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73 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


That's gonna be a lot of dust.


I hope she's strong enough to put the kimo posters in line.


More than dust the main issue will be getting them all to be friends. Someone's gonna have to do the research.


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Seems like there are quite a few posters here who drives so a dedicated itasha parking lot might be a good idea.


I'd want some vespas. Ever since FLCL I wanted to try one of those...

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Does it upset you when characters you like are mistreated in doujinshi? How much do you sympathize with them and how invested do you need to be before it starts bothering you?
41 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Love tardsperming to boobhus
And what do they think of that?


But if you only lewd series you aren't familiar with or don't enjoy, you only add to the mass of surface level horniness. You should strive to put affection and understanding into your lewdposting.


>Does it upset you when characters you like are mistreated in doujinshi?
I don't dislike it. Sometimes I'm in the mood to see a girl be tormented. When you like a girl, you want to see all sides of her, not just when she's happy.


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>you only add to the mass of surface level horniness
True, but the breadth of well-informed stuff vs generic lewd is so wide that I think it's unreasonable to disregard the latter. Affectionate + in-character sex is great. But sometimes a wank is just a wank, and good art of some random girl you stumbled across will suffice.
That's why original characters are best.

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Anything fighting games can go here.
Going to post here whenever I'm up for some games, feel free do to the same if you want.
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Also I forgot to include the audio in the recording feed so that was the biggest issue with clakclakclqk


Just bought Uni2 and GBVSR. Open to playing w/ anyone. I also have MBTL and Melty AACC if anyone wants to play.


Haven't been doing much of anything recently so I kind off fell off as far as fighting games go. The one I'd want to play the most would be soku probably but I have all the ones you mentioned too and wouldn't mind playing any of them.
Organizing it in a thread seems like a pain, you can add me on steam if you want to play. Friend code is 78442473, never used it before but it should work I think.


I can also play Soku though I'm far from what you'd consider good at the game. Though I'm always down to play against people better than me. If anything I'm usually worried if I'm wasting people's time by being worse. Sent an invite btw but it's a tad too late for me rn to play games.


I'm new to soku myself and it's pretty different from other fighting games I played. As far as skill gap goes it's fine for me either way.

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Your board is cordially invited to piss in a SOKUNIGGER TOURNAMENT. Enter to compete for glory for yourself and your board.

TOURNAMENT STARTS AT MARCH 23RD, 8PM UTC https://time.is/ UTC https://prolikewoah.com/t/20240323T20

MAIN THREAD: https://zzzchan.xyz/japan/thread/11497.html
BRACKETS LINK: https://challonge.com/ SOKUAWAKENING
SIGN UP FOR THE TOURNEY HERE: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/KS4EWGAMZL#/signup/r6sdsoi3ztc
STREAM LINK (when the tourney starts): https://cytu.be/r/touhourney

For those that do not want to register manually, post the name that you are signing up with in the main thread. It will be added to the brackets.

Hisoutensoku is an expansion to Touhou 10.5 SWR and is a multiplayer fighting game made by Tasofro with ZUN's approval. It's easy to learn, hard to master battle system makes for fun and fast paced matches with counterhits often launching girls across the screen. Very fast when played right. As a P2P game, game hosts must forward ports in order to play it or use specific workarounds.


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Please enjoy the prestream. Tournament starts in approximately 1 hour. We apologize for the delay - and hope you have fun playing!


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So you have something like a twitch stream feeding into cytube? That's really cool.




Tourney's over and Az (Sakuya) won! Congratulations!

Consider practicing more on our board!


Hooray! But I suck at fighting games!

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Do you think this will have a chilling effect on emulation?

>Nintendo wins $2.4M in Switch emulator lawsuit, Yuzu to shut down

>Makers of Nintendo Switch emulator Yuzu owe Nintendo $2.4 million after reaching a settlement with the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom developer, following a lawsuit over the open-source emulator just last week. Both Nintendo and Tropic Haze, the company behind Yuzu, filed for a final judgment and permanent injunction on Monday, according to court documents, after Nintendo accused the Yuzu makers of copyright infringement, circumvention of Nintendo’s Switch protections, and selling those circumvention technologies as Yuzu, among other things.

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Isn't it more likely to just have future emu devs act more like Monero devs?


With that attitude you might as well be yourself on the spot.

The sort of doom-and-gloom extreme pessimism you espouse in your post is very easy to fall into; it happens to me all the time. But at the end of the day, it's simply not a constructive mindset to have. Nothing is accomplished by worrying about things that you have no control over, even when they are worrisome.


>The sort of doom-and-gloom extreme pessimism you espouse in your post is very easy to fall into; it happens to me all the time. But at the end of the day, it's simply not a constructive mindset to have.
If everything is on fire sitting in the middle of the room and thinking "this is fine" gets you nowhere.
>Nothing is accomplished by worrying about things that you have no control over, even when they are worrisome.
That's the thing though. Up until a few years ago I did have some control. It has been taken away from me and everyone else because we've been kicked out and excluded from a community we started and built. All in the name of control.

You're advocating that we do nothing and don't fight back against this. Well if that's your stance you should be overjoyed. Since most people have decided to quit and there is less and less original content coming out of every community each year. This is fine for people that don't mine being datamined and getting recycled content. For the rest of us it's a huge problem.

>Why do devs do this?
Because that data is the most valuable data on the planet. Since you can sell it off to the highest bidder. It's the same reason why every website embeds google: They pay you for the data.


>If everything is on fire sitting in the middle of the room and thinking "this is fine" gets you nowhere.
That's not what I'm suggesting at all, although I could totally see how you got that from my post. Sorry for the lapse in communication.

I was trying to say is that you need to calm down and think about the situation to the degree that your actions can have tangible outcomes. Using myself as an example, I'm very pro-privacy and anti-censorship, so I use and advocate for things that improve both. For example, I use Tor for every website I can, and I tell others that they should too. I'm deeply afraid of attempts to reduce my privacy and access to information, but it does no good to think about a theoretical future where I have none beyond the extent to which it impacts my current course of action.

It's the difference between seeing fire and saying "the whole building is going to be on fire soon we're all gonna die!" and "I should grab the fire extinguisher".


>Collateral damage
>In addition to Yuzu, the emulation scene lost these in a single week:
>The Citra emulator for Nintendo 3DS is gone
>The Pizza Boy emulators for Nintendo Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Color are gone
>The Drastic emulator for Nintendo DS is free for now and will be removed
>The lead developer of Yuzu and Citra has stepped away from emulation
>The lead developer of Strato, a Switch emulator, has stepped away from emulation
>Dynarmic, used to speed up various emulators including Yuzu, has abruptly ended development
>One contributor on Ryujinx, a Switch emulator, has stepped away from the project
>AetherSX2, a PS2 emulator, is finally gone (mostly unrelated; development was suspended a year ago)


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What are /qa/'s favorite scores for anime and such? Are they mostly comprised of scores for older series or has anything recent really drawn your attention and favor as well? Or, do you even notice the soundtrack while watching?

Also I don't mean an anime with say 1 good track throughout the whole thing with the rest forgettable, but one where the music as a whole is good.
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(bleh, reposting with fixed links hopefully)
Today is a sports day apparently, so how about some Dodgeball? Technos Japan had some truly amazing soundtracks on the NES and this game is part of the Kunio-kun series of games that had various localized names in the West. River City Ransom, Super Dodgeball, Crash and the Boys, etc.
Some of the songs borrow from known music (like the USSR theme here) while others are original as far as anyone knows.

Super Dodgeball:
USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xi-6X7tmM4
USSR (yes it's that old) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxqh18h7J5A
Clone team (have to beat the game without deaths until that point from what I remember): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBqXwm3MGm0
2Player Versus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_2xFCHz-wE

The clone team theme really highlights how special these games were. It has THREE different parts which was quite remarkable for a NES theme, or even today's VGM really. These themes really get you excited.

Of course if you would know any Technos Japan theme it would be this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoJ7YFUotTA
Actually, screw it LET'S LISTEN TO SOME DOUBLE DRAGON! There's no way this stuff hasn't been hugely influential to video game music for being so early and yet so elaborate and catchy.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BN3g5OzgUI (this one is interesting for having what is basically a guitar solo)
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Of course the Atelier series can't be ignored. I have dozens of their soundtracks and it's a fantastic mix of various styles with lots of celtic flair. Tons of piano stuff, tons of vocal stuff, and lots and lots of special albums. Atelier really has a magical, comforting feel to it and its soundtracks contributed greatly to it. Lots of great, relaxing instrumentals for gathering and towns, but hectic, energetic battle themes as well. Perhaps appropriately the music works really well in the background when you're working on stuff like drawing or whatever.
Most people have only played the Arland trilogy since it's widely seen as the highlight, but they're missing out on a lot of other stuff. I know I've talked about Atelier music before, but strangely none of it was in this thread.

I think my favorite song is still Atelier Rorona's... Atelier Rorona. I feel like I've spent at least a combined total of 30 hours listening to it.


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Since someone mentioned Mitsuda in another /qa/ thread I'll link my favorite known soundtracks of his. (I don't listen to VGM without playing the game first)
I'll pick a few songs from each one if you don't have the willingness to listen to them all in order. I still have my old burned CDs of Xenogears and Chrono Cross. Ah, those were the days...

Chrono Cross:
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40BZyMdDG4s&list=OLAK5uy_m0OQNm22GZz8ZKeymSPrtVBll9ykcwBWY&index=1
Great overworld track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVNkROZ0k2Y
Amazing dungeon theme. The part at 1:02 is so goooood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9o68dG1INZA
;_; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtvKTCVC93E
Possibly the best ending credits theme of any PSX RPG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3a_iTwQIi4

Xenogears (some of these songs have updated names with translations and it's hard for me to accept them after 20 years...)
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR1NcGdLgmg&list=PLAhS3AgXczdcpqZ8w5oty5hEoMu9xvcXv&index=2
One of the 'dramatic stuff is happening' songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfxaDEW4VuU
One of the 'mysterious' themes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvtS3AEW3zw
Hard to find a better BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND DO YOUR BEST! theme: https://Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Budgets increased and Mitsuda has an orchestra for these two. Although it's arguable that he shouldn't have for Xenosaga because of how badly they apparently did their finances and it was reduced to a trilogy instead of 6 or more games. They actually used the London Philharmonic for Xenosaga which is probably very expensive. Soul Sacrifice is kind of weird because it had a second release with DLC on it, like a 'final edition' kind of thing and it had new songs. I think Soul Sacrifice in particular has an extremely atmosphereic theme that goes with its fascinating story elements tied to book pages. I've talked about it before on kissu, but it was years ago.

playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mawsXOEbne4&list=PL75103D71E579CE86
;_; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVG0bCOpWxI
Bad guys need a good theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlSertOUaZ4
Specific bad guy needs an even better theme (LOVE the opera singing in this): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlmQiHClfko
People compare this to June Mermaid linked in the previous post under Xenogears: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzVA4tDyVXk
I think this was dream sequence stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_2pKh5KiCk

Soul Sacrifice:
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GMTKh2xNrM&list=PLm5gVPO9H5ouAyDEGmn6iNTaADuQZW59N
Sortiara ;_; https://www.Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Something I've noticed of more serious otome/action-bishojo series is that they always try to upend society and replace the status quo with the politics and ideology that best suit them and their ideals. Homura, Utena, Dork, Euphie, Nefertima all act in similar ways to oppose the avatars of God(or God directly) who stand against them. Quite reminiscent of the Western media that conveys a similar concept of eroding status quo in favour of a rational society, except unlike in the West it's not done from a perspective of the moral choice and group harmony but pushes a more logical idea that directly criticizes the motives of those antagonistic of the protagonist.
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>perspective of the moral choice
>a more logical idea
In "Western Thought", there is an assumption that the the logical or Truth is inherently moral. So this is actually a moral choice to the Westerner, just one that he isn't always conscious of. For example, why is Hypocrisy bad? "Directly [criticizing] the motives of those antagonistic of the protagonist" usually means pointing out the logical fallacies or the hypocrisy within the motivations of the antagonist. But why is this bad? What meaning is there in this criticism and why should the antagonist care about it? The answer is that Truth and logic are moral judgements that are presupposed. In a more power centric moral framework, Truth and logic are just tools to use against others in the pursuit of power that enforces the antagonist's will. Here being a hypocrite isn't immoral, so long as it's done in service of enforcing one's will.


Eh, I think that in Dork's case she's trying to solve a shallower issue that just affects her personally. While it's true that in her world there's prejudice against black people like her, it's not analogous to our world's prejudice where black people stood at the bottom of the social ladder due to slavery. Her world's prejudice is much more similar to this world's historic prejudice against g*ngers, which didn't need great societal upheavals to stop.


Why do those with power use their power to alter the world in a way that suits them? I don't understand. Why can't they just be polite and avoid sticking out?

Seriously though. I fail to see the merit of this perspective.
The question of what kinds of problems they set out to fix, and what values the authors are (inadvertently) weaving into the frameworks of their stories feels like a more promising line of thought.


Dorkness is doing it to mostly benefit herself, though


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>Why do those with power use their power to alter the world in a way that suits them? I don't understand. Why can't they just be polite and avoid sticking out?
This is literally what Dork wants; a quiet life. I think OP misunderstood her character a bit because she doesn't fit into this ideal he's talking about at all. She doesn't want to change the game, just defeat the Demon Lord if necessary. In real life she was basically the "I NEED MORE POWER" Vergil archetype.

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One thing I've noticed kissu never does is baneposting
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Nobody sets themselves for it
Love baneposting though, probably the best /tv/ meme.


Images, I honestly don't have any, and that's a big reason why. It's mostly 4u as a reply but in a very general way, like "you're gay" and responding "for you," the classic big guy I only rarely use.


Listen I think baneposting is still a good meme, need to revive it somehow.


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It's dead, Jim. It's like why people don't post shiggy anymore.


I miss those kinds of reaction images instead of the bullshit that we got now.

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The fact that one of the biggest open source social media software companies has the most minimal website speak volumes of the unnecessary bloat of modern web design.


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Pretty much, yeah. Noscript helps a lot with blocking the 30 other websites connected to most sites now and it helps stuff look more manageable, but perfect was reached back in the 00s. Some Japanese websites never 'advanced' and I'm jealous of them.

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Do you remember what was the first VN/eroge you've played? I was trying to find out the names of some of these pixelated PC-98 ones I've played before and one of them was apparently True Love. It seems to have gotten an official TL in 1998 according to vndb. I played it sometime around 2003-2004 I believe. Quite a few ones seem to have gotten official translations back then surprisingly: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JAST_USA There are probably more that I've had the chance of playing before in there as well. Need to check it thoroughly. Yume Miru Kusuri is in there too and it was also important to me in that it was the first 'real' VN I've played/read in its entirety. I remember finding out about it on /v/ around late 2007.
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Moving this to /qa/ by OP's request


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By the way, it was always meant for /qa/. I posted it on /jp/ by accident.


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I can't say for sure. I played a few of them around the same time, but my memory is hazy and they kind of blend together. I did play True Love back then, but it wasn't the first (and that's a dating sim really) but I'm really not sure because it was so long ago and I was so young that I can't remember much. It might have been Nocturnal Illusion, but maybe it wasn't. I remember that it took place in a mansion (I think?) and there was some evil woman with glasses. It's so embedded in my psyche that I hate 2D girls with glasses. Well, I mean I don't HATE them but I can't like them.


saya no uta because a friend thought it would be funny that it was my first one


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>I did play True Love back then, but it wasn't the first (and that's a dating sim really)
It's an eroge though. And the distinction between VN and dating sim is a bit dumb to me anyway. Dating sims are pretty much just VNs with a bit of gameplay, like Rance, Monster Girl Quest and Utawarerumono.

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Did you see EoE in theatres this week /qa/? For the first time it's coming to the big screen in the states.
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>I'm saving it for that reason.


dumb piss-holding fetards


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We need to build the /qa/ mansion in Japan so we can all go out and have movie night for anime movies.


If you can't go two hours without peeing, you need to see a doctor.


It's not the best film scan, EoE needs a remaster now that Anno has the rights clear and free of Gainax's rotting corpse. But I will say the surround sound mix of EoE is actually amazing, which I never realized until seeing it in a theater.
Misato moaning sex like she's right to my left for 2 minutes was the best.
Asuka's mom slowly becoming more and more audible from the back of the theater sounds like a schizophrenic break.

Fuck, it was so good.

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Do you watch anime movies often? It feels like they are something that goes unnoticed in the West for the most part. Miyazaki won an Oscar with his newest movie but I haven't seen people discussing this movie anywhere. The last two big hits (Kimi no Na wa and Koe no Katachi) were almost 8 years ago by now, so what gives? Why couldn't it gain traction from there?
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By the way, the Mahoutsukai no Yoru movie is coming out this year (I think), which could potentially be a big hit. There's also the CSM movie about the Reze arc but that one is likely 2025.



>Miyazaki's newest film was hardly marketed (intentionally) and thus flew under a lot of people's radars, particularly those not in any anime/film-adjacent circles
This. Maybe it will get more traction with mainstream audiences now that it won the best animation oscar.


I think part of the problem may be the same suffered by shows dumped in full on some streaming service, the fact that there's no weekly engagement to keep it on par with all the other stuff coming out during a season.
And uhh no I usually don't watch movies that are coming out and the only ones I ever really hear about are either adaptations, or originals from Shinkai or Ghibli. If there are others coming out, I've zero clue about it.


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There's actually a fair bit of movies that come out a season compared to what gets talked about. But from this season I know that prior to it people here were talking about Dededede so that'll probably attract some attention when the first BD release comes out.

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Which torrent client do you use? why?
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qBittorrent since it has everything I need and pretty much every PT whitelists it. If you need some advanced feature(s), chances are there's a way to get qBit to do it even if it's not natively supported. I wish more trackers allowed qBit Enhanced Edition since I use several Chinese trackers which expose me to kuso leeching clients like Xunlei, but it's not too big a deal.


Yes, taiga is extremely useful if you want to keep track of a bunch of anime and not have to manually update lists.


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it has very comprehensive stats and provides fine-grained options and controls over transfers
tixati has a built-in client id filter, not sure if tixati is accepted in pts in general but some of them do accept it


Deluge because I can run the daemon on my NAS and connect to it from the client on any of my other machines easily to set up RSS feeds or open magnet links.


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windows: qbittorrent with require encryption + anomymous mode + dht, pex, lpd disabled in settings
peer connect protocol set to tcp only
seeding limits when ratio reaches 0.00
ip filtering i use https://github.com/Naunter/BT_BlockLists/

linux: tixati with stock settings

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Thai curry = Indian curry > Japanese curry
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We could use a new type of /poll/, a ranking one, to resolve questions such as this


aggregating the results could work like it does in Australian elections


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it's only got one chilli on the package. you should be alright

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I was listening to the koukaku no pandora opening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWGqagnqHb4 when it dawned on me that the line
"yaiba no kage ni kokoro ga atta yo"
is probably referencing the kanji for shinobu 忍, literally composed of the the characters for a blade "in the shadow" of the character for heart

This is also the heart of the pun in naming Acerola Orion Heart-Under-Blade "shinobu"

unfortunately all english translations of the song had interpreted "atta" as the past tense of "au" rather than "aru", thus shifting the meaning to "hearts meeting"
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Isn't the two's relationship kinda mutually abusive?
Clarion is the stronger one, and she shows it, but she's been ordered by her master to enter this immoral relationship.


i checked the the DameDesuYo subs used by DmonHiro/neoHEVC/Nene and their translation surprised me
>This blade lies between your heart and the world
without any context for the show i have no idea how they came to render it like this, because there's no mention of the world in that verse and in this line the blade isn't the subject, it's the heart. not even referring to the blade itself but the shadow of the blade which isn't mentioned for some reason. however, what matters is that it is using existential aru, it's not talking about a meeting. atta is also written in the lyrics purely with kana (刃の影に 心があったよ) and that's the standard for ある. iunno where OP got the meeting part but i can't see the irony either.


The translation with "meeting" was this:
On a second search, I found another translation, but this one instead renders it as "connecting"

I can sort of understand "blade between heart and the world" as a more natural rendition, as it does get at the same "concealing the heart with a blade" idea


okay that's 合う then, hearts coming together
like take the example of「二つの川がここで合う」, "here two rivers come together/meet." that one does work with rivers being the subject, but you can see the location is marked with で while when this verb uses に it's to mean what kind of thing it's matching and that's not what any of these translations interpret it as
definitely suspicious but i'm hardly capable enough to say for sure


>Beneath the shadow of a blade, our hearts connected!
Okay, that makes sense in the context of the series.

Not even a little. Clarion is a robot who is ordered to be Nene's bodyguard, gets treated like a yuribait best friend, and is tsundere about it. Nene doesn't realize this because she's dumb and just goes around playing with her catmaid friend.

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