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does kissu watch tokusatsu? what shows have you seen? how would you rank them?
11 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Seen all of the Neo-Heisei Riders except Wizard, Ghost, and Zi-O. Also started Kuuga, which I find pretty good, but put it on hold due to time constraints. I'd say W and Build are a step above the rest. The others are all fairly decent as well but it mostly depends on which kind of show you're willing to tolerate. For example, I enjoyed Fourze a fair bit but I could easily see someone finding the more silly high schooler tone to be unbearable.


It really is a masterpiece, isn't it? I know kaiju are probably easier to market to children, but I do wonder how Ultraman would have turned out if they had stuck with Seven's alien invasion plotlines over kaiju. Return of Ultraman had some fantastic episodes, but overall it felt like a noticeable downgrade.

W was my first Kamen Rider, I enjoyed it a lot as well and it seems like a good show for someone curious about toku but unsure where to start, the detective show format makes it pretty approachable. Thinking in terms of another big /m/ franchise, I get feeling it's sort of the SEED of Kamen Rider, so to speak.


Ghost being recommended to noobs is pretty good


Never watched Gundam but from my limited understanding of SEED that sounds fair. Den-O might also be a good fit for that. I've never seen it but from what I've heard it's decently approachable and is the most popular series. Not that W is far behind when it comes to popularity.


Highly popular entry that had crossover success and was many people's introduction to the franchise, but not necessarily considered among the best by longtime fans. Also, pretty boys and bromance, because you can't forget to appease the fujo overlords.

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When was the last time you made the mistake of pre-ordering a game? For me it was Rome 2 back in 2013. I got burned hard when they released that unfinished mess of a video game.
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Mass Effect 3
Part of it is that I'm still mad, part of it is realizing that even the most sure-fire games can no longer be counted on, and part of it is that it serves no purpose in a digital distribution landscape. Nowadays it's just a way of telling publishers to keep pouring money into deceptive ad campaigns instead making good games because that's what your monkey brain makes purchasing decisions based on.


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Fallout 4. The Pipboy thing sucks. It's worthy of being like $35 in the kids toy aisle. Not to mention the game. It wasn't particularly stunning either.


Yeah I think Fallout 4 was the last straw for me. Like >>112838 it was what made me realize I can't even trust the devs I like.


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I didn't pre-order Fallout 4 but I purchased it on day one without first waiting for reviews which is really just as bad.

>realizing that even the most sure-fire games can no longer be counted on
Exactly my experience with Rome 2. They delivered when I pre-ordered both Shogun 2 and its amazing standalone expansion, so Rome 2 felt especially disappointing to me. I remember being so excited for it and playing a ton of Europa Barbarorum while waiting for the modern sequel to the much loved Rome 1.


I have never pre-ordered a game, however I was able to get Windwaker and Ocarina of Time together after release. I remember it being for pre-order only, maybe the clerk didn't know or he was being kind to me.

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How I entertained myself in a psych ward:
- You can floss with utensil wrappers, although it's harder to wiggle the wrapper between certain teeth.
- Progressive calisthenics and isometrics are a subtitute for free weights. Jumping jacks and jogging in place for cardio.
- Golden venture and modular origami are like makeshift Legos.
- Repeatedly sketching your hands and feet in different positions.
- Reading. I had someone on the outside donate about 50 books from a thrift store - a lot more than the 10 they used to have. Just make sure they're paperback.
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Yeah, that sounds terrible. Did they at least get your room in order? There wasn't much to deal with back when I got surgery, but that was a regular recovery room.


Why would they accommodate it? Their goal is to get you out, not to get you comfortable. The outside world is contaminated.


I've had surgery before as well, I don't have a problem with the regular recovery room. The problem was the kind of people in this ward and also that it was not a sterile hospital environment, it was a normal room so it had carpet, a wooden framed bed, wooden furniture etc. I had to get a bunch of bed sheets and cover the entire floor with them as well as all of the wooden parts of the bed.

That's not what their reasoning actually was. They had nobody in the building who had any experience with OCD as that must not be what most people are there for. I came out of there in a much worse mental(and physical) state than I went in.

It's hard to explain these things and nobody in mental health seems to really understand.
I've studied a lot of this stuff in my own time myself so I have a pretty good idea of it and I also know what I need to do and much of that is moving to an environment that I can be at ease at.

You say the world is contaminated and it's true but OCD and mental issues in general tend to compound on themselves. So the more I control my environment and the more at ease in my enviroment I am, the less my OCD will bother me when I do go outside.


The outside world is never going to stop being contaminated, yes, but exposing yourself to contamination all willy nilly won't fix it. As someone with ADHD I can empathize in that if things aren't placed in a predictable way, I'll commonly fall into a series of tangents of getting distracted over how to find it, how to fix its placement, and then how to better organize everything else while forgetting what the point was, so I need to keep a stable configuration to stop this from happening. It's nowhere near OCD, mine is a utilitarian organization, but a leak can still mean hours of fucking around with no real result other than patching it up. Some have taken me months to solve.
It's why living alone helped me greatly, now all is under control. It'll never go away and there is no other way to handle it, the usual advice you get is like looking at someone with depression and telling them to cheer up. Wouldn't be a disorder if it worked like that.
>it was not a sterile hospital environment
Ah, damn. Bed sheets are inventive, I'm glad at least that managed to help.


It's unfortunate you weren't able to get effective treatment, but I guess I'm just wondering what the right balance is between improving your health and making things so ideal that you aren't motivated to leave. Do you think they should have ripped out the carpet and replaced the furniture for you? Or was handing you a ton of bedsheets and letting you go crazy sufficient for that particular issue?

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[s heading|font-size:20px]THE IRON..NY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![\s]
[s heading|font-size:20px]IT'S KILL...ING .....
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very mysterious.. you type a wbr tag and it fails BUT it shows up saying br instead of wbr in the opening one



please don't discuss the wbr bug


weird brazillians


Wife, blood related


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[wbr]we buy roris[/wbr]

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I wish we just abandoned time zones and communicated in unix timestamps


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The seasonal stream is starting at 1692482400!


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100 million seconds (about 3 years, 2 months, and 1 day) seems to be about the length of a cultural era on the Internet.


Or in simpler units we could call it 52 A.D.U


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I think one of the coolest things with unix timestamp filenames is that you're preserving some knowledge just with the filename. Like this Sanae image here. I can't remember when touhou flipside's "fat Sanae" thing took off personally, but I know it was a little bit before I saved this image so I can say it's sometime in early-mid 2017.
I don't think history as a whole will need this specific information, but at some point people in the future people might care about dating specific events and could use such filenames. You can piece together a timeline of events.
I'm kind of surprised news organizations don't try to track stuff down with it, but I guess ignorance of such things is to be expected.

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Is there an alternative to YouTube yet?
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>Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service
Well I didn't agree to abide by those terms in the first place, so that's got nothing to do with me. Ads BLOCKED~!


Dont ERP with youtube


TikTok, if you count that.

There will never and can never be a Youtube alternative that offers a similar service to Youtube and succeeds, because Youtube's biggest strength is the enormous existing userbase.


>>112622 cont.
That's not to say I can see Youtube existing forever, but whatever replaces it will have to be a much bigger leap forward that "Youtube with blackjack and hookers".


no and there never will be. any potential competitors immediately get snuffed out.

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 No.103358[Reply][Last50 Posts]

it's come and it won't leave
1670 posts and 256 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


got my ingrowns on my second foot perma-fixed today and it just is constant throbbing pain
was alleviating the thoughts with heavy argumentation with vermin but now it's back and i'm dying here
i need the acid to leak out or something it feels awful


sat down naked and noticed for the first time that i have saddlebags


I can't evade by unplugging my router anymore. it used to be so easy.
based slowpoke poster


slept like shit. feel pretty bad.


cut some jalapeños for my chili last night and made the mistake of washing my eye afterwards. the essence went to the water and my eyes were on fire.

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Can you describe a circle without referencing its circumference?
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It's that big round thing up there.


I know it when I see it.


it's a shape that's pudgy and plump


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Day two of C101 is coming up. Is there anything that strike your fancy?
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not Cket but I ordered Kessoku Band's album.


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It's been so long since then it's 102 now, and it's been confirmed that we're going to Orinrin land.


C101 felt like a big disappointment for my tags, so I wont get my hopes up.
I always feel pangs of guilt about not being able to buy anymore, too


Also the trend of the way NTR is written now... is getting old.
Same thing every time


Hmm, isn't that the tanuki girl in the middle? It's weird to see her in an active role, although I never really played the fighting games so maybe this doesn't mean anything.

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 No.111830[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Recently, it seems that the slow death of web2.0 is being accelerated rapidly. Here I define "web2.0" as openly accessible websites with primarily user-generated and linkable contents.

Other than the well-known examples of mainstream social media and niche communities moving to post-web platforms (where contents aren't openly accessible or linkable, like discord), what's more concerning is that for the remaining holdouts of niche platforms that keep the web2.0 format, more and more of them have switched to invite-only, or have disabled new user registrations altogether. The rationale of these decisions often being that they already have an established userbase and new users often bring more troubles than they worth.

This leaves imageboards and textboards as the only types of web2.0 sites that haven't gone through a significant format or accessibility change. That's a lot less than even the amount of web1.0 (websites with contents primarily provided by their site administrators) sites in existence today.

What do you think would be the implication of this on the future of the imagebaord format? Will it survive, or will it die eventually like all other forms of web2.0 sites did?
97 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


'ossip and 'archiving


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Surely there is something more interesting to talk about than illegal content and gossipers.

Sometimes I wonder if it's the software holding imageboards back. The way stuff works now is aimed at preventing people from searching or thinking about things actively. Instead, the content is brought to them. A text/imageboard equivalent would be something like a random/related thread opening in your browser after you scroll to the bottom of a thread. You don't think of entering it, it's automatically displayed on your screen or at best there's a button in the middle that says "LOOK AT THIS". A system designed to keep you engaged for as long as possible.
It sounds really terrible, but that's what you have to compete against.


That's one way to put it...


Randomly selected infinite scroll?


most content is objectively bad though.

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Is "cringemobile" a good translation of itasha?

I feel that itasha is one of those things that are so unique to Japan that it's better to leave the word untranslated.
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Hate tubers


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You guys want some sour-y? Or as they call it today, longevitydirector.
Itasha is a loanword, not a calque.


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Bit shusshy there.

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You know, I've often wondered about the (western) anime vs manga debate, do non-originals stand on their own and are separate works or at least different interpretations?

Are they just commercials?

Does this debate mostly exist in the west because of how hard tls of manga can be to come by, especially of unpopular series or very new series?

Is there even a debate in Japan? I know mangaonlys tend to be riaju and anime is the realm of otaku but is there any division there like there is in the west?
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What you are doing is dividing franchise into individual portions of revenue and I can see that the way you see it is that as Manga is the largest individual portion(though that itself is arguable) that this means Manga is the most important part of the model and everything else is subject to it, everything is a commercial for it(though even if that were true I don't think x making less than y makes x a commercial for y, I would say that the LOTR film franchise and extended media have made more than the books did but that does not make the books commercials for the films).

But what this does is miss the way the franchise as a whole works and the way all of those topics interact with each other. So yes, merchandise, Pachinko and Live Services are not actually anime itself, however, they are still part of the anime ecosystem with people buying merchandise because of the anime and so it being a profit made by the anime existing even if it's not a purchase of the anime itself. It's about how something makes money.
And this effects manga too, manga itself will drive merchandise sales, manga itself could be seen in a way as a commercial for merchandise.
It would be very difficult to see what drives merchandise sales more however and one would also have to look at where the three pieces sit in the corporate structure and see who is making the merchandise, for what purpose, where the profits go and why. But what is telling is that it's listed in the market report under anime, not manga.

And it is quite important to remember what my source actually is, because it is a market report, it is something made with the intention of providing information to investors on potential investments for the future.

That relates to your point about the Japanese market being the focal point of the industry as well. Yes, it is, and yes over the years the overseas portion has been increasing in proportion of revenue. But as your source shows it always made up a large portion of the income.
The overseas growth of the industry shows what the industry is doing and putting effort towards and that can be seen in the movements Japanese companies put into selling to the overseas market now. Crunchyrole was made by a Japanese company with the intention of increasing western sales for example.
So yes, it revolves around Japan but no, it's not indPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


The idea of anime "advertising" manga is fundamentally backwards.

It's more correct to look at the manga (and LN) markets as pilots for the anime and goods industry.

Manga and LNs take relatively little investment, usually the work of a small team or even a solo author. Whereas anime production requires hundreds of people. Some goods like high quality figures also require a substantial initial investment in the sculpting, building molds, painting, etc.

If a manga or LN is popular, it will get picked up for further monetization through anime and goods. A popular manga or LN guarantees a pre-existing fanbase, so there is less risk in the investment.

So basically mangas and LNs are used to "pitch" the idea of the story to the public, and if it's successful, it'll get picked up for an anime.


>and so it being a profit made by the anime existing even if it's not a purchase of the anime itself. It's about how something makes money.
Yeah, anime existing makes money, which mostly comes from merchandise and manga sales. That means anime indeed mainly serve as advertisements.

>manga itself could be seen in a way as a commercial for merchandise.
This is partly true. However, manga is a terrible form of advertisement, due to much less exposure compared to anime. Social media and fanart activity, which is an indicator of the exposure of a franchise, heavily correlates with anime airing activities, even if the corresponding manga is already well-received. This is why making anime, while costly, gains a lot more exposure for the franchise that it increases the revenue of it as a whole. This point also addresses >>112107.

>But as your source shows it always made up a large portion of the income.
Not always, only recently. In 2013, overseas revenues make less than 20% of the total revenue. It's important to know that the anime industry business model had already been developed and established long before that.
I have also explained that they have adjusted the business model of overseas markets, due to high demand of anime and low demand of merchandises.

>It's more correct to look at the manga (and LN) markets as pilots for the anime and goods industry.
Incorrect, the sale numbers of them indicates the profitability of the franchise as a whole. If the manga/LN is good and get decent sale numbers, they will make anime to advertise them to a broader audience, to achieve even larger sale numbers. If the source material is bad in the first place, the IP holder won't be able to recoup the cost of making anime afterwards, and it won't be adapted.


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bro I think we agree on this, you just said the exact same thing but in different words


It does not mean that anime serves as advertisement any more than it means Dune the books was an advertisement for Dune the movies.
It's just another way it makes money.

So what that says is that anime is very popular and gets lots of exposure, so it stands on it's own as a form of entertainment and not as an advertisement for something else.

20% is a lot.
The US market example posted before shows that there is a considerable demand for Merchandise overseas a s well, probably not as large as it is in Japan but still considerable.
Because of course merchandise does not just mean anime figs and dakis, Pokemon toys and Naruto shirts are also merchandise.

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does anyone else feel really scared to share fucked up things about themselves on imageboards even when its completely anonymous?
i should be able to overshare all i want on these places but i cant idrk why
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Returning to OP's topic, I never know how to properly start a thread. I don't know what the norm is, but I feel my comment-to-thread posting ratio must be through the roof.


Just because the blog thread eats many good thread ideas doesn't mean that the majority of posts in it aren't complete wastes of space. There's a line between "something happened that made me think about x" and "today I saw a bird."


Usually if I make a thread I don't post in it again because I never feel like I know what to add without feeling like I'm just trying to bump it.


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I only know how to make jaypee-esque threads.


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Blogposting and even general random thoughts are all fine with me. In fact I'd even encourage more people to put those random thoughts into /jp/ threads than into those big overused bloat threads. The argument I see that the former will fall off makes no sense to me since most of the time people never really check the older posts in the huge threads anyways. It's much easier to spark up a conversation about something with a thread than it is inside of a mega one, with the threat of it falling off unnoticed being something that should only be a small fear. Bloggers should be welcomed to make their observations on life until they start to talk about relationship stuff and then I kill the norms die die die die die die die die die

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So /qa/, which is it? Do you stay true to your Japanese spirit or are the enticements from the west just too alluring?
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i always thought "jrpg" meant "rpg from japan" and that "wrpg" meant "game from america". people trying to make it into a discussion about story/aesthetics/themes/gameplay distinctions always struck me as odd. we classify music, movies, animation, and books based on where they were made, so why is it suddenly weird to do that with games?

anyway, i like jrpgs more. admittedly, i've never really spent much time playing a wrpg, but also because jrpgs tend to appeal to me more.


>so why is it suddenly weird to do that with games?
that's what was discussed above...


I don't play WRPGs too often, but I'll play female if I can play third person and use lots of different sexy armor, I guess. If there's romance stuff then I'll usually play a guy, especially if it's first-person and/or you make a lot of decision to make him "you". This is also a bigger deal in Japanese games when romance is locked to opposite gender, so you can't be a cute girl in Harvest Moon games and marry a cute girl. I guess that's not really an RPG, though.


I get more invested into JRPGs and explore more, read all the lore I can, unlock all the content I can etc. But with western games I don't really do that as it's not as interesting.


It is in a way but it's hard to get people to understand what genre you mean without it, but also "RPG from japan" can mean a lot of games. "jrpg" has stereotypes associated with it (most of which have faded since the 2000s), but I guess the association still remains? See Yahtzee. I'm kind of surprised he's never faced accusation of xenophobia or outright racism for the way he feels about Japanese games as whole.
They should complain about this more.

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 No.67182[Reply][Last50 Posts]

/qa/! It's time to show off your MS paint skills! Try drawing a character and seeing if others can guess at who it is. Starting off with an iconic one so that the first picture isn't impossible...
164 posts and 85 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I like this one.


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making some tsew

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