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What's the highest frequency /qa/ can hear?

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I can only hear up to ~14.5kHz ;_;


That's because the parenthesis stuck to the link. Try this:
>cunny cunny
Cunny cunny.


10500 kinda wish it stayed broken


>With headphones and max volume I can still tell a slight difference at 20k
I may be wrong but I think this can damage your hearing.


Somewhere in the 17k range is where I last notably perceive it.
In the 18 range I only notice it once I slide past it, hence I can only notice the absence of it.

Not bad for a guy who had a mounted trailer tire explode near him I guess.

 No.100471[Reply][Last50 Posts]

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The courage to post Western music.


Lunch theme.


My older brother liked to play this NBA game on Genesis and although I didn't like the game, I remember liking the title theme.
Ah, the legendary Master System/Genesis sound chip



party niiiiight
mochimochi zunda nodadadada

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What is kissu's opinion on Genshin Impact? Don't think I've ever seen it mentioned here before.
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I think Genshin is still absurdly popular, but when it comes to pixiv trends it's possible that Blue Archive has become the new hot commodity. I really have no idea how you'd figure that out apart from a hunch, though.
I think the Genshin company has new game(s), too, so it will be competing with itself? I don't know the math behind that, since gacha monetization is different from other games.


You could probably check based on the amount of art uploaded to a booru within the last month and see whichever has more art made of it.


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I really like it, interesting story and characters, easy to finish story for free, also easy to get characters you want for free if you don't fall for the weapon/constellation traps, never felt forced to spend anything as opposed to other gatchas

cute and great thighs


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The girls are cute. i like collecting art of them. If it ever comes out on Switch I might try the game.


I used to play it alot, but then i got bored of it, i would say its a alright game, the best part of the game is the cute lolis.

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Always found it funny how "Chris" is used as a girl's name in Japan. Is there a deeper meaning behind this, or does クリス just sound girly to them?
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Whether you think "Chris" is masculine or feminine will depend entirely on whether you know more Christophers or Christinas.


One of my aunts goes by Chris, I see it used all the time for both women and men. It's one of those names like Alex or Sam where you have no idea what the gender of the person is.


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I didn't know that Kurisu was a native Japanese name, guess that explains why you sometimes see girl characters named Chris.
Feels a little weird, though, since Chris is only used for males here.


>beyond a few morphemes like 美 vs 郎.
That's mostly it, there are many common ones like 子, 男/雄, 司 etc. Actually, your Clannad example is one such case (哉/也, 世/代). There are also grammatical patterns, like when verbs are used as names, the plain form tends to be male and the 連用形 tends to be female, as in Nozomu/Nozomi. It's not that clear cut and there are plenty of exceptions, like Hikari being almost exclusively female but Hikaru being gender neutral, and there are also tons of gender neutral names in general like Sora, Asahi and so on, but most names can be guessed accurately.


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With such a high output of pornographic content in Japan(and cultural neighbors) and the US(Cartoon or 3DPD), why do people settle for anything less than exactly what you want? If you just look a bit harder you can find basically anything. With a bit of messaging you can find someone who will erp or you can find an artist putting out something interesting.
Yet we settle with these AI generations which put together lower quality outputs with minimal effort? Is it novelty, an outlet for creativity when you don't want effort or something else?
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And yet the monkeys with typewriters are able to write out something nice consistently (when they're not constrained by their handlers). The whole point of the analogy is that if you try again and again, they'll eventually get it right, but that's not what's happening. AI is proving itself a grand tool for narrative construction and allowing you to build out a story with an (albeit fake) partner.


The point of infinite monkeys is that they type stuff out with pure randomness. AI is a black box but it's still based on patterns and frequency, which makes for a drastically different situation.
Yes, it is a bastardized amalgamation without a grasp of real grammar just like it fundamentally lacks a grasp of anatomy, but it's not right to call it random.


I mainly use NAI to help me because I cannot write dialogue to save my life


The point is that there is no intent. A monkey's brain is a black box, but it's still based on patterns that are making it press those specific keys in that specific order. The only difference is that the units of construction are larger and more dynamic, so there aren't so many technically incomprehensible results. Monkeys with flowcharts.


often find myself hooting and hollering like a wild monkey whilst aggressively tugging my ween to AI generated shabs

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I'm reading Tiger Mother. That got me thinking about what my parenting style would be like. I'd pay for piano lessons and swimming lessons. I'd have some Draw 50 books on hand and some video tutorials on how to tap dance. Have the kid work through Summer Bridge workbooks. Buy a ton of novels from the thrift shop. What would you do with your (hypothetical) child?
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I think most of that is fine apart form the avoiding history part. History is far from non-aesthetical and it's also probably the most important subject to study if you aim to do anything creative or imaginative.


By history I mean the school subject mainly, but I would go further and say learning the history of the social environment can be counterproductive; I would rather not know or teach how much industrial pollution has been in the local air(which made the people more stupid) or how much hunger and pain forgotten people endured for insensitive ideas. However, there is no requirement for topics like the failed exploration of the arctic Northwest Passage or the impact of Chopin's death on his colleagues in the general school curriculum yet it's the small pieces which make up an unfathomable yet circumstantially enjoyable puzzle.


That kind of thing is important as it shows the views and mentality of other cultures and it provides context to those views.


But I haven't even had my first period!


I would gaslight them and mix truths with falsehoods in a 3:2 ratio


Is /qa/ looking forwards to what'll most likely be Miyazaki's swan song?
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Saw it, was pretty good but much more... abstract, for lack of a better word, than I expected. Lots of people complaining that the movie is too confusing.


>Saw it
Huh, how? Did it already release in Japan I guess?


Yes, about 2 months ago.


I like herons, so yes. I'm nervous, though. The Wind Rises felt like the perfect film for Miyazaki to end his career on, so if this is a flop it will be disappointing.


so basically Howl's Castle


Holy hell,
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A lot of viruses are written in VBA which is what the MS Office suite uses for user programming.

So perhaps someone did that and let it print bot statuses to the sheet



Blocked. Hidden. Reported.



As a strong start, future releases of Windows 11 will not only not install the Windows Scripting Host by default, but will deprecate VBScript altogether.
VBA is a whole different issue though.

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Do you ever open the profiles of random youtube commenters and look through their uploads?
Just yesterday I found a 12yr old vid with 1.7k views but 3.9k comments, turns out the OP was using it as a log for his ongoing fanfic. Pretty neat stuff.
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I mean, you say that, but YouTube comments are definitely still a cut above other social media sites. I'd put them just below imageboards and forums and just above Twitter, with a massive gap between it and sites like TikTok, Instagram, and so on.


It really depends on the type of video. Comedy typically just has people restating lines from the video and tuber stuff is really shitposty, but academic subjects and game analyses usually have some insightful commenters who will add context or point out mistakes. Comments and replies will echo the tone and depth of what they're responding to, so YouTube has a massive leg up on sites like Twitter and TikTok that discourage posting anything worthwhile.


I love to bear witness to how others live.
All seem so different to me.


i only view profiles if the pfp and or name caught my eye


>unless they happen to say something that directly references something they've created
I think that's actually the least interesting scenario, you're know what you're getting into and a lot of time the video quality isn't really above average. When you look at regular people you can find a six-min rant on this or that, bugs they recorded in a videogame, some memes, and then the interesting stuff. The 12yr old vid was from one of those accounts whose bajillion comments consistently appear at the top of the section, and I clicked on that video specifically because of the large gap in time and views between it and the gameplay clips that came afterwards. It's always neat to see the phases people have gone through.
Another example is the channel of a QA expert I was linked to so I could take a look at his talks, he also has a recording of him and his wife baking a fruit cake. Pumpkin pie too.

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Is Discord's poor runtime performance an aspect of it being built on top of the Electron Framework or is it down to how they programmed it? Perhaps they put too much logic into the JS instead of having the chromium engine handle CSS and HTML manipulation.


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Oh, that's right. I forgot how poorly discord performs, and this was years ago before they added more and more stuff to it. When I absolutely have to use it to gain access to information or downloads, I use Ripcord. If you try that, though, be aware that it's prone to getting your account flagged with the "give us your phone number or your account is locked forever" message.
I don't know what it's written in, but it's nowhere near the footprint as discord is.


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it's definitely electron, every single electron program i used is slow, look how poorly vscode performs versus other text editors
>Perhaps they put too much logic into the JS instead of having the chromium engine handle CSS and HTML manipulation.
all future websites won't use html and css at all, instead there will be a single canvas displaying the whole contents

>I don't know what it's written in
qt, so likely c++


>all future websites won't use html and css at all, instead there will be a single canvas displaying the whole contents
You don't even know about the problems of SPA and are just generalizing it onto all of javascript


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Some games, particularly 1st/3rd person action games feature an HP system which I call the "Bloodstain" system.
These games don't feature health bars, and only indicate when the HP is low through the bloodstains, red filter, and blur filter on screen. Almost all of them also have HP regeneration which gradually takes the bloodstains away.

I think the "Bloodstain" HP system is stupid. Most of these games have directions that focus on realism, but the "Bloodstain" HP system is anything but. When you're hurt in the body, you don't see bloodstains in your eyes. This is even more ridiculous for 3rd person games, as if there are so much blood they splatter and blur all over the camera. The HP regeneration system essentially always regenerates your HP to 100%, because apparently when the bloodstains go away you're magically healed. A standard health bar allows for more flexible HP regeneration systems, like only allowing regeneration up to a certain amount.

Does this system have any redeeming quality compared to other HP systems?
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This feels like a very 2000s mechanic outside of H


When I saw the title I thought this was going to be about that not-Castlevania game.


The fundamental benefit of regenerating health systems is that the developer will always know how much health the player has and can thus plan every encounter around a known quantity. In this sense, it's a more streamlined version of having a million healing station set along a corridor. It's most popular in modern shooters because encounters, especially in multiplayer, are short and often happen organically, regenerating health ensures a player never enters a face-off where they will die in one hit. This also means that the player never has to disengage and run around looking for medkits if they make a mistake, they just need to prove capable of escaping the immediate danger before they're allowed to jump back into the action.

There's no health bar because health is so low that there's no benefit to tracking it. Health is only given so that players have an indication that they are under attack and have a chance to respond. This is essential to making the game enjoyable because it gives the player a sense of agency and turns deaths from "I just died for no reason, fucking bullshit game" to "if I'd just reacted a bit faster I'd have got the bastard."

The realism of the modern war shooter is purely aesthetic, they're not making game systems worse to match reality. The bloodstains are just a visual alternative to electric squiggles so they can use Halo's shield system in non-sci-fi games.


The issue is not really the bloodstain itself, the original Doom had it and it was fine, the issue is how much it lingers and how it fits into gameplay.
It's that you have to run behind a wall and stand still for ten seconds because a sniper took a peek and hit you once, or three dudes popped out at the same time and shot you without you being able to take them all out. Getting blinded while being on the defensive is bad, but being forced on the defensive in the first place because of dumb stuff like that, which is going to happen again and again regardless of your skill, that's the real problem right there. It's also the least informative system out there: without a health bar you have no idea what your max HP is, how much damage you're receiving, or the speed at which you heal back up. That's all basic stuff.

Lacking information and being forced to run away is fine for something like a horror game, it's to be expected, but in an action game a mechanic that deprives you of the info you need be able to act and forces you to back off with no other choice is just boring. Look at all the praise Ultrakill and Bloodborne get for letting you heal through more action by going on the offensive, there's skill in dealing damage while avoiding getting hit again. Even having to run around in search of a health item is preferrable to me because at least I can choose whether go to advance or retreat. Sometimes you can run past the enemy and snatch an item that's out in the open, then resume the fight from there.

Pure bloodstain is the most boring, samey healing system out there, and it should stay dead alongside every cover shooter that used it. I'm glad most current FPSs (both single- and multi-player) have left it behind.

The penalty of getting hit is the threat of death itself, and how you must play around it. Good players who don't feel the need to recover from chip damage shouldn't have to deal with a constant filter like the bloodstain (or annoying SFX, as it sometimes happens).

They're not insufficient at all, they're there because they work. Playing with your UI off is considered to be a challenge, and being aware of your current resources is always important. A more immersive UI is good, bPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I'm pretty fond of how Halo did it. It's functionally the same system, but it's a recharging shield instead. It's unobstcutive, gives audio ques, and you can have an eye on your level at all times. I think Halo: Reach did it best since it combined both the "bloodstain" system and traditional HP. You can survive quite well with just your shield, but taking HP damage will whittle you down overtime. Unfortunately Halo: ODST has the worst of this since you have the annoying red and grainy filter, loud heartbeat monitor, character groaning, and you have to find medkits to make this go away.
I'm a bit of a grognard when it comes to FPS games and I'm still stuck in the Quake mindset of needing map knowledge to be any good. A good player can try to predict where the enemy is going: "is he going for a health pickup or power weapon?" You could chase him, but if you know where he's going you can take a different route and cut him off and ambush him.

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What skills do you need to have in order to say you're generally good at video games? Like platforming, aim, actions per minute,


Patience is the main one.


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It really depends. Genreally I guess one of the things is good hand-eye coordination and muscle memory? I guess once you play enough of them you're good at picking up patterns in future games, too. I don't really play "competitive" games as I stop having fun once it gets to that level. I'd rather be mediocre at 20 characters than be good at one because it's a lot more interesting.


You get good at a game if you play it a lot and that's basically it.

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Are you still in-touch with your inner-chuuni? Or have you moved far past those days, or maybe even never had them.
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my pc has white stuff everywhere


That's called dust.


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Almost nothing compares to the feeling of excitement I get from an anime that really hits those perfect chuuni fantasy elements.


Please don't sperm on your persocom.


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Anyone without a bit of chuuni in them is probably a boring and/or uninteresting norm.


I feel like this is the new ME ME ME in that everyone missed the point of it because they liked the dance
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The songs about Generation Alpha's internet addiction are going to be hardcore


Up Up Down Down


Asa is like Kagome, in that she has an incredibly basic and generic design but is also super recognizable. I think its the bow on her clothes


I think the first part shouldn't be disregarded. The latter two mins do celebrate the internet, but they don't cancel out the pain she was trying to escape in the first half. The loneliness, need for approval, stress over receiving hate, it's not going to go away even after embracing it, the reasons why she wanted to leave in the first place are still there, they weren't solved.

I believe that rather than being a critique of the internet, it's more like self-deprecation. If you take it at its word, which I agree with doing, it still describes bad stuff. Maybe not overcoming depression, maybe it's being mercurial.



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 No.112850[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Has anyone read academic works on otaku? The ME!ME!ME! poll made me think about how there are actual dedicated academic analyses of the phenomenon, like this book which seems pretty interesting, as opposed to simple media satires. Though I guess this sort of cultural analysis might not be interesting if you're already in the culture it's talking about.
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It depends on how you use them.
It becomes a fallacy when the fact that they are an authority is your argument in and of itself.


they certainly trump paranoia


Unless it is Red China, where the authorities promote paranoia


It's a fallacy when said authority doesn't have relevant expertise in the field you're talking about. Thinking the opinions of authorities with relevant expertise are not worth more than any other opinion just because authorities are fallible is also fallacious thinking.


That's a fallacy too but not the fallacy in question.

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