger than I am).


I meant Facial hair not Facial hear.

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