What is your opinion of private trackers and the like? AB recently came back (yay) but people have mixed feelings about such things. It's easy to dismiss criticism as jealous resentment if someone isn't in them, but it's also easy to see that it's not an ideal situation for people that love certain media and want to also share that love with others.
Maybe if AB did die the nyaa admin would get off his butt and actually allow new account creation since they've been temporarily closed for like half a decade now. It's not unusual to see releases and uploads that don't actually belong to the uploader since the person has no account. How much stuff is nyaa missing because it doesn't allow people to actually share them? You can only get post-MoyaiSubs Mewkledreamy Mix subs on twitter right now and I only know that because it was mentioned in one of the 2 uploads on nyaa uploaded by a third party, with the remaining 25 episodes on twitter. Is nyaa considered semi-closed or something?
I think the problem with Japanese media in general is that there's really no middle ground. It's nyaa or nothing. There isn't a "oh, this isn't as great as AB but it has 70% of the content" place, it's either you're in
the anime tracker or you're not. I'm not in BBT, but I hear it's closer to the nyaa side of the scale due to certain rules it has among other reasons. I worry that as Japanese media continues to overtake the Western world (even if the mainstream people watch the same 5 shows) the tendrils of corporate rights holders will be as zealous as Disney or Nintendo is, and that will further increase the reliance of private trackers. Not to imply that it doesn't already cause issues on stuff like youtube and the like. Youtube once had lots of full episodes and albums you could watch but they were stricken down by various companies doing the copyright strike thing to wipe out accounts hosting entire libraries. It also has algorithms and AIs to detect and delete stuff that gets uploaded, within minutes. But hey, if you subscribe to one of 15 services you might be able to watch it if it's currently on the service.
Oh yeah, I forgot that I wanted this thread was more about general private tracker stuff. I think they're unfortunately a necessity for most things due to how corporate the internet has become, but I don't think it's necessary for Japanese stuff yet in regards to user safety from lawyers. I think it's kind of sad how people under age 25 or
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