We really need an actual way to do it on kissu proper
but if you want to prompt with the merges I've made from what I've learned over the past year you can hop in [
and type commands in your post and it will generate a reply with a puu.sh link! (also my poorly documented blog for this is at
>>>/megu/183 )
Start your post with: .sd or .sdK or .sdP if you want to mess around with 3 different checkpoint models that are loaded. There are actually still 2 more loaded, .sdC and .sd2 but I want to replace those eventually.
The more tags you add the less likely the "minor" ones will have an effect. I.E you can expect blonde hair to almost always work, but maybe something like 'earrings' would get ignored. AI stuff still has errors of course, but if you're like me you can ignore things like multiple vanishing points or an extra finger when you're focused elsewhere on the image. Ideally I'd like people to have a UI to do inpainting and stuff, but...
Anyway, make use of the danbooru and e621 wikis to get an idea of how you should tag things. They both allow you to click a tag on an image page to be taken to the wiki page which will include links to related concepts, like 'poses':
https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_group%3Aposture https://e621.net/wiki_pages/4612.
I've yet to do extensive testing on my newest .sd model to see which prompts it prefers.
You can also find images you like to get examples. When prompting, make sure to focus on the most specific tag and avoid redundancy. I.E a girl with a bow in her hair will often have the "bow" and "hair bow" tags, but you should only put "hair bow" if that's what you want.
.sd - My latest (and perhaps last
major upgrade) merge. Not very good at character tags but it's far better at sexual stuff/genitals. My goal with these merges was fap material and it will generate great penises, even from behind. You should use booru and/or e621 tags for it. The more you use booru tags the more booru-like it will appear (less of a nose and such). I make n
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