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File:Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sen….jpg (489.03 KB,1024x576)


Are anime end cards still a thing? I don't think I can recall the last time I watched a seasonal that had end cards in it.
11 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


This reminds me of that show with the cute wide girls in the apartment. Madoka!


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Onimai had cute end cards from lots of different artists.


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This is my favorite end card and I remembered to turn off the subtitles this time. We usually translate them if we have time.


>Next time: Mahiro and first time girls-only gathering.
I have no idea what kind of gathering. I'd guess a hangout, but I have no context to help. My Japanese is terrible.


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I guess I'm just unlucky and the few seasonals I do watch nowadays happen to be the ones without end cards.

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 No.120896[Reply][Last50 Posts]

There's been many a time where I've stumbled upon a character and ironically stated, "Yup, that's me". Pretending or even lying to myself that I'm that character. But that's not the case here, this is me. I am literally Magia Baiser, Baiser is me. The mangaka wrote the story and I was who it was based on. You could not possibly craft a character that was more me than this. That's because if you were to change anything it would not be me, since it's me.
130 posts and 42 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:[SubsPlease] Mahou Shoujo ….jpg (354.18 KB,1920x1080)

Coming off the final episode, the inbetween chapters made for a perfect finale to the season that left open the chance of a continuation while also wrapping things up in a satisfying manner. Venarita's scheming and the wider world of Mahou Shoujo are still out there, but for now in Utena's hometown she's satisfied with having achieved an ideal balance. She can peacefully play out her role as the villain while toying with her idols. Glad they didn't try to go for an anime original end so the massive success can be capitalized for a second season.

Although here's hoping that they can upgrade to a better studio with a larger budget in S2, since that was probably my biggest gripe with the anime.


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Yep, that's me. I've been known to eat a hamburger now and then and people even say "hey, don't you eat hamburgers?"


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Started watching the BD version which came out a couple days ago. The moans are nice.


Yeah, I'd imagine the moans add a bit more to the scenes to give you a complete experience.


Damn, no wonder that guy cares about banding.

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Cool website, nerds.
Let me know when you incorporate vim keyboard shortcuts like the actual cool software out there.
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Turn your typing into an RTS game


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doas pkg_delete vim && doas pkg_add emacs


I don't use unix-type operating systems.



Why dont you just get an extension for that

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Do you use any software that other people may not know about that you like?
I started using (and eventually even bought!) this thing called Wallpaper Slideshow after trying a bunch of free ones and getting frustrated. https://www.gphotoshow.com/wallpaper-slideshow-pro.php
Basically, you give it folder(s) of your choice and it will assemble a collage image of them and make it your background. You can configure it with a timer that changes it and I have it set to 15 minutes. I had originally used John's Background Switcher that someone thankfully linked to me a few months ago: >>91800 https://johnsad.ventures/software/backgroundswitcher/
I liked this one more because there's less wasted space, more options, and it just generally seems to assemble the image better. I turn it off before I go to bed each night though because I'm worried that it's keeping my hard drive active all day, which probably isn't good. I should maybe research that sometime...

This pairs well with something like Grabber ( https://github.com/Bionus/imgbrd-grabber ) that can bulk download tags from booru sites.
Of course, this stuff is kind of wasteful if you don't have an extra monitor with a wallpaper that's largely visible, but I find myself like that sometimes so it's pretty nice.
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This is something I've been using for a few years and it just exists passively in the background so I forget about it. It's a simple program that automatically reduces the blueness of your screen dependent on your set sleep schedule and/or time of day. This is important for reducing eyestrain and supposedly it helps you sleep, but I can't confirm the latter. It's based on the reasoning that blue light is artificial and new whereas the sun in the evening and even fire is orange and that's what our eyes have adapted to process.
There are other programs that do it (and newer OS versions have their own version I think) but this is the one I've used. I wonder if there's better stuff out there, but this is free and it does exactly what it's supposed to do so I haven't bothered looking.


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Been thinking about this ever since I got my Bluetooth headphones. They support LDAC, but Windows has no real bluetooth codec support like Android does. Found this which replaces the Bluetooth driver and adds support for LDAC, AptX LL, AptX HD. It works too. I was skeptical at first, but I tried it out with my Fiio BTR3 which has a little LED indicator that changes color based on codec used, and it absolutely works. I seriously appreciate being able to use LDAC with granular settings. My headphones used to cut out whenever I would walk to the kitchen and stand near my fridge, but now it just cuts down to a lower bandwidth and maintains the connection.

It's paid, but with a week-long trial period. If you buy it before the trial expires, you get a discounted price. Only gripe is that the license is hardware-tied, meaning you need to buy additional licenses for any additional computers you have. The price is discounted for additional purchases, but it still is kind of annoying. Still, I think it's well worth the price.


Nice, a software thread.

Does anyone know any script that blocks users or tage on pixiv? Either that or filters posts based on region? I'm trying to block gaijin on my feed. Some bug man and worse koreans are okay I guess, but western posts I want them out of my feed for the most part. Too much crappy art from them.


somehow AG Grid has become more intuitive through their latest maj. vers update. Everything gets set through a single ```setGridOption``` function that uses a string key to act...


Moved to >>>/maho/391.

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The Kissu Filesharing Thread
It's a thread, and you share files in it.
You can link them, or possibly upload them directly if they're small enough since kissu supports archive files.
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Does this count as a surprise box?


i shift clicked it instead tehe


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Not sure if people will be interested or not, but here's volume 1 of the R18 music collection from uh, well, you can look at the dates on these. They're MP3s inside a RAR so they might have uhh... what's the term, bit decayed or something. I'll let some audiophile figure it out. Anyway, if anyone is interested I can upload the rest.


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Convert those mp3s to FLAC if you want to restore the lost data!

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The answer is (8r^3)/4pi


what question is this the answer to


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The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun.

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Does /qa/ have any more fun facts to share?

I learned recently that prior WWI, many towns in the US spoke the language of the immigrants who moved there, but due to intense Germanophobia, schools began teaching in English exclusively and gradually the US became a de facto English-first speaking country despite having no official language.
22 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



I miss typed this site's URL and this came up:
Someones blog site kinda cute.


Seems like a nice guy. We must assimilate him into the kissu collective


reminds me of the guy who owns verniy.xyz... yet his site is down. Maybe I can reacquire it soon


He hasn't used the site in 2 years.

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 No.100351[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Gone from Ubuntu to Debian, but Debian kind of sucks as a desktop environment (constant freezes, poor drivers and performance issues. Also issues with Steam's client)

Where do I go next?
248 posts and 50 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


it's coming up
it's coming up
it's coming up
it's coming up
it's coming up
it's coming up


Yeah, I concur that it's relatively seamless, except I do feel a bit of a performance increasing using wayland. It even kept my graphical configuration without issue! If this is on a rolling distro this should be a fantastic release on fixed release distros.
It even looks like Plastik was ported over as a wm if you don't like the more rounded corners of Breeze.
It looks like KDE will be getting a donation for my tax return.
With OpenSUSE's YaST and Plasma it feels like I'm using Windows 7 forever, now I just have to hope KDE doesn't go insane like they did with 4 and I think tumbleweed should be fine for the long haul unless suse goes under


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I suppose I have about a year and a half before I'm forced to use Linux. How much longer can I put off learning programming in the meantime before I have to start learning to use Linux...




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Greetings and rabbit rabbit (you didn't remember to say it, right?)

For a bunch of reasons I can't get into this is my favorite month of the year. One of those reasons is I get more free time to work on things I enjoy.

Over the last couple of weeks I've been re-watching Moon Phase for the first time in over a decade. I grabbed the best version I could find from the usual trackers. The release I got seems to be the most popular and all of the others seem to be using the same subtitles for the English translation. I was disappointed see that the scripts being used are filled with both spelling and grammar errors. One of two per episode I can forgive. A typo that's one letter off on standard QWERTY keyboard I can forgive. But I hit a string of 3-4 episodes in a row filled with horrible errors and it was obvious to me that no one bothered to even quality check the work before pushing it out to the public. This is in addition to several other errors I've noticed in the video/audio portion along with some pacing issues in the scripts themselves.

I posted all that to propose the following;

I've been slowly working on a handful of old series (and one new one) thanks to various people from here and elsewhere that so graciously provided me with good raws for a couple of shows or volunteered to do quality checking. I haven't been able to put out much in the last few months but now that I'll have more free time I'll be pushing some stuff out soon. But I'm one man and can only do so much so quickly.

So I was curious if anywhere here would be interested in helping out with things like correcting spelling errors in scripts or watching pre-release encodes. I need people to do stuff like the following;
1) Test encodes on various set-top devices (video game consoles, firesticks, AppleTV etc)
2) Double check spelling/grammar in English subtitle scripts
3) Watch test encodes on various different software/hardware players and tell me how things work on their local mpv/mpc-hc+mad configs
4) Help track down raws (DVD, LD, BDs and VHS) that aren't as common on public sources for some older content
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I test on 5 monitors. Which I know is over kill but it's easy since my workstation is set-up like that anyway. On one of them it's _very_ evident because it's designed to seeing such things (it's a high end 144hz studio monitor). On all my other monitors you can barely notice it or don't see it at all. They're all consumer grade stuff. Some high end. One low end. Another an old CRT. I work with a variety of content so I need them all.

What's funny is a lot of things people obsess over now like grain in old 80s-2000s shows aren't even visible on an old school CRT. Since CRTs act as a kind of low pass filter for grain. So a lot of people are throwing a lot of bits at something that wasn't even the artist's intention. Since such shows were mastered on studio CRTs/PVMs.

But I digress...

My philosophy with this has always been if you're going to take the time you might as well do it right. The video is the least important part of the package anyway after translation and next sound. Sound is what you pay for when it comes to content. They've always been happy to let you watch for free. Plus you can always pair the translation with another person's encode anyway and anyone can learn to encode video/audio in a weekend. But getting better quality than others with less file size has always been a fun goal. I should probably not obsess over it too much. Since I've murdered many a CPU and HDD in pursuit of smaller file sizes over the years. All for something that's going to be re-encoded by someone else when the next new shiny codec comes out in 5-10 years anyway.


That's true as well. I can't watch broadcast television anymore because the quality is so awful. People brag about their new TV and 4k cable package to me but all I can see are macroblocks from the company cheaping out and trying to squeeze another channel or two into their limited bandwidth. Satellite TV is particularly bad these days but cable is usually worse because cable companies are evil manifested.

The truth is they get away with it because 99% of people either can't tell or don't care.


>I can't watch broadcast television anymore because the quality is so awful.
yeah its fucked up. when I was a kid I stood next to a big TV playing some stuff for normal people and I thought to myself that every frame looks like if you saved a jpg at a quality level of 40 and after saving, tortured it with the sharpen tool. that really put me off TV


Digital has been pretty bad from the start. I'm old enough to remember C-band, analog cable and analog OTA TV. The quality was much better back in those days even with the limited bandwidth because each channel got the entire channel's bandwidth. When they switched to digital/DBS the entire point was being able to cram multiple channels into the same bandwidth that used to be occupied by just one.

Analog also degraded much better. When OTA was still analog I could pick up about 8-12 channels locally on bunny ears here. They might not have all looked perfect but they were all watchable for the most part. Worst case you might have to move the antenna a bit for certain channels coming from further away or a different direction. Very rarely the environment would be just right and you could pick up some far away channel for a few hours and everything local would come in perfect.

When they did the digital switch over they pretty much ruined OTA TV here. I can't pick up maybe 2 channels now that are watchable. The rest are a constant sea of macroblocks and freezing as the signal drops below the level where the decoder can gracefully fail. 9 times out of 10 it does it during the actual content but commercials will come in clear for 30-60 seconds. But it probably only feels that way because commercials are shorter than content and make up the bulk of run time now.

The best thing ever was C-band. Which was analog satellite service. For the first 10 years or so you could pull the back feeds down directly. Which were basically the feeds cable companies and local stations got before commercial were inserted and they were edited for public viewing. You not only got the content commercial free you could listen to what was being said while the program was at commercial if it was live. It was also extremely high quality because they wanted to deliver the highest quality possible for production. Truly the Golden era of television.

Of course we can't have nice things so it was shut down. First by scrambling then later with encryption. Which only became possible with the switch over to digital/mpeg2.

C-band was also really cool because the dish was massive. We used to set the receiver to lock-in on another satellite then run outside to watch that massive dish turn and tilt. It was the coolest thing when I was a kid. TV from spacPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>We saw so many respected television people snort drugs and yell at their staff during pre/post-show and commercial breaks.

I know I'm way off-topic but I just remembered something from my childhood that will be burned into my mind forever;

When the first George Bush was president he went on Larry King's show which was pretty popular at the time. During a commercial break they started discussing Halcion. Which was an old school benzo drug for sleep that had been pulled from the market for causing a lot of deaths. The president said
>I don't really think it's that bad
and Larry King replies with something along the lines of
>My cousin is in the pharmaceutical industry. He told me a new drug is coming out of Israel soon. It's better than Halcion!
then he shushes the president because he's got to deliver a line between commercials. After that he starts laughing and bragging about his cousin being in the know. He was basically telling Bush to short the companies stock because it was going to go up soon (aka insider trading). They're just sitting there carrying on like they're having a private conversation. Openly discussing the fact that they're making money off drugs that killed people and had been a big scandal in the news at the time. The way they talked "in private" was totally different from the persona they put on for prepared statements and during the actual interview segments being broadcasted to most people.

Anyway, not long after that Larry King had Bill Clinton on his show. I think it was the lead up to the 1992 election. Anyway he said something to Clinton that always bothered me and even back then I knew it was strange. Larry starts talking about Ted Turner and how he's a great guy to work for. Then he tells Bill Clinton;
>You should call Ted after you win. He'd be willing to uh...serve you. If you know what I mean

Even as a kid I wondered what he meant by "serve you". You could tell he wasn't talking about "serving the president" and it was more like Ted Turner was offering some service. What kind of service I don't know. But the mind goes to horrible places. It was just the way he said it. They started discussing it in a hushed tone and you could tell both of them werePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Was thinking about reading all of Go Nagai's works but then realized it'd probably be impossible given just how much he wrote. It's pretty insane compared to almost any other mangaka out there.


What are the most notable ones to check out though? I've read Devilman, some Harenchi Gakuen, some Mazinger, Cutie Honey, and all of Getter (although does that really count?) Was considering watching and maybe reading Dororon Enma-kun next (OVA/Remake TV) since the OP was cool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIsQqRoyKqo
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Now that's some effective marketing.


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>It's only 13 chapters long.
Yeah, but most chapters have between 50 and 90 pages, so it's still fairly long. According to Kodansha's site, the official total is 912 pages:
You can see it if you select a volume and check out the ページ数 part, they're each of average length. Really though, my point is that with these three alone you already end up with 19 volumes, that's pretty sizeable already. But add Abashiri Family's further 15 volumes (where a molester is accidentally swallowed up by a giantess so to rescue him they make her shit him out? wtf), 9 more from Guerrilla High, Maboroshi Panty and Kekkou Kamen, then 7 from Oira Sukeban, 9 from Susano Oh, and then you end up with a total of fifty nine volumes, which is "shonen running weekly for ten years" territory, longer than Dragon Ball but not quite as long as Naruto or Bleach.

It's interesting, I get the impression that originally he liked to work more with (relatively) shorter stories, since the first runs of those mentioned in >>125029 are actually in line with the ones listed above, in the 4-7 range for Devilman, Mazinger, Getter, and Jack. It's in its second part that Jack goes way higher, for example.


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A lot of this untranslated stuff like Samurai World though. There's also Hanappe Bazooka which has 10 vols but was only translated up to chapter 4 (less than 10% since it has 41 chapters). Also has a 45 min OVA.

All hail the father of mecha and pervy shit in anime/manga.


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A cool thing about Devilman is that you can see the influence it had on Berserk right in the first chapter (it's not present in certain editions however). The demons in the Great War of Gods are obviously reminiscent of the Eclipse demons in Berserk. And also the obvious parallels between Akira/Ryo and Guts/Griffith.


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Somebody told me that digitization will let us preserve things forever, but I feel like it's the opposite because of how complicated accessing digital data is and how fast technological systems evolve. Old formats get superseded by updated ones and niche platform-specific ones get abandoned when that platform does. We can look at a wall relief from 5000 years ago and work out an approximation of what it was saying just by looking at it, but how would you get any data out of a floppy filled with files for a program that hasn't been updated in 100 years?

Eventually the effort of maintaining compatibility with old things is going to cause data to be effectively lost, but some formats will obviously last longer than others. Personally, I think the humble .txt file will outlast most others because its simple, yet vitally important to many basic computing tasks so you can't easily get rid of it and there's not much incentive to improve the format. That said, I could also see a specialized format that is used for something like .nes which is used pretty much just to preserve old data being maintained by enthusiasts while more general-purpose formats get killed off to force people to adopt newer ones. Which ones do you think will pass the test of time and which will be be the quickest to die out?
13 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


notepad is so cute...


>It's funny to think a few random images on somebody's drive could be the format equivalent of the rosetta stone
finally, all the TBs of manga porn I have will be put to good use


very optimistic in the face of tradion


>Portable Network Graphics (PNG, officially pronounced /pɪŋ/[2][3] PING
always pronounced it as PEE-en-JEE


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So before that u wasnut curtain about "good use"

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 No.112443[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Hey Kissu Kissu! Would you like to play Sonic Karts sometime? I have created an addon pack with some fun stuff included! If someone else is willing to host it, that would be cool, but if not, I can always do it myself.

The download includes everything needed to host and play the game, plus a custom client created by 4/vm/ that adds new features to the game.

Game plus addons download: https://mega.nz/file/mJYUhJBR#UmY_51jm0gQkjk3uZa512Z09T75V8GujKVscg7clX0s

4/vm/ client source code: https://gitlab.com/c3851/srb-2-k-cep

Stuff added via addons:- Custom characters! https://files.catbox.moe/v72z70.webm If you have characters you want, feel free to suggest more!
- Wide variety of tracks. About 42 map packs worth of maps!
- A Kissu theme pack with custom music and graphics on the voting screen.
- The in-game HUD is colorized to your chosen color, including the new speedometer and drift gauge.
- A hitfeed that shows when people hit each other or fall off the map.
- Timers on the bottom of the screen that shows how long your sneakers, your mini-turbos, or you being spun-out lasts
- A simple trick system. Tap brake after a jump to get a small speed boost when landing. It is on a cool down timer after you do it.
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This game looks fun. I want to play next time. I'll even use the crappy controller reserved for little brothers.


Thanks, I found the thread. They seem to use yet another fork of the client.


Can't get it to run ...

./srb2kart-saturn: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.38' not found (required by ./srb2kart-saturn)

Sucks to be me I guess. Is there a flatpak or appimage somewhere?


that makes me sigh too its depressingly common for people to distribute artifacts built on new machines/OSes
you will have to compile it from source yourself...


Thank you, I managed to compile it from this
With make -j8

Now we wait for the server to be up.

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As 'primitive' as it is, I've been a fan of this song for years. There's plenty enough generic music made by humans, that I see little point making more just like it with AI - the bigger potential IMO is for using it to make music that sounds inhuman, just as how Vocaloid is at its best when treated as its own style, not as a poor imitation of human vocals.


the irony is that if it wasn't good you wouldn't bother to make a video out of it, but it has obvious implications for cheaply producing the "sides" to your main product


it's soulless and i refuse to listen to it
I'd rather hear bad music some actually tried hard to make


I would rather listen to the lazy cashgrab of a professional than the futile efforts of an amateur.


I can't decide if this guy is using AI voice generation or is actually this good of a mimic. But he's producing content at an amazing rate and most of it is good. I don't listen to a lot of rap music anymore (mostly just K-rino) but this guy drops a new album every month or two and I always give them a listen.

I think AI music is like all AI-art. It can be a great tool in the hands of an actual artist. But a lot of people aren't the creative types and they produce mountains of garbage just because they now have the ability to pump it out.

I've noticed a ton of new youtube channels lately that do nothing but post AI generated click-bait. Some of them have millions of views and from the comments it's obvious most people can't tell. I've seen some other suspect stuff on youtube lately as well. A lot of "face reveals" lately that are obviously some kind of AI+face tracking and/or so-called "deepfakes".

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It's been a while since Kissu's played any games together, and with the interests in agriculture becoming more relevant and Stardew having finally received its multiplayer update recently, I was thinking now is as good a time as ever to see if there's interest in cultivating together. I think in comparison to the upcoming Factorio expansion it should be a nice relaxing intermission people will enjoy. Also it's on sale right now so if anyone's interested I can buy it for them ( https://steamcommunity.com/chat/invite/NUIbnP7U )
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>labor of love updates
Phrase it as euphemistically as you want, it still means the game isn't finished yet.


Will probably start up the server tomorrow as I find myself a bit busy with stuff today.


What is your definition of a complete game? If it is fulfilling the original vision then it's a finished game, anything new is just extra free stuff. Would you rather devs take a paradox model and ship post launch updates as endless torrents of DLC? Or should they just drop it and never touch it again no matter what new ideas come to mind? Is anything ever really finished then?


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Invite Code:

Come and join if you want.


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Dang, I never got around to playing it solo yet and doing it multiplayer as the first time would be a terrible experience. Oh, well. Have fun for me.
I tend to play these games so slowly (taking my time with events/etc) that it's a bad time for everyone involved anyway.

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Does /qa/ have any experience with ebook readers? I've been getting back into reading recently, and although I like the ebook reader app I have on my Android phone (ReadEra), it's not entirely pleasant; my phone is a bit weighty so it's tiring to hold, and it strains my eyes after reading for a while.

The most obvious choice seems to be a Kindle, but it seems kind of opaque what the differences are between models other than storage. I'm really not a fan of them seemingly being permanently tethered to the cloud and this "ad-supported" thing seems annoying as well. Ideally, I would have something that I can move my own ebooks onto just by plugging it into my PC. USB C is a hard requirement as well; I can't believe Amazon was selling Kindles with the worst charging connector of all time, micro USB, up until 2021.

Looking at the prices for the features that matter to me... I'm really wondering if it would be worth it buying one at all. From what I understand, I would probably be looking at buying some Android e-ink tablet, but those don't seem to have the best reputation online (?) and I can't imagine any are particularly lightweight. My phone is ~200g and that feels a bit too heavy for me. Anything tablet sized I'm sure would be too heavy for me.
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Thank you for the response. Is it able to display manga from right to left?


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Yes, but there's a little bit of work you'll need to do. If your manga are in .CBZ files, you'll need to convert them to .EPUB. I personally use Kindle Comic Converter. You can technically load .CBZ files if you want, but they'll have no metadata other than the title, and page turning will typically be very slow. Converting to .EPUB let's you import those converted .CBZs into Calibre and add metadata to the files. You can technically just use Calibre to convert to .EPUB, but IIRC it's just not as granular as Kindle Comic Converter.

I should also add that for whatever reason if you add .KEPUB, before the .EPUB file extension, things will load faster and for normal text EPUBs you'll get access to things like changing the font. For regular ebooks it's fine to use Calibre to convert to .KEPUB, but you'll need to download a plug-in inside of Calibre to do that.


Well, it has come out. It looks fairly okay all things considered, but it would appear to make any use of the color feature you really need to be using the glow light, which may negate some of the benefits of using e ink (namely the long battery life). Without the glow light it certainly looks muddy and poorly saturated as Kaleido tends to look. It's a bit darker than normal a normal e ink display without the glow light to compensate, as you can see here: https://youtu.be/UEGPFIpJz98?t=421 (Jump to 7:05, for reference). In a few reviews I noticed that you can see some diagonal lines in some of the up-close shots of the devices. After some thinking, I'm pretty sure this is because of the LCD layer being fairly low resolution... A cheap trick they use is marketing the resolution by stating the PPI. For color, that's 150 PPI, and for black and white it's 300 PPI. As the device has a black and white resolution of 1264 x 1680, that means the color resolution is a quarter of that at 683 x 840. I'm not sure how big of a deal that really is, not having seen the deivce myself in person to tell, but the lower resolution of the color layer doesn't appear to result in any weird aliasing in any reviews, so it's probably not an issue in reality.


Is there any ebook way to do OCR drag and select for looking up individual kanji, words, and sentences for reading Japanese manga?
I might be tempted to buy one if there is something like that since there'd be a lot less distractions available.


I should have bought the Libra 2 before it went out of stock.

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