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 No.114027[Reply][Last50 Posts]

What music has /qa/ been listening to lately?
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 No.89870[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Whenever you see this thread go and get some exercise! You can't just laze around all day as a NEET!
247 posts and 91 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


thats a nice day down here mate


where the flip do you live where that's a nice day...


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Not great, but not terrible. It's humid because it's cloudy and might rain, so that's nice. Very different from the swamp-like humidity of a summer day with full heat and no wind.


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At the beach for vacationing so getting a lot of walking in since the town I go to is extremely walkable. I can understand the plight of that one anon when his dream does exist here in some form.


learned what starfish crunches are

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 No.72689[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you played any "ero" (a Japanese word meaning 'erotic') games lately?
395 posts and 151 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Imouto only gets mad when she wakes up. Onii-chan must be sneaky sneaky.


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The next game from the /qa/ dev is coming soon.



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Really makes me wish for another Omega Labyrinth game...


I've been playing Mad Island.
It's alright, you get to play as both a boy and a girl and go around trying to survive on an island. Got like pretty tribal women too.


https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01143103.html games like these are why I always will pirate a group I have a no impressions of before giving them $s.

 No.122095[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Is /qa/ going to watch the new Monogatari?
119 posts and 78 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I agree with you. But one thing I find odd is the official subtitle script for PaniPoni Dash! It's praised for being so accurate and with so much attention to detail. But it's impossible to watch it without pausing the video every few seconds. Otherwise you'd never understand anything or be able to read all the crap that's on screen. Go give it a look sometime (the DVD subtitles in R1). Most of the time there is more yellow text on screen than actual content.

But if you did that with most shows people would riot. But this one in particular gets a pass for whatever reason.

The real solution is a happy medium and maybe two subtitle tracks so users could get what they prefer. The issue is people producing such things seem to skew heavily into the localize everything camp. They're also the same ones that would always put a dub track first no matter how awful it is or how the average viewer feels about it. Which I find odd. We're to a point where the average viewer that wants Japanese audio and a subtitle track with honorifics and somewhat literal translation is a second class citizen. This was not the norm in the 80s-2010s. Unless you counted over localized content bought in a store. Pretty much everything fansub wise was a happy medium between localization and literal.

In my mind there is no point in consuming foreign content if you don't want to learn about the culture itself. If you aren't into that you might as well watch a native cartoon. Maybe Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi instead of PaniPoni.

The sad part is we could have good English dub tracks and good localized subtitles as an option. But the industry has proven for the last few decades that no one is willing to pay for it. With the actors guild it's impossible to cast good voice actors. So you end up with the same people doing the voices for every show sometimes for multiple characters in those shows. They phone it in during one take and call it good. Most of them admit they don't even like anime or the work they're doing.

Manga is easier of course because it's a book anyway so a couple of extra pages don't matter (or using the margins). Video doesn't have to be that hard though. You can do something similar with video. Where you have multiple video tracks and the option to switch between them. The problem is no one takes advantage of it.

Really the maiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Coincidentally Monogatari (the anime series) is also becoming 15 years old. For Nadeko it has only been a single year, but for us it has been 15. I literally grew up with this series since I started watching right as when it came it out. It's what connects my past imageboard experience with the present.


You guys might find this enjoyable.


It's from the old typesetting guide. Over half hour of someone making signs for the 2nd season.


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Coincidence? (yes)


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We finally got an OP. I was afraid they were going to drop the openings in this season.

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Do you think he'd be happy or sad at the state of things today?

I think he failed in the end.
19 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I guess the government publishes that they think it's similar potency to opioids. According to a 1994 paper. I think addiction is a personal thing though


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Shaft anime any day now.
Any day now...


For me. Keeping in mind pack of cigarettes = 20 here. Price for my preferred brand 20 years ago: $2.25. Price when I stopped smoking them a couple of years ago: $8.50-$13 depending on where I bought them (cheaper in my home state). I smoked 1 and 1/2-2 packs daily (so 30-40 a day). So I was spending $20 everyday and also buying a snack/drink or something along with them.

Compare to vaping: Initial cost for vape $120+ for first vape (large one) and $50 or so for salt nic vape (pen type). Cost for replacement cartridge every week: $5-$10. Cost of juice every week: $25-40. Cost of replacement batteries yearly to bi-yearly: $25-$50 (can't buy replacements for pen type).

Compare to rolling my own cigarettes: Cost for machine to stuff tubes: $50. Cost for 8 ounces tobacco: $8 (makes 200-250 cigarettes). Cost of 200 pre-rolled filtered tubes: $3.

Making your own is much cheaper. Also vaping is rougher on the lungs despite the advertising and promises. I can chain smoke cigarettes all day while working outside in the heat and/or walking/hiking. With a vape I can't do that. It's too hard to catch my breath.

Main reason I don't vape anymore: I just ended up doing both. I'd vape between cigarettes. Now the only time I use a vape is if I'm going to be somewhere that doesn't allow smoking. But over the last year or so these places have banned vaping to. So it doesn't make much sense anymore. If I stay at someone else's house I'll sometimes take one. Since they're more prone to allow vaping than smoking. Also with vape it's possible to take "ghost hits" that don't let out any vapor. But they're hell on your lungs.

I typically smoke 2-3 cigarettes an hour. Sometimes more now that I roll because they're so cheap. My mother is a true chain smoker. I've seen her fire up another while the last one is still smoldering in the ash tray.

The average is skewed by people that report only having 1-2 daily or people reporting less than they truly smoke. The average smoker in my experience has at least 15-20 a day. Most people smoke an entire pack or just under one so they have one in the morning left over upon waking. IfPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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This OVA drove me insane. Felt incredibly cowardly the way it constantly retreats into self deprecating humor and overdramatized smears of people who do the things they so enjoy depicting. MCs only dream is to get rich enough to make Otaku disneyland? And all the while they plaster real headlines from news of the world as if its supposed to remind you reality exists? Fuck outta here. This kind of paralyzing indecisiveness, neither committing to embracing their work nor committing to 'growing up' is infuriating to watch.

Still laughed at the interviews though.

wtf do you mean they were just mad that they didn't get to scam the otaku first and lost that opportunity to the suit


Rather than Otaku disneyland I thought the goal was a world where everyone was otaku and otaku were not oppressed.

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 No.120996[Reply][Last50 Posts]

You're watching the four gorgeous shows currently airing, right? It's amazing to see these every week. Dungeon Meshi and Urusei Yatsura extend into Spring, but I'm definitely going to miss Undead and Frieren. I feel like the "anime is terrible since ####" people really need to actually pay attention.
107 posts and 36 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Yes and yes. That particular subplot concluded with that episode.


Have watched only the first season of the anime. Good to see no drop in quality despite reaching over 30 episodes. Seeing how far they've come, they might actually really animate the whole LN; honestly, didn't think they'd actually do it when I watched the first season. Probably should watch the anime myself now...


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Just remember what I said about them talking. This last episode stands out because it reminded me of the first season when so many other episodes didn't. When people were voting for this in the seasonal stream a few people (including myself) were more voting on the potential it could be rather than what it currently was.
As for the subject of the thread, It didn't look bad, it just... didn't really have a lot of stuff to show. Here is Rudy talking here, and now he's talking here, and now they're talking over there.


Don't remember the LN as vividly, but I don't think it was action packed itself. Besides, (i think) with shows like this it's more so about the characters than the action scenes, although they are appreciated.


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This season has some very pretty shows. Will they be remembered as the best anime ever? Probably not, but few are. But, it's a visual medium and these visuals are very good!
I think it's safe to say that Nige Jouzu No Wakagimi is in the lead for the best looking show this season. They're basically showing off. It's not like there's just 2 or 3 moments like this in an episode, they're sprinkled around quite liberally. And even when there's not beautiful motion like this, just the direction of the movement like scene transitions is phenomenal.

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 No.113933[Reply][Last50 Posts]

103 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Leave it to PreCure fans to need a hint to solve such an easy puzzle.


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Had fun with this puzzle, thanks!
Actually liked the false edges, might use those in the future as well. Not having the frame of the image closed until later in the process leaves more space for working on different parts of the image without too much clutter inside a frame.


Neat. That puzzle was a bit too much for me, but that was a great choice of image.

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Would buying this count as an investment?
4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Basically a coin has value because of something that happened, it's not created with the value at the beginning. Rarity through time passing or an error or something like that makes it rare and desirable. If a resource has value like gold, then you want the pure resource and not the resource molded into something else which will then have its priced increased artificially.
An amazing collector's edition gold coin is made from like $50 of gold and sold for $500. It's a complete scam that preys on gullible people and it's a well known thing. I think it's even lead to investigations, but I could be wrong on that.


a 250$ silver coin sold for 2800$


the thumbnail looks like a tiny egg cooker


was wanting to grab some costco gold


wasn't sure if this was some sort of joke but costco actually sells gold...
Can't see the price but I guess it's 2% higher or is this one of those scams where they try to capitalize on people who believe all of organized civilization will collapse?

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 No.127237[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you read any interesting articles lately? Anything news worthy you think kissu would want to know about?
845 posts and 143 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




Real funny how next to the bit about how "changing ideas about marriage" are causing a demographic crisis they put a link to an article about Japanese gay wedding pictures.


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I will once I figure out how to make an actual portal to Gensokyo.


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brb Gensokyo


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The Bank is definitely on my marry list.

 No.121174[Reply][Last50 Posts]

what OP/EDs do you like? I was thinking about the popularity of LycoReco when it came out and how nice it'd be to see more anime inspired by gunslinger girl since that was one hell of a boson anime. the OP for it being one of my favorites and having that early 2000s english indie song for its op. also do you remember that in the same season lycoreco aired there was another original anime "engage kiss" that failed miserably and was just a soulless gacha cashgrab checking boxes to try and hook a playerbase, lycoreco had no tie-in and was the biggest anime besides bocchi so goes to show how far creating something good takes you compared to trying to cash out on the trendy market researched ideal money printer
182 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Watched this for the first time in months today. Then suddenly saw posts talking about the show for the first time in months.


I keep listening to this but I still haven't watched it.
A shame only this crusty 14 year old version is up on Youtube.


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I shall post the three Utawarerumono 2 and 3 EDs! That was kind of confusing to type out. Although they're simple, visually, I like how they carry the same general introspective theme.
The best part of the first one is at the end!


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I hope Suara is there for the Utawarerumono announcement in November!


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There was only one ED for S3, but it does have more to it so that's nice.

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 No.73454[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you been working on anything? Art, programming, etc.
313 posts and 158 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Was doing some studying and went to do some practice exams, and I was struck by the lack of quality multiple choice printables. I ended up spending the afternoon making a bunch of scantron bootlegs... (´・ω・`)


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I made them in 50, 100, 150, and 200 question variants, alongside side bordered and non-bordered versions (borders around every 10 questions to improve readability). There's also a few arrangement variants of the 50 question version.

Maybe some studious Kissu fren will find them useful.


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I've been working on a modernized version of virtualdub. Basically, a front-end for ffmpeg and vapoursynth/avisynth scripts along with built-in capture card support and importing of various digital audio formats (BD rips, DVD rips, LD rips, digitized tape and so on). I started working on this because I've been incredibly frustrated by all the random tools I've needed to use over the years. Many of which are still Windows/NT-only. Capturing analog sources is very frustrating because they haven't made a proper capture card in 20+ years now and most of the tools to control the proper ones are Windows XP-era software. Most of this stuff doesn't work correctly in wine either.

ffmpeg along with the various codecs can do a lot of this stuff from a CLI. But it's a maze of options and the documentation for a lot of edge cases isn't that great. If you haven't been using these tools and scripts for 25+ years it's almost impossible to get started. You have to spend weeks crawling through old forums and mailing lists to learn anything and you have to stop mid-project often to spend hours reading the documentation.

There really isn't a proper GUI application for this stuff either. There are a lot of GUI options for editing video provided it's already in a format you want. But taking an old NTSC/PAL source from analog or digital and cleaning it up + producing a good encode (either lossless or lossy) for distro is a huge pain in the ass.

I thought it would be pretty simple to do this considering ffmpeg can do most of it by itself provided you know your way around. But the options for cross-platform GUI applications is still kind of awful. I've ended up using C++ and Qt to do the GUI stuff. I didn't really see another way if I wanted support for the 3 major platforms people use on workstations. While I'm primarily making this for Linux/UNIX I really wanted to retain Windows and Mac OS support because I know a lot of people still use those for video work.

Anyway, I'm calling this a "Video Mastering Application". Aside from the GUI itself the most important things about it boil down to;

- A package manager to manage all the various Vapoursynth/Avisynth filters along with the various codecs needed to do anything
- A new file format to store "projects" to store all the meta data and misc. stuff associated with each mastering project. Basically, a renamed .mkv file with an extra attachment that stores the meta data
- A list oPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I forgot to mention that one of the main things I'm hoping to eventually do is provide a seamless client to server interface. Basically, you can send off projects to a powerful encoding server that would spit out finished encodes in various formats. In other words; batch processing.

Right now the situation is you have to track down a bunch of stuff manually. The existing repos are a bit garbage. No one has properly collected all that stuff together and documented.

The core of this project is basically an IDE for video editing/scripting. In time I'll provide a GUI for common filters and an easy way for other people to do the same through python scripting. When I started this was basically a text editor with syntax highlighting + mpv to display the results in real time. Then I moved on to providing a GUI for ffmpeg and the codecs it supports.

So instead of loading a .VOB in one application. Splitting out chunks of it. Saving that as its own file. Importing it into my script. Editing it in another application. Saving the script. Opening that in ffmpeg and having it spit out an h.264/265/whatever encode. Which I open in yet another application for muxing. While doing a similar process separately for each audio track. Then another round of editing for subtitles in yet another application. Then muxing it all together. Then testing in mpv. I do most/all of it from one application.

As I said before ultimately my goal is to provide an all-in-one solution to mastering video and audio. With the recent changes in the Linux landscape like pipewire this is finally becoming possible without many hours of configuration to each individual system. Linux finally got something akin to Video for Windows in the last couple of years. So it's ready to take on the role Windows has been required to use for decades now. An application like this is badly needed for both sides of video before and after the editing step. Meaning it would be useful for making clean video to work with from traditional sources (IVTC/color correction/deblocking/lots of other common errors) and the final step before distro (encoding into different formats for distro/creating a true lossless master to store the video long term).

There are a lot of great applications for editing video already. But no one has really bothered to make an application for producing goPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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I'm remaking the OPED videos that are there in the kissu threater to serve as intermission time and so on.
Basically I use ytp-dl to download NC OP/EDs from youtube and throw them all together. Unfortunately, Davinci Resolve has issues with the downloads from youtube so I have to convert them with Handbrake and THEN add that and encode it again or whatever. The resulting file is multiple gigabytes, but I split them out and again put them in handbrake to compress them.
I really don't know any of this video encoding stuff, but it seems to work so that's enough. This time I added about 5 Utawarerumono songs hehehe

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I miss board-tans. I find it sad that the board this one belongs to abandoned her. If you try to post her on her home board now the people using it will call you an outsider.

Who's your favorite board-tan?
19 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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It's cold, huh?


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thread-tan getting really into tf2

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 No.71667[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Found a neat youtube player
102 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


introduction/guide on how to play the FATAL TTRPG, of all things. Unfortunately(?) it looks pretty incomplete.


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https://4museum.neocities.org/ A pseudo-archive for 4chan for the /a/, /g/, /sp/, /trv/, /tv/ and /v/ boards dating from 2006 to 2008.


helpful hachikuji



yay a mnemonic collection site


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Simultaneously surprised, impressed and happy that a Mario romhack website and forum still exists in 2024 and seems to be doing well enough. Community events, guides, sprite sheets...
This makes me nostalgic for these old community sites even though I never used this specific one.

It does have a discord attached to it which makes me depressed since that means it's migrating there and the website will be left as a shell and then abandoned and then all information will be lost forever, but until then you can enjoy the website!

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This is a thread for discussing and planning streams that people can host using kissu's own anonymity-supporting cytube fork at https://theatre.kissu.moe/! People can and should make threads for the big day so they can post images and stuff and be more in control, but a thread to talk about stuff was suggested and I think it's a good idea.
I think I'll edit this OP to coincide with planned streams as well.73 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


gunbuster was cancelled and no further comments have been made about it
if teh rager said something about streaming akagi it was in the deleted thread, i personally thought he'd go watch it on his own


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rager? I am the one who rages


i am watching it right now, but I don't mind rewatching things if there's interest


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Good UI and Akagi recomendations


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I'd be up for watching Akagi or Gunbuster or pretty much anything. I think some people here, myself included, just have fun watching anything with other people here.
Anyway, I'm loosely announcing Mewkledreamy Mix streams in a few weeks in the future! I've been waiting for a slow season to add it at the end each Saturday, but it seems like this season will have a long runtime so I'll have to pick some Fridays. I don't plan to do it in any organized manner, just like 5-6 episodes on a Friday here or there.

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 No.88567[Reply][Last50 Posts]

267 posts and 147 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Instead of the usual whiskey for my old fashioned tried some double oaked bourbon and hey that's pretty good

Think I'm gonna just use bourbon all the time


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Drank a lot of white wine and then a lot of captain morgan's.


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sitting here in me undies and drinking mead


Learnt a bit more about how wonderful alcohol is today. Did you know that when you have something over 20 proof and airtight it's basically preserved for eternity?

If you were ok with filtering a bit of cremated human, you'd be able to indulge in wine that's even 2000 years old!


sssip yes you can really feel the diet this man had it comes through in the smell good specimen

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