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 No.103108[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I am... a Raven!
120 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Now that the dust has settled, I can safely say I fucking HATE the changes made to AC6. Hard-lock is fucking disgusting and the lack of turning speed is a disgrace. This is not the game I waited a decade for. Yamamura was not the man for the job. Fuck why couldn't they just remaster VD...


I think if you take out the hard lock and instant turning, this game becomes near perfect. The gunplay just feels so good and I love the way impact melee has.


I wouldn't call it near perfect. Actually I don't like the stun centered gameplay either because it turns the game into just shoot>stun>combo. This ruins melee for me because it feels sub-optimal to use for anything other than hitting a sunned enemy. Melee in previous AC games had you thinking in 5d trying to figure out how you were going to land a pilebunker. It always felt extremely satisfying. I don't get that here. I honestly think this is one of the worst AC games, but it's still a pretty good game funny enough.

The worst part though is that it's so casualized that's it's hard to believe they will just revert back to the OG AC formula since nu-AC fans will see it as "clunky."


You can play this game on your browser, I think. It's on the internet archive. I remember seeing people online saying you could play it using the edge browser on the xbox with a controller but I'm not sure.


meant to reply to the OP...

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Towards a Theory of Width

I believe it's high time we formalized this crucial matter. At first I believed this to be a simple task, I thought we could say wide was a subset of chibi, but reality is never so straightforward.

¬ Ume Aoki - Orthodox Width
Ume's default head shape is hexagonal, alternating with a rectangle or narrow oval that are about twice or thrice as wide as the default while retaining roughly the same height. Eyes change too, going from a fairly regular form to to her trademark (✖╹◡╹✖). It's a very clear contrast, absent in Madoka for the sake of srs but commonly extended to it in fanart. The golden standard.

¬ tkmiz - Heterodox Width
Unlike Ume, tkmiz's heads are predominantly circular, blobby, and don't have a qualitatively different mode of width, instead characters will melt or be stretched like fresh dough. Their eyes do not change either, as can be seen when Yuuri gets NARROW'd in ep 2. However, after an exhaustive review I've come to the conclusion they are not nearly as wide as the hidamaris. They mostly stick to their regular-sized blobheads, and it's only in Shimeji that their proportions sometimes change in a way that's comparable to Ume's or even more radical. However, this model is widely recognized as wide, so excluding it would be negligence. ("Don't be so wide about it" is a bit of a meme translation, though, the original says 横長.)

¬ Kotoyama - Sharp Width
If tkmiz's width is on the blobbiest end of the spectrum, then Kotoyama is the opposite: his wide faces are well-defined and extremely pointy. Eyes change from regular to rectangular (though as you can see in >>/jp/58098 it's not exclusive to widened forms), and noses disappear. Initially I had my doubts about including this one, as it is proportionally the narrowest of all, but after giving it a closer look I can say with no doubt that it fits Ume's criteria to a T, even if the change is not as pronounced as in Hidamari.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
23 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


that's the verdict yes


File:C-1701819197699.png (85.2 KB,497x201)

okay see THIS is motherfucking wide you better believe it


Okay, but more seriously in Yofukashi characters tend to do that kind of face when they're confused, bothered, or something like that. In terms of looks and circumstance, it's fairly regular and decently spread across characters iirc.


you might say its widespread



File:[anon] Star☆Twinkle Precur….jpg (177.78 KB,1280x720)


Lala Lala Lala!! Her voice so sweet!! It's been over a year since we've had the pleasure of seeing Lala here on Earth.
Well, the Starscape alliance is always working tirelessly to protect the universe.
In the name of all the magical girls around the world, our top secret ally Lala has returned from her mission on earth.
On top of that, our beloved friend Lala has been taking pictures of the magical girls for the Starscape alliance. (She's on the left side)
I hope to see many more pictures soon!!

And there's that magical girl friends are so awesome. I wish I could make magical friends like them!
And so there you go, the reason why I love Lala and why I'm so happy to see her around every time.
86 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



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i believe....


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I wanted to crop a bigger image for her for the birthday CSS, but cropping her is extreme hard mode due to all the colors and her tiny antenna and multicolored clothes and so on. As pretty as Lala is, she is NOT edit friendly.


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You cannot crop Lala because Lala is infinite.


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lala stomping on my balls in 2024

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Do you think that as we march forawrds towards a future in which AI bots become prolific, paying for access to post on sites will become the norm? Not a crazy amount or anything, but more like a dime/quarter for a code that you insert to allow posting. The financial burden for the regular person is nothing, but the cost to spammers would mount to hundreds if not more depending on how many different 'access tokens' they'd need to purchase. Maybe there's other ways that I'm just not good enough at computers to understand, but with the way botnets keep getting better and better it seems like something the net will have to deal with somehow.


Maybe, I think even just having to provide your credit card details would be enough and Youtube already does something like that where in some countries you have to show ID to prove you are an adult in order to watch some content. That would work as well.

But the issue in both cases is that it takes time to do and so many people would be too lazy to do it(I never provided Youtube with my ID when they asked for that reason) but also there are many people who would not feel comfortable providing such ID. Though to be fair a lot of those people are the kind that a website would be better off without anyway.


File:[SubsPlease] Sousou no Fri….jpg (237.21 KB,1920x1080)

I'm too tired to give much of a response right now, but I've said that this is something imageboards should look into before, here on kissu. We (kissu) are protected by obscurity, but it's still something I worry about in the future. The internet is full of spam so adding semi-coherent AI spam to it will greatly worsen things for those few places that still allow free, open communication without proof of identity. As it stands currently, humans are worse than AI for the "identify the thing" CAPTCHAs that were a mainstay of the internet for so long.

I think the meguca captcha centered on anime characters is probably something that will serve a greater purpose one day, but customized and perhaps with another layer of perplexity. I've seen CAPTCHAs that involve levels of reasoning that AI won't (yet) pick up on, like a "choose the fastest" and the correct answer was to select the horse icons. I've also seen isometric views where you need to rotate an object to set it into the right position. Perhaps a kissu-related one would be something like "drag the nekomimi hat onto the right character", but you don't want it to be too complex or niche because you still want a broad audience.

Due to the effort involved this would need to be something of a posting window unlock instead of just one post per captcha since it would be far too annoying otherwise.

File:[mottoj] Tsukuyomi Moon Ph….jpg (82.78 KB,1024x576)


Kissu is four years old! Stream has concluded!

You WERE cordially invited to the annual streaming of Tsukuyomi Moon Phase, the namesake of this corner of the internet known as Kissu!
Kissu was born on December 1st, 2018, and since streaming is done on weekends for the benefit of those people that have things known as "lives", the stream will start on Friday, December 2nd at 6PM EST/11PM UTC.*
Currently the plan is to watch 13 episodes on the 2nd and then 13 more (12 + OVA) on the 9th, which is what we did in previous years. However, I'm also open to splitting it up into 3 weeks since 5 hours of streaming is a pretty long time.
Questions? Comments? Neko mimi modo?

*Timezones are a major pain and sadly some people will be left out, but if there is enough interest maybe someone can organize a stream for the Eastern hemisphere and I could provide you with the stuff you need. [css deactivated]
52 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Don't "bleh" me, dotard !!


i'm a dotard

i dota


Happy birthday Kissu! Looking forward to the stream tomorrow.




File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (324.15 KB,1920x1080)

Oh, how mischievous!
There is no stream tomorrow because this thread is from last year! (at least not planned, someone could do something as last second if they wanted to)

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Today I went to an art museum. Does /qa/ like fine art?

I'll post some of the things I liked.
52 posts and 40 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


that one's a perfect example, it looks white to us because of what's nearby but thats almost purple! colors are very fascinating


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Trying to learn about what qualifies as high art the other day, I ran into the idea of a hierarchy that placed painting historical and religious scenes at the very top, in part due to the technical skill involved but also due to all the values associated with it compared to still life or a landscape. Very interesting stuff.
I don't know how pic fits into all of this, but it's a painting I REALLY like. It makes Richelieu look so powerful in the middle of a very dangerous situation, with the burning ships and rowboats placed inbetween the spikes alongside the mobilized men in the background on the left. His position at the center standing out with his red and black, the posture, even the reflection beneath him, it's just perfect.


I always thought The Swing was rococo...

Abstract art isn't (necessarily) worse than representational, it's just different. Trying to compare a Caravaggio to a Picasso is like comparing a novel to a poem.


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I really like this sculpture of Pope John Paul II being hit by a meteorite. It is very funny to me.

>I always thought The Swing was rococo...
I think you're correct. Some places characterize Rococo as being a sort of sub-movement of Baroque, specifically late Baroque artwork, but The Swing is definitely Rococo.


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 No.105447[Reply][Last50 Posts]

A breath of fresh air after the barren wasteland that was Winter, I'm actually looking forwards to a lot of the things airing this coming Spring. From only the short runthrough I've done I was able to immediately spot:
-Megu anime
-Mahoutsukai no Yome S2
-Witch from Mercury S2
-Tengoku Daimakyou
And the rest look like they could have potential as well, as I didn't write off most of them from the title. So is there anything in particular /qa/ is looking at?
243 posts and 109 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I saw the deleted post.


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Wow, what an amazing observation. You're really good at that.


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I enjoying somewhat depressing Tomato Gundam S2. (Is there really not a general anime discussion thread somewhere...)


enjoying... it is too late for me to be posting...


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A somewhat happy problem to have is that /qa/ threads don't live as long as they used to or I'd link the /qa/ thread someone made for it back then. There are posts about it in the mecha thread at least: >>68627
Or... feel free to make a thread for it! There were quite a few fans of it here and I also watched all of it (it was in seasonal stream) so there are people around to talk about it for sure.

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"Weeb" or "Otaku", which would you prefer to be called? How do you feel about one word or the other?

i used to not really care either way, but now i feel like "Weeb" has too much of an ironic "WOW I like ANIME, i'm so TRASH" connotation, which i don't really like.
63 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Prior to weeaboo's introduction, people were writing out wapanese and that continued even as weeaboo replaced it. Not sure who you went over this with but they probably weren't around during the early days on 4chan.


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I prefer to be called friki over otaku because the first still has the degrading tone of freak which describes me perfectly I'm just a disgusting freak from a Spanish speaking country.


friki diki


el frikiao frikiadito


but yeah personally i haven't been referred to as such and i even feel the word is actually kinda rare
it still being in use is neat


non controversial nuclear thread


it's fussion!



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Well, it's a thread on a communication-oriented site known as an imageboard so are you going to say something or just link things?


it's non-controversial. My plan worked as expected

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Do you play any online games you'd like to play with kissu people?
Maybe this could be a thread to play some games together online? I think the stuff should ideally be free, cheap, or already have multiple players here.

Personally, I'd like to start playing Power Bomberman together again. It's a free fan game it's really fun, featuring a crapload of characters (including the new slutty ones) in beautiful pixel form and lots of cool maps. We had a thread for it about a year ago.
You can play it offline too, if you want to practice.

So, what multiplayer games do you want to play?
70 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


There is no reason why it shouldn't work in v1 with minimal effort. Emulator devs have been acting like sellouts for years with this BS. They all want to cash-in on the 20+ years of work done by others with some netcode additions they didn't even write and a few modifications. They refuse to release source code anymore or play fair with the greater community. They even keep exploits for softmodding to themselves now and shill for companies like Nintendo. The Nintendo emulation scene is the worse to be involved with. They actually go so far as to dox people sharing copies of ROMs and add malicious code to their emulators and loaders to prevent people they deem bad from using them. The old upsidedown Wii homebrew channel fiasco is nothing compared to what they're doing now.

I basically want to build a similar account/registration system like fightcade did and hook it into every emulator I can. That way you could enjoy some TvC for Wii alongside your KoF98 on Neo-Geo or your 3rd Strike on CPS2. You could challenge people or have real match-making and leaderboards. The "killer feature" of fightcade is the global account system. There is absolutely nothing unique about the underlying emulation.

What I would do is clean up the interface and release game packs. Start with like 5 games Fightcade doesn't support. Slowly add support for their more popular games like 3rd Strike. If you can get the 3rd Strike players to migrate you've captured 90% of their community. It wouldn't be hard to improve upon their emulation of 3rd Strike and the crappy matchmaking set-up they're using (that's broken most of the time anyway). Fightcade v2 is effectively still a beta. They fixed nothing from the initial beta release. They do not even bother to test most of the games they claim to have support for. They just happen to work because the emulator they're using added GGPO support recently.

I would also run regular events around new games being released. Even have achievements and other goodies for them to encourage people to try them. That way you don't end up with 30 people playing 3rd Strike beside 100 ESLs playing KoF all day with no one else using the network.

I may make this my goal for 2024. I set a goal for 2023 and finished that by July. I'm sure I could get at least partial support up and running for BB:CF and some older games like 3rPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Can play any of these, old melty and soku are fine too. GBVS and uni are getting rollback in a couple months, can play them too if the price isn't too high.


oh hey, uni and (old) melty! i love those. i can play those as well if anyone's up for that.
i also have a lot of games i can play online on switch, but i'm not sure how many people here are into that.


How do you want to organize this then? Could just post here or use steam chat, I'm fine with either but may be slow to respond here.
Want to see if the connection is any good first, I'm from eu and most people here aren't I assume. Can host any of the games (that have rollback) I posted above for the next 6 hours or so, just say if you want to play any.


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (417.33 KB,1920x1080)

Yeah, we really should try to figure out if there's a better way to set up multiplayer games on kissu somehow. It really seems like you need some sort of live chat, but that's still not a good way to know when people are up for playing. I really have no clue how this could be done or if it could be done. It kind of works on 4chan because there's hundreds of thousands of people...


1700000000 approaches in ~8 days. Where has the time gone... It feels like just yesterday that /qa/ was celebrating 1500000000
16 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Thinking of throwing a party with my local user group


not bad bro


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xx675 is REALLY good!
The images that were closest on 4chan with its tens of thousand of people posting were closer obviously, but not by a whole lot.


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I posted like 1.5 seconds before the countdown reached 0 to account for my slow-ish internet. Also thanks for the background change, I feel cool now. The 1800000000 GET will be Tsukasa's for sure.

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/qa/! /qa/! The latest fashion fad is here! You don't want to be left out, do you?
20 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:shirt.png (935.28 KB,1920x1080)

There's nothing cooler than THIS.


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komari.... no.......


I know Komari is strong, but Laura's a precure...


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Kinda looks creepy. oh well


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 No.88951[Reply][Last50 Posts]

How I stop Furryfox from saving images as .webp?
106 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Been so long since I played I don't really remember exactly how the fight panned out mechanically, but I remember thinking it was really cool.


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Does anyone know of a good way to clean out hard drives of unused/old stuff? I just realized that Stable Diffusion had 5gb of temporary image files that it failed to delete, but I only found them by accident. Windows 10 does have a cool thing that shows you folder sizes and you can use something like 'Anything' to search for stuff and sort by filesize, but there's still a lot of junk floating around on my drives after years of existence.
Doing this manually is really exhausting.


Hamfisted? Ehh, maybe a little bit. The love triangle thing was pretty interesting, but I didn't get the impression that the romance stuff in FF7 was that deep compared to other games, like FF8 that came right after it.
That's kind of the case in most JRPGs. It doesn't help that side content means that you mop the floor with the villain since the optional stuff is more difficult. The music is great most of the time at least.


there's WinDirStat for visualizing what's on your drives by filetype. I dunno, how is a computer program going to know that you think XYZ is useless but ABC has sentimental value? It's kind of inherently a manual thing


Agreed with WinDirStat. Good for visualizing filesize.

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Zippyshare will shut down by the end of this month.
I think the impact is limited since it's meant as temporary file hosting, but a small number of files have survived for much longer due to continued downloads.
If you know some old files you want on Zippyshare like those on some DDL sites, download them now.

On the other hand, if Mediafire was to go down, the impact would be much larger since lots of files on it are now over a decade old. The same can be said for Mega due to the huge amount of files shared on it.
19 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:[SubsPlease] Hoshikuzu Tel….jpg (257.6 KB,1920x1080)

Any idea what he means by "attacks"? People have been showing strangers their /jp/s there since the beginning so it must be something else. Is it illegal stuff?


stress and country legislation. having to defend his product from people who want to prevent avenues of crime being done through buisness operations


Aside from the obvious issues, the site was swamped with scambots


It's illegal for a significant portion of the population to show anyone their /jp/s online.


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the courage to post my big fat /jp/

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Did you have a question?


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I got one, how much milk does Miku need before she can become a boobhu?


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Well, none. She would need to attach it to her head to form a hat before she could become one.
...and apparently she does because of the Pokemon crossover thing.

As for the boobs, well, I've seen some images...


Bought loads of Miku merch.

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