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One thing I've noticed kissu never does is baneposting
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Nobody sets themselves for it
Love baneposting though, probably the best /tv/ meme.


Images, I honestly don't have any, and that's a big reason why. It's mostly 4u as a reply but in a very general way, like "you're gay" and responding "for you," the classic big guy I only rarely use.


Listen I think baneposting is still a good meme, need to revive it somehow.


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It's dead, Jim. It's like why people don't post shiggy anymore.


I miss those kinds of reaction images instead of the bullshit that we got now.

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The fact that one of the biggest open source social media software companies has the most minimal website speak volumes of the unnecessary bloat of modern web design.


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Pretty much, yeah. Noscript helps a lot with blocking the 30 other websites connected to most sites now and it helps stuff look more manageable, but perfect was reached back in the 00s. Some Japanese websites never 'advanced' and I'm jealous of them.

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Do you remember what was the first VN/eroge you've played? I was trying to find out the names of some of these pixelated PC-98 ones I've played before and one of them was apparently True Love. It seems to have gotten an official TL in 1998 according to vndb. I played it sometime around 2003-2004 I believe. Quite a few ones seem to have gotten official translations back then surprisingly: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JAST_USA There are probably more that I've had the chance of playing before in there as well. Need to check it thoroughly. Yume Miru Kusuri is in there too and it was also important to me in that it was the first 'real' VN I've played/read in its entirety. I remember finding out about it on /v/ around late 2007.
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Moving this to /qa/ by OP's request


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By the way, it was always meant for /qa/. I posted it on /jp/ by accident.


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I can't say for sure. I played a few of them around the same time, but my memory is hazy and they kind of blend together. I did play True Love back then, but it wasn't the first (and that's a dating sim really) but I'm really not sure because it was so long ago and I was so young that I can't remember much. It might have been Nocturnal Illusion, but maybe it wasn't. I remember that it took place in a mansion (I think?) and there was some evil woman with glasses. It's so embedded in my psyche that I hate 2D girls with glasses. Well, I mean I don't HATE them but I can't like them.


saya no uta because a friend thought it would be funny that it was my first one


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>I did play True Love back then, but it wasn't the first (and that's a dating sim really)
It's an eroge though. And the distinction between VN and dating sim is a bit dumb to me anyway. Dating sims are pretty much just VNs with a bit of gameplay, like Rance, Monster Girl Quest and Utawarerumono.

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Did you see EoE in theatres this week /qa/? For the first time it's coming to the big screen in the states.
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>I'm saving it for that reason.


dumb piss-holding fetards


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We need to build the /qa/ mansion in Japan so we can all go out and have movie night for anime movies.


If you can't go two hours without peeing, you need to see a doctor.


It's not the best film scan, EoE needs a remaster now that Anno has the rights clear and free of Gainax's rotting corpse. But I will say the surround sound mix of EoE is actually amazing, which I never realized until seeing it in a theater.
Misato moaning sex like she's right to my left for 2 minutes was the best.
Asuka's mom slowly becoming more and more audible from the back of the theater sounds like a schizophrenic break.

Fuck, it was so good.

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Do you watch anime movies often? It feels like they are something that goes unnoticed in the West for the most part. Miyazaki won an Oscar with his newest movie but I haven't seen people discussing this movie anywhere. The last two big hits (Kimi no Na wa and Koe no Katachi) were almost 8 years ago by now, so what gives? Why couldn't it gain traction from there?
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By the way, the Mahoutsukai no Yoru movie is coming out this year (I think), which could potentially be a big hit. There's also the CSM movie about the Reze arc but that one is likely 2025.



>Miyazaki's newest film was hardly marketed (intentionally) and thus flew under a lot of people's radars, particularly those not in any anime/film-adjacent circles
This. Maybe it will get more traction with mainstream audiences now that it won the best animation oscar.


I think part of the problem may be the same suffered by shows dumped in full on some streaming service, the fact that there's no weekly engagement to keep it on par with all the other stuff coming out during a season.
And uhh no I usually don't watch movies that are coming out and the only ones I ever really hear about are either adaptations, or originals from Shinkai or Ghibli. If there are others coming out, I've zero clue about it.


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There's actually a fair bit of movies that come out a season compared to what gets talked about. But from this season I know that prior to it people here were talking about Dededede so that'll probably attract some attention when the first BD release comes out.

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Thai curry = Indian curry > Japanese curry
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We could use a new type of /poll/, a ranking one, to resolve questions such as this


aggregating the results could work like it does in Australian elections


File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (138.44 KB,1280x720)


it's only got one chilli on the package. you should be alright

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I was listening to the koukaku no pandora opening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWGqagnqHb4 when it dawned on me that the line
"yaiba no kage ni kokoro ga atta yo"
is probably referencing the kanji for shinobu 忍, literally composed of the the characters for a blade "in the shadow" of the character for heart

This is also the heart of the pun in naming Acerola Orion Heart-Under-Blade "shinobu"

unfortunately all english translations of the song had interpreted "atta" as the past tense of "au" rather than "aru", thus shifting the meaning to "hearts meeting"
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Isn't the two's relationship kinda mutually abusive?
Clarion is the stronger one, and she shows it, but she's been ordered by her master to enter this immoral relationship.


i checked the the DameDesuYo subs used by DmonHiro/neoHEVC/Nene and their translation surprised me
>This blade lies between your heart and the world
without any context for the show i have no idea how they came to render it like this, because there's no mention of the world in that verse and in this line the blade isn't the subject, it's the heart. not even referring to the blade itself but the shadow of the blade which isn't mentioned for some reason. however, what matters is that it is using existential aru, it's not talking about a meeting. atta is also written in the lyrics purely with kana (刃の影に 心があったよ) and that's the standard for ある. iunno where OP got the meeting part but i can't see the irony either.


The translation with "meeting" was this:
On a second search, I found another translation, but this one instead renders it as "connecting"

I can sort of understand "blade between heart and the world" as a more natural rendition, as it does get at the same "concealing the heart with a blade" idea


okay that's 合う then, hearts coming together
like take the example of「二つの川がここで合う」, "here two rivers come together/meet." that one does work with rivers being the subject, but you can see the location is marked with で while when this verb uses に it's to mean what kind of thing it's matching and that's not what any of these translations interpret it as
definitely suspicious but i'm hardly capable enough to say for sure


>Beneath the shadow of a blade, our hearts connected!
Okay, that makes sense in the context of the series.

Not even a little. Clarion is a robot who is ordered to be Nene's bodyguard, gets treated like a yuribait best friend, and is tsundere about it. Nene doesn't realize this because she's dumb and just goes around playing with her catmaid friend.

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They're making a new season of the dumbpire and smoking christmas cake anime.
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still insecure about your age?



File:[ASW] Yofukashi no Uta - 0….jpg (193.04 KB,1920x1080)

Ahh, so she is in her late 20's but looks older due to her 'job' being stressful. That's a pretty cool way to showcase it too. I don't remember this from the show though, so it's kind of a spoiler.


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>but looks older due to her 'job' being stressful
Very rude post


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Very nice! One of the modern /qa/ classics if I do say so much. Even if the story becomes dumb if it keeps the fantastic atmosphere it will still be worth a watch. Such a fantastic use of colors and highlights and all that other stylish stuff to make the night look so vibrant.

I wasn't a fan of it panning to other characters like >>121392, but I think that's what people were talking about so... oh well. It will probably still look nice.

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That's fair. And the heteroness of Z and ZZ makes up for it


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The question I have with Bravern after last week's events is now "what are the Deathdrives, exactly?" Because the name seems to me like a clear reference to Freud:
>In classical Freudian psychoanalytic theory, the death drive (German: Todestrieb) is the drive toward death and destruction, often expressed through behaviors such as aggression, repetition compulsion, and self-destructiveness.
It's not exactly the same, but Cupiridas wanted to be given a proper death with a cool explosion, Knuth tells Smith her wish is to "make love" with him while he finds this strange, fulfilled through their deaths, and Superbia begins to meditate about his role on the conflict after seeing his Lulu has changed so much though that may be a different thing. It doesn't seem to me like they simply want to conquer Earth. And seeing as Smithvern managed to travel back in time, maybe the Deathdrives have done the same thing? They appeared from nowhere straight out of a portal.


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>maybe the Deathdrives have done the same thing
I don't think so, Bravern's case seemed to be that of a miracle born of Smith and Kunith combining since Kunith had space-time warping powers. I think they are proper inorganic aliens, but lack the proper zeal required to satisfy their lust for battle.


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Hmmm, I hadn't realized those powers were specific to her alone. I do still find the towers and such to be somewhat suspicious, although allegedly now that she destroyed the spaceship thing, they won't be able to revive anymore so who knows what they'll do with that now. I suppose it remains to be seen.

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How much animes do you watch per weeks/months?
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Ironic, or maybe there's a better word, but I think this will be the worst season yet.

But I think this lineup is a bunch of cashcows




Nooooooooooo Euphonium is boring


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You dropped it just before her arc, dumb clockfag.


What site is this?

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what's the cheapest TV computer you can build?

Can you beat 600$?
> Intel Core i7 up to 3.9GHz 4-Core | 32GB Memory | 2TB Solid State Drive | Genuine Windows 10 Professional 64-bit
>AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT 8G GDDR6 Video Card | 1x HDMI | 2x DisplayPort
> RGB !!!
> relating to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AddtrV6UFFs
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Actually these are refurbished so perhaps this thread starter doesn't make senese


For media consumption I think anything made in the last 10 years will work


Are they fast enough to software decode 8k60fps AV1 videos?


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I remember people talking about this home theater stuff over the years and I remember terms like Plex, but that's about all I can remember. Storage seems like the most important part, since something that is now significant is owning the media you play as companies continue to clamp down on access.
I think prebuilt stuff has the best deals unless it has changed very recently. You generally do have to switch out power supply, though, since those are almost always the most abysmal things imaginable when they're paired with a computer.


>Just buy a Roku
You should try watching the video OP linked...

Also these "TV computers" seem nice and cheap and all, but what's the point if what you plug it into isn't good as well? What TVs are there that don't already connect to the internet right now?

File:[SubsPlease] Oshi no Ko - ….jpg (300.91 KB,1920x1080)

 No.106858[Reply][Last50 Posts]

If you told me that Doga Kobo of all studios would be producing the potential AOTD with an opening movie that asserts itself proudly as most likely the best anime movie to come out this year. I'd probably laugh in your face. All the trash they've been throwing out there. The quality void, I didn't think it was possible.

After watching this I'm convinced and refuse to believe there's any reason for this other than they had the A-team hard at work perfecting this very work. Haven't been this excited about an anime for a long time. Being able to tug at my heartstrings and relate to the protagonist not out of some form of "relatable" character points, but instead from sharing the same burning vengeful passion is what I feel really marks a masterpiece in the making.
121 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Which is funny because the DitF stuff was the final nail in the coffin for me to decide that I'd never look at /a/ again.


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For how much of a bang the anime started off with, Oshi no Ko really dragged its feet following Ai's death. It took the more romcom/idol route instead of focusing more on Aqua's digging into their father, and I think I would've preferred a more Monster-like story set in the showbiz industry as opposed to what we got. It was still pretty good, but now the dust has settled I don't think it lived up to the hype.


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She's the real star of the show which I think I said in this thread last year. Season 2 will hopefully focus even more on her.

An AI image of Ai, huh. Ehhh...
Well anyway, it diverged a lot from the original premise, yeah. That's why I think Kana was able to steal the show so easily. I don't care about either of the twins at all.


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i'm told she has a rather hard life going forward
lots of romantic competition with the other one


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>I don't care about either of the twins at all.

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Did you know that YouTube has a feature where you can search older videos now? If the first thing you put into the search is
then you'll only get search results from before that date. I was using it to find nice blasts from the past earlier and it's also kinda funny how much better the results are when none of the modern algorithm optimized content exists.
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nice+cute feet


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Judging from the filename, it was saved from xitter. Here's a high res ver


Stop posting lewds


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Make me


it's essentially the same feature twitter has though still neat

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When do you sage, and when do you bump while others don't?
93 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


polite sage is a gesture, manners, but not a reason


File:[HorribleSubs] Uma Musume ….jpg (26.64 KB,301x380)

There's no reason to bump a sticky.


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There is, simultaneously, no reason to sage it either. Unless...


Sage does nothing. You don't need a reason to do nothing.


I do what I want

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Why do people like marcille and fern? They're so miserable and are probably drains to be around, fern can even come off like a bully to her friends whereas marcille feels like a girl who nags because she feels left out
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he is a bit of a third wheel


I think thats the point, like >>120852 said, yeah


Why does she keep looking with kimoi eyes


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Can't really disagree. Thought he'd have more of a side roll doing other things while Frieren and Fern were doing their exams but he's just kinda out of the picture entirely for the time being.


He's sleeping in a drinking Juice
What more do you want??

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