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File:quiet quitting work.jpg (252.61 KB,1557x1169)


>2 years into quiet quitting
>still with the company
I'm basically a NEET and no one can stop me.
Any of you doing the same?
15 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


100% effort is zero effort.
top management wants you to put 200% effort into your work


Idiots should pay for 200% then.


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To add on, gambling based jobs don't require you to act in any manner that makes you feel like less of a human for doing. They just like when you make money and if you can make money you're good. Which is mutually beneficial for me because I like when I hit it out of the park and make money too. Only downside is that there's a bit of stress involved in it when the other thing is happening, but that's what humanity has alcohol for.


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Job? What is "job"?


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>employees work within defined work hours
>engage in work-related activities solely within those work hours
that's just work

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I'm thinking about hosting a tabletop game, we're going to be playing in GURPS (it's really fucking simple to play, I will help with character creation if needed, use GURPS character sheet [https://gurpscharactersheet.com/] instead of doing it manually.)
I'm thinking it'll be a short campaign; probably 4-6 sessions, more if wanted.
If you are interested please post in this thread.
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I got the room set up:

We're going to start playing on the 7th of February at 7pm EST*


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Characters are due by the 31st.


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hope you guys have fun.


How are things?
t. this anon >>137396

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 No.100566[Reply][Last50 Posts]

This is a thread for sharing general news about anime or video games or other entertainment that you don't feel like making a thread for.

I find myself not wanting to make a new thread for stuff and then I either forget about it or I put it in the blog thread as a last resort, which is quite awkward. Maybe other people feel that way, too. Well, here's an attempt to fix that.
This is not a containment area for such news, rather it's just a more centralized thread to put it when you don't want to create a new thread to share some info before moving on to something else.
228 posts and 61 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I am worried too, but I also have no reason to pass judgement until I actually see the show.


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Aquaplus seems pretty active lately, although this is just a port. Aquapazza is coming to Steam.





most powerful mc of the season (kotaro lost)


ahem.... *cough*

The anniversery last year passed without any announcement, so better late than never.

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You know when I think of the things I really love in games above anything else it's world design. It's why Hollow Knight is my favorite metroidvania and why that genre to me is one of my favorites. The Souls series has some pretty great world design of its own as well, with DeS, DS, BB, and ER being some of the best out there in the 3D space for world exploration. But then there's DS2 and DS3, the two least impressive of the series. I know it's conventional wisdom to normally take a big dump all over DS2 and passing marks are giving to DS3, but whenever I think back on the two of them, I can recall the layout of and how to manuever around the world of DS2 better than I can DS3. At least, in terms of variability. For some reason I always feel like DS3 is more a straight shot that is kinda boring because of it.

Am I just misremembering or is DS3 the weakest link in the Souls series that people give a pass for just being more like DS1 than DS2?
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Hollow Knight is reddit.
Yes, I have played the game.
No, I will not elaborate.


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Hm, yes. But have you considered that you're certifiably gay and therefore anything you say is wrong?


Do you mean stuff like atmosphere and ambiance? If so, I agree that it's something that's really good when it's done well. It's one of the biggest strengths of the SMT games that really make you feel like you're in another world.
It takes a lot of talent to do something like that I think, for people to simply accept a new set of world rules and have it feel natural.


Meant more than that. >>137841 was pretty much hit the nail on the head with the assumption of what I meant. Of course, atmosphere and ambiance play a critical role (also where music comes into play big time) but they can't really affect the core gameplay itself. The interconnectedness of the world however is probably one of the most important factors in truly unlocking an infinite replayability key that allows for infinite enjoyment of any of these games, at least for me. It gives an extremely rewarding feeling for exploration that I can feel excited in mapping out for each new playthrough I start up. Especially when you can exploit things like the master key in Dark Souls or bomb/wall jumping in Super Metroid to accomplish entirely different routes for playing.

When it comes to conversation it makes any playthrough fun to talk about because you can always discuss what route you took and what way it differs from others. Then in turn it also makes theorizing different ways to get to different areas/upgrades/bosses early fun as well. Think the last new game I played to have this feeling was Elden Ring when I was on my magic playthrough and skipping over to Raya Lucaria from the start to unlock the classes potential, and then taking the trap chest over in Limgrave to the Caelid mines so I can be next to where the one really good staff is and get that early. Or in any of the dozens of Hollow Knight playthroughs I did trying to get 100% steel soul/speedrun achievement trying to figure out what path was best for maximizing my chances of success.


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But uh, I guess with what I'm talking about more established what do people think about DS2 vs DS3?

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I was not expecting this from Tasokare Hotel at all. Thought it was going to be a fun mystery show, all the guests solve their mysteries and go back to their respective worlds; but the latest episode turned pretty dark...
A serial killer manipulating one JK to kill her BFF by telling her her death wasn't an accident but her BFF's ploy to kill her. Only for the BFF to commit seppuku from the guilt of having accidentally killed the JK. Which then leads the JK to go to HELL for killing someone in the hotel... very much unexpected turn of events.
Might be the best anime this season.
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>originally a phone game
Oh, did not know it started off as a game, might have to give it a try.


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I have watched episode 4. Hmm, yeah, it is a little bit different. It doesn't seem too different from what I was expecting when it comes to the atmosphere. It's about life and death and stuff so it seems on point.
I really do like this show. Neko makes good sounds, too.


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Yeah, love Neko's voice. By the looks of it (on MAL), the VA has only done a handful of VAing. Hope she gets more roles going forward.


Yeah she reminds me of Konata and I find it charming.


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Neko with neko. Definitely the second best show of the season (after Medalist)

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- Reitaisai 22 will be held on May 5
- M3 will be held on April 27

Are you planning to go? Are you looking forward to other interesting events?


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Comic1 will also be held on April 27: https://www.comic1.jp/

It's a doujin convention smaller than Comiket.


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Isn't Reitaisai huge now? I'm not good with large crowds. And going to Japan solo as a dekinai gaijin sounds like it would get lonely quickly.


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>Are you looking forward to other interesting events?
I'm going to sleep a bunch! Then watch some anime and maybe play some games!

I don't have the money or personality to do this stuff, but it does seem cool. There's a thread here of someone attending the VR version of one of these and it was pretty neat.


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Futaba Gakuensai will also be held at the start of May, it seems pretty interesting.



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When is kissu going to host an event?

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 No.136312[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Kissu's Palworld server is now online!


We last played in January and there's been some big patches since then. For those who don't know, it's a third person building/Pokemon capturing game. I think the term is "open world crafting survival" or something, but it's Japanese so it's cute and quirky. People called it "Pokemon with guns", which is kind of true for the atmosphere but it's more than that.
For those that did play last time, here's the patch notes for the second major patch: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1623730/view/518574472406499342
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The endgame is way overtuned and not very fun at all. I was hoping to be able to beat it via breeding and rocket launcher pals and stuff, but as I've said before it's just wasted effort. Sadly it's a pattern held by the oil rig and presumably the hard mode bosses.
They're cool ideas, but definitely need balancing.
Looking forward to playing it again, although I can see myself logging in again to mess with my base some more.


server down :( almost got to a max stack of palsteel....


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It's back up. Sorry, been off and on the computer.


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Are you still playing? Do you have a cool base I can look at?
I think once people are done I'll upload the server files since I've seen people talk of converting them into things that can be loaded in single player. I still want to make a recording of my base for future reference.


not really i haven't logged in for a few days

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>All content must abide by Canadian Law
EWWW! I'm posting on a Leaf site!?


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'tis true.


please be polite


Not for long. Freedom is coming to this maple syrup factory.


i just bit t'is shab.


canada is like the us, but boring

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I like how games like this are picking up steam despite their lack of super duper "modern" graphic. Makes the indie scene much more approachable to hobbyist devs and shows just how powerful fun gameplay can be towards how it's received. Maybe at some point in the future AAA takes notes, but I'd imagine not since they all want to be the forever money printer gacha like genshin because that's what raises stock value most. Feels like that industry, the AAA one, is due to collapse at some point soon... Then we'll probably see a huge surge in more indie studios popping up that'll be great for gaming in general.

Do you support your local indie devs, /qa/?
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That's extremely selfless of you.


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Years and years of biting the hand that feeds.


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years and years and years


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PSX graphics are a bit of a fad in indie games lately. I don't hate them, but it's kind of "meh" to me. Generally those graphics have aged very terribly unless they were stylistic, which the indie games generally aren't. Good to see indie games find success, though, of course.

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gives me a good idea for a kind of modern apocalypse game where a small group of people spawn in a huge random complex and wander around


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Average (and unintentional) interaction between mansion residents.


thought the modal interaction would be getting bitted


Awkward. A true pro crushes their cans and uses opaque bags.


a NON-JAPANESE "pro" it seems, untrained in the ways of correct disposal

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 No.127496[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you watched anything neat on youtube or similar sites lately? Don't just link it, mention why you like it!
This is a re-enactment of the American Psycho dubs man scene with Weird Al and Huey Lewis. There's some very nice attention to detail and the humor is great. Somehow it's 7 years old and I never saw it.
833 posts and 48 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


those tibetans be risking their life over hype


The locals harvest it because of their religion. The people paying big money from the west are paying it because of the hype.


Got recommended something actually good for once.


tasting history is amazing, I love that channel to death


Learning about time mechanics in games, pretty interesting. Especially the local vs global time stuff.

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The new DLC releases in just a day and a half, have you beaten Mohg yet so that you can access it? Supposedly it's an all around improvement on everything that was already great with the base game and the world is enormous for being a DLC. I'm really hoping for it to be filled with little secrets and interconnectivity that makes for a great open world and was something that I sorta felt needed more polish in ER itself. Also I want it to be hard because I've gotten too good at games in recent years. AND I want more Ranni. Everything needs more Ranni.

By the way did you know there's an official spin-off gag manga about Elden Ring?
25 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Hehe, so cool


Only thing that I think sucks about it though is that it's a limited time effect from your flask instead of a talisman or something that you could use to make your entire gameplay like this.


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PVP is fun


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nightreign looks pretty cool, will probably be fun to play with /qa/ when it comes out


Might be cool, but I really have no idea how it will work. I guess we'll see.
This is the third Elden Ring thing they've made now, though, so I hope they start making a new game soon.

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 No.87056[Reply][Last50 Posts]

So the DDDDD thread made me realize that kissu doesn't really have any threads dedicated to manga that I could find. The focus seems to be too much on seasonal anime. I realize that this is because manga is much harder to find/follow than seasonal stuff as there are no clear guidelines for it and Westerners don't read comics nearly as much as the Japanese do.

Anyway, what manga have you been reading recently? I just read the latest chapter of Shimeji Simulation a few days ago. As with anything made by Tsukumizu so far it is great. Definitely recommend it to everyone here and I do hope it eventually gets an anime adaption as well like SSR.
280 posts and 145 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I believe the purpose you talk about ties into, at least as I see it, the theme of interrelation.
The people who best manage to survive are those anchored to someone or something, and the fundamental problem is that Sis destroyed the fabric of those relationships in her pursuit of absolute freedom and truth. Tkmz is definitely sending a message by having her sacrifice herself to undo her mistake, and framing said truth (which Yomikawa partly dismisses, partly admits) as secondary compared to the two's relationship taking the final spotlight. It's also interesting how their greatest moment mirrors their lowest, where instead of blurring out they reassert their boundaries in a mutual act of acceptance and intimacy.
I wouldn't put as much emphasis on their gained powers though, to me the former is a straight continuation of how the setting works. It's shockingly consistent in its writing, if you take the time to look into it.


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Freud, please... she's not even mine...


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Ah! Nevermind, scary.


I like the juxtaposition of sexiness and ugliness alongside the sweetness and cruelty. Mixing the two together here and there to confuse the reader


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Hello anon.

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 No.123829[Reply][Last50 Posts]

This is a thread for discussing and planning streams that people can host using kissu's own anonymity-supporting cytube fork at https://theatre.kissu.moe/! People can and should make threads for the big day so they can post images and stuff and be more in control, but a thread to talk about stuff was suggested and I think it's a good idea.
Current stream plans:
135 posts and 51 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Guess we may be in https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri after all, if this stream thingy works

Also in an hour


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15 minutes!


official stream starting warning, putting whiplash on now


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That I'll be streaming Xanadu this Sunday at 8pm EST, it's a pretty old and kinda B looking OVA and I think it'll be a lot more fun to watch with friends than alone so I ask my /qa/ friends to pop open a drink and sit down to watch with me.

As usual, I'll be streaming on https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri


Just realized I missed the Whiplash stream... thought it never happened...

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 No.82349[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I was reminded that another year has passed since the last time the /qa/ anime chart was updated, so I thought it was as good a time as ever to bring it back, update it, and improve on it a bit in the process.

The format for deciding on picks this year will be the same as the last with the addition of maybe singling out a specific anime of each year to be the most /qa/ anime of the year. For the current candidates that should be easy since there's only 4 of them, but for this year we'll have to conclude all the seasonal polls first and then afterwards decide.

The polls will be made separately and then linked in the thread with at least 3 days allotted for people to decide on winners, and I'll make a new poll for each season every day, starting with Winter 2021 today. To not make cheating so easy I'll make it so an IP needs at least 3 posts to vote, which shouldn't really be hard for anyone I hope. Also the AOTY polls will probably all be at the end or sometime in-between since they shouldn't be as hard of a decision.
138 posts and 42 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I voted for all the ones I watched and liked


look at how much the format of the image has improved over the years good job


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Yeah, going with the format change was a tough pill to swallow at first and took a while but I really ended up liking this new format. It's super easy to make additions to as well, I already have entries cropped out for years all the way up to 2030.


So, who's going to win next year?


Time to look back at spring! >>>/poll/5554

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