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File:80638852_p0.png (502.37 KB,800x1357)


Incest. Do you think it's okay?
29 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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The "coze" zone.


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Kirino is the greatest ever and a goddess, so there's really no question as to whether what she believes in is true or not. It's simply fact. Incest is wincest!


But anon, we're not her brothers. Cute girls deserve to be shared, not hogged by their family!
Nice numbers BTW.


I have not seen it, is it one of those where it is revealed that she was a step sister all along?

If that's the case then no, it's not okay.


No, Oreimo is one of the rare blood-related incest series.


PetraGODs won, Petra is sharty culture, CHRIST IS KING!

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be
thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
5 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:[Coalgirls]_To_Aru_Majutsu….jpg (123.22 KB,1920x1080)

Well that's all you had to say, where's the nearest Cathedral, I'm converting now.


You have to beat Jesus in a danmaku duel before you're allowed to join.


File:1603410866772.jpg (112.82 KB,600x600)

based christian
this should have been the get


sharty can't stop losing


File:Hibiki_Card.webp (44.27 KB,327x450)

Did something happen..?
Island of Montreal had no power for the past three and a half hours

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What a funny article.

The entire thing is posed as a "well did it really?" type of article in which the original claim is debunked while at the same time the figures they present show the claim to be true but "only 82 million" instead of 100 million. And then it goes on to say how it's crazy how the manga industry in japan is doing so much better than comics and doesn't even present manga as a whole sales as a comparison point. The fact that the entire comic book industry in the west is outsold by a single series is such an embarrassment for American comic writers that i have no idea why ANN tries to defend them.

On the topic of comic books though, why has America failed so spectacularly at recapturing the audience it had in comparison to manga which has only kept forward momentum? With how big Marvel/Superhero movies were you would have thought that the comics industry itself would be booming as well, but that's simply not the case.
22 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


So by your logic all Americans will just give up on drawing pictures in an ordered series, decide the format should be exclusively produced by the Japanese, and never again attempt to express themselves in such a way?


No. American comics would still exist, obviously. But it'd be in the capacity that, say, German movies do. You're not going to get that worldwide market back because it's already saturated by the better established and more competitive manga industry.


What I wanna know is why anyone would buy a traditional comic book period anymore when we have webcomics.


The feeling of turning the page and the ability to read wherever will always trump the web-based experience.


Because they're very collectible.

File:u149 cuddling guide.png (475.3 KB,1641x1420)


What is your preferred cuddling method?
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File:kong.png (71.44 KB,1000x1000)


Sachiko is looking a bit more pink than usual.


Me on bottom right


me on the bottom left

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Each thing personally affects reality.Example-eating salt and then being assalted.Find which thing and pick the categories,words,letters and symbols and get the answer to any question or not pick the words and the words that are remaining or farthest away are the answer.Find which thing and do magic.Thinking thoughts or snapping your fingers and a book with the information appears or the thing you were thinking of appears.The elements.Vitamins,metals and minerals.Eating or drinking the same food again and again or a combination of things or not eating or drinking much.Write a paragraph of information about subjects.Get the answer by connecting the words and other things,specifying,adding words to the words,correcting the errors,synonyms.


>Write a paragraph of information about subjects.Get the answer by connecting the words and other things,specifying,adding words to the words,correcting the errors,synonyms.
Yep, that's /qa/ for you.


File:__ushiromiya_maria_umineko….png (25.45 KB,301x300)

Magic? /qa/ is using magic! Uu uu uu!


Uhhhhh... yeah... magic.

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