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File:GIYVrSPa8AAuzAC.jpg (255.65 KB,848x1200)


They're making a new season of the dumbpire and smoking christmas cake anime.
18 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


still insecure about your age?



File:[ASW] Yofukashi no Uta - 0….jpg (193.04 KB,1920x1080)

Ahh, so she is in her late 20's but looks older due to her 'job' being stressful. That's a pretty cool way to showcase it too. I don't remember this from the show though, so it's kind of a spoiler.


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>but looks older due to her 'job' being stressful
Very rude post


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Very nice! One of the modern /qa/ classics if I do say so much. Even if the story becomes dumb if it keeps the fantastic atmosphere it will still be worth a watch. Such a fantastic use of colors and highlights and all that other stylish stuff to make the night look so vibrant.

I wasn't a fan of it panning to other characters like >>121392, but I think that's what people were talking about so... oh well. It will probably still look nice.

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That's fair. And the heteroness of Z and ZZ makes up for it


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The question I have with Bravern after last week's events is now "what are the Deathdrives, exactly?" Because the name seems to me like a clear reference to Freud:
>In classical Freudian psychoanalytic theory, the death drive (German: Todestrieb) is the drive toward death and destruction, often expressed through behaviors such as aggression, repetition compulsion, and self-destructiveness.
It's not exactly the same, but Cupiridas wanted to be given a proper death with a cool explosion, Knuth tells Smith her wish is to "make love" with him while he finds this strange, fulfilled through their deaths, and Superbia begins to meditate about his role on the conflict after seeing his Lulu has changed so much though that may be a different thing. It doesn't seem to me like they simply want to conquer Earth. And seeing as Smithvern managed to travel back in time, maybe the Deathdrives have done the same thing? They appeared from nowhere straight out of a portal.


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>maybe the Deathdrives have done the same thing
I don't think so, Bravern's case seemed to be that of a miracle born of Smith and Kunith combining since Kunith had space-time warping powers. I think they are proper inorganic aliens, but lack the proper zeal required to satisfy their lust for battle.


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Hmmm, I hadn't realized those powers were specific to her alone. I do still find the towers and such to be somewhat suspicious, although allegedly now that she destroyed the spaceship thing, they won't be able to revive anymore so who knows what they'll do with that now. I suppose it remains to be seen.

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After years of being told I'm in the wrong line of work I've decided to take a shot at what I was born to do: writing.

I'm going to write and publish a LN before the end of this year. I just wanted to tell someone so I stick to this goal. I don't imagine it'll be that great but I've taken a look at other books and LNs people are publishing and they aren't that great either.

Will my friends here read the first draft when I'm done?
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File:야쿠모 란.jpg (63.92 KB,578x544)

I feel for and support you. I've also got a project that I determined to have at least some demo functionality for by the end of this year, but it's three months into the year and all I have are basically the beginnings of a design with scattered writings and dialogue, but still no work into code or art/music assets. I hope to get more done when the semester is over, but I'll be working a job then. Probably need someone to tell me no and reign in ambitions, and maybe with cash I can pay for some help. At the very least I want to get something out the door with best kitsune at some point.


>At the very least I want to get something out the door with best kitsune at some point.
Just be careful with what you intend to do with with that. Many people seem to be under the impression that Touhou is managed differently to any other IP, it's not. If you try to sell a game using ZUN's IP and you don't have his permission they will come after you, if they find out and if you are not Chinese that is.


I am aware. I read the rules on how they want fanworks to be and don't have much intention on selling it. If it turns out to be something substantial in the end and is something people would buy I'll go through proper channels like the anon who made Udongein X and Artificial Dream in Arcadia.


asahi is cute


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I agree!

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How much animes do you watch per weeks/months?
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Ironic, or maybe there's a better word, but I think this will be the worst season yet.

But I think this lineup is a bunch of cashcows




Nooooooooooo Euphonium is boring


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You dropped it just before her arc, dumb clockfag.


What site is this?

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Has the internet been a net benefit for society? Going by the access it gives us to all information, it could seem so on a technical level. However, with so much information out there it's impossible for a normal human to sort through, and as such many rely on small feeds to get their information that motivates them most emotionally. This stewing of outrage culture seems like it's lead to perpetuating and even stoking more violence and hatred.

On the other hand, the vast sea of information has also given opportunity for those in research to collaborate and build off each others work at lightning speed, and even help to raise new generations on material that teaches them well. Not to mention the entirety of github. In my own personal experience I feel as though I've learned to connect better with others through my use of the internet.
15 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It used to be really good, but I feel the way search engines have degraded to the point where the "dead internet theory" is becoming true. AI generated articles and websites have taken over most search engines and most are worthless and has resulted in most users either going to social media or alternate protocols. I'm not even gonna go into the societal rammifications it has and will continue to have


>that it democratized the media landscape
This wasnt a good thing. It has enabled a lot of unqualifed, very dumb and or very malicious people to speak from positions of authority.

More begnignly with entertainment, well, everyone thinks they can podcast even if they have no idea what it's gonna be about and manage to use both a radio voice and many verbal crutches at the same time. Its not even just Ben from Swindon doing it in has garage, every celebrity who has no business doing a podcast like the Osbournes do one not even knowing what they're gonna talk about


There's also the topic of it making porn instantly accesible and free, but I dont know if thats in the scope of this thread


I'll take the garbage if it means I have more choice in what I consume. I don't have to consume the crap if I don't want to, after all

I think a lot of my view on this sort of thing came from my experiences with the internet growing up. When I was young, a lot of what I wanted from media either didn't exist in traditional media, or wasn't available within the purview of smalltown suburban America. When I really figured out how to use the internet, it felt like a veil had been lifted and I could finally find what I was looking for, even if it wasn't exactly as polished as a mainstream corporate product would be.


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The internet has been a net boon for me because I hate going out and socializing, and none of my interests align much with anyone I know in person. >>115663 is right in that. But I don't really care about the harmful effects social media has had because I don't care for the world outside the forums for loli anime princesses that we use to talk about fun otaku stuff. The only way to improve things would be a mass exodus of normal people away from the web to let us have tea and chat in peace.

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what's the cheapest TV computer you can build?

Can you beat 600$?
> Intel Core i7 up to 3.9GHz 4-Core | 32GB Memory | 2TB Solid State Drive | Genuine Windows 10 Professional 64-bit
>AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT 8G GDDR6 Video Card | 1x HDMI | 2x DisplayPort
> RGB !!!
> relating to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AddtrV6UFFs
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Actually these are refurbished so perhaps this thread starter doesn't make senese


For media consumption I think anything made in the last 10 years will work


Are they fast enough to software decode 8k60fps AV1 videos?


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I remember people talking about this home theater stuff over the years and I remember terms like Plex, but that's about all I can remember. Storage seems like the most important part, since something that is now significant is owning the media you play as companies continue to clamp down on access.
I think prebuilt stuff has the best deals unless it has changed very recently. You generally do have to switch out power supply, though, since those are almost always the most abysmal things imaginable when they're paired with a computer.


>Just buy a Roku
You should try watching the video OP linked...

Also these "TV computers" seem nice and cheap and all, but what's the point if what you plug it into isn't good as well? What TVs are there that don't already connect to the internet right now?

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 No.20137[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I'm a VR now.
282 posts and 92 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Got to play some beat saber at christmas and it's really fun, VR certainly feels much better to actually play than just looking at.



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For once, I really want to go to an Apple store and try one out. Generally speaking, though, the reviews I've seen seem generally pretty underwhelming. Apple has pushed that this is a platform for, "Spatial Computing," but they really haven't put any particular focus into software that would really make that a reality. At the moment, the headset has the typical apps you would find on a new smartphone: photos, settings, messages, a browser, music... Nothing that would really draw anyone into using it. Even what should be a major selling point, of being able to connect it to Macbook seems underwhelming. You can spawn a handful of any number of other apps, but you're limited to a single screen from an actual computer. What apps do seems available mostly come from cross-compatibility with iPad apps. Obviously a $3599-4000 headset isn't particularly even focused towards gaming, but from what I've seen there aren't even really any games available at the moment either.

The biggest flaw I see is that the input method of using your eyes to select UI items is fairly inconvenient. For example, sitting in front of a normal PC, you can look around and type and click on things as you wish, but to actually select anything you need to literally be looking directly at what you want to select. This is why every other sensible VR headset on the market ships with controllers. Or, as is the case on Oculus/Meta headsets, you can emulate controllers with your hands and either physically interact with windows by tapping, or by using a virtual pointer with hand gestures. The other thing I've noticed is that much less care has actually been given to using applications and organizing them within your view. On the Quest, for example, multitasking windows spawn connected to the main taskbar. From that taskbar you then also have the ability to launch other VR applications, or you can close windows by tapping the X in the corner. On the Apple headset, there's no equivalent taskbar, and windows can be placed anywhere. That naturally allows for much more freedom, but it's unstructured nature leads your immediate vicinity to end up looking cluttered with windows on top of windows with no real management to speak of. This is honestly the weirdest thing about the Apple Vision Pro to me. It seems a considerable amount of time went into the styling of the UI, but little effort seemPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


cool, it works like mecha displays


Vision suck PRO

File:[SubsPlease] Oshi no Ko - ….jpg (300.91 KB,1920x1080)

 No.106858[Reply][Last50 Posts]

If you told me that Doga Kobo of all studios would be producing the potential AOTD with an opening movie that asserts itself proudly as most likely the best anime movie to come out this year. I'd probably laugh in your face. All the trash they've been throwing out there. The quality void, I didn't think it was possible.

After watching this I'm convinced and refuse to believe there's any reason for this other than they had the A-team hard at work perfecting this very work. Haven't been this excited about an anime for a long time. Being able to tug at my heartstrings and relate to the protagonist not out of some form of "relatable" character points, but instead from sharing the same burning vengeful passion is what I feel really marks a masterpiece in the making.
121 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Which is funny because the DitF stuff was the final nail in the coffin for me to decide that I'd never look at /a/ again.


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For how much of a bang the anime started off with, Oshi no Ko really dragged its feet following Ai's death. It took the more romcom/idol route instead of focusing more on Aqua's digging into their father, and I think I would've preferred a more Monster-like story set in the showbiz industry as opposed to what we got. It was still pretty good, but now the dust has settled I don't think it lived up to the hype.


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She's the real star of the show which I think I said in this thread last year. Season 2 will hopefully focus even more on her.

An AI image of Ai, huh. Ehhh...
Well anyway, it diverged a lot from the original premise, yeah. That's why I think Kana was able to steal the show so easily. I don't care about either of the twins at all.


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i'm told she has a rather hard life going forward
lots of romantic competition with the other one


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>I don't care about either of the twins at all.

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Did you know that YouTube has a feature where you can search older videos now? If the first thing you put into the search is
then you'll only get search results from before that date. I was using it to find nice blasts from the past earlier and it's also kinda funny how much better the results are when none of the modern algorithm optimized content exists.
11 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


nice+cute feet


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Judging from the filename, it was saved from xitter. Here's a high res ver


Stop posting lewds


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Make me


it's essentially the same feature twitter has though still neat

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When do you sage, and when do you bump while others don't?
93 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


polite sage is a gesture, manners, but not a reason


File:[HorribleSubs] Uma Musume ….jpg (26.64 KB,301x380)

There's no reason to bump a sticky.


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There is, simultaneously, no reason to sage it either. Unless...


Sage does nothing. You don't need a reason to do nothing.


I do what I want

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Why do people like marcille and fern? They're so miserable and are probably drains to be around, fern can even come off like a bully to her friends whereas marcille feels like a girl who nags because she feels left out
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he is a bit of a third wheel


I think thats the point, like >>120852 said, yeah


Why does she keep looking with kimoi eyes


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Can't really disagree. Thought he'd have more of a side roll doing other things while Frieren and Fern were doing their exams but he's just kinda out of the picture entirely for the time being.


He's sleeping in a drinking Juice
What more do you want??

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This is going to sound retarded but does anyone have like, a code of etiquette when it comes to bumping and saging threads?
¥ If the thread is on page 1
There shouldn't be a need to bump it, it's already on the first page.
¥ If it's on any other page
Should be fine to bump, but it should be with a good post.

This is predicated that its on a board of "high quality"
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You're supposed to feel it out. I sage on topic sometimes because I feel like my opinion isn't saying anything new or if the thread is already on page 1 or 2. I don't think much of it.
I'm only consistent with it when replying to old threads that I may or not want to necrobump out of politeness (bumping to not create a new thread for a topic I want to talk about or using sage to not necro it if my post isn't important or replying to another anon who saged, etc.)
I also sage blogposts like this one


never sage


never age


write long off-topic effortposts and misspell sage

File:kissu's favorite anime thr….png (96.95 KB,2306x2024)


Everyone knows about 3x3s and whatnot, but what about your particular AOTYs for every year? Have you ever given thought to that? Think it'd be interesting to see how much how this graph kissu can fill out, and what everyone picks.

I think even for myself I'd have some trouble for some of these years with how much good stuff is in them.

https://kissu.moe/test.html or https://files.catbox.moe/vhp590.html : Easy fill-in horizontal template
(Edit the background-image property of the body segment of this to whatever image you want as long as it's a variation on >>109261 and it should work.)
61 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Surprised there's not as many people picking Geass for '07


But it started in 2006.


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Well it ended in 2007 and that's year I associate with it in my mind...


The great Elle wall was toppled...


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>Ought to rewatch ergo proxy sometime...
Funny that I see this post right after considering streaming Ergo Proxy after thinking my memory of it was poor from how long it's been since seeing it. Guess it's probably a sign that I should go for it.

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Thanks to a link from a guy that lead to discussion and a link from another guy, we have links to software that makes cute voices!

I'm using the first link personally because it has Zundamon, which is the absolute cutest artificial voice. I'm making a thread here on /qa/ because the original thread is on /jp/ and /jp/ threads can fall off after a couple weeks and this is too cool to lose that quickly.
59 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


insanely cute


File:00083-2641630778.png (962.78 KB,864x1152)

Zundamon sound board! https://aidn.jp/zundaroe/
(didn't feel like looking at pixiv so take a nonsensical AI image)


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nice site


Anyone tried using this for english? Just copy/pasting the text doesn't work too well, but converting it to katakana first works a lot better. Haven't found a way to do it locally, though.


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I tried, but it's an exercise in frustration. I think I did try the katakana thing, but it was still hard to do the pitches and such. I think I also tried general TTS tricks, which I can't quite remember. (I think it was like typing "hoo" instead of "who". I didn't fully understand the UI either, but I guess part of the whole "unable to understand Japanese" thing.
After seeing all the AI cover stuff I don't know if this has any chance to gain traction outside Japanese; it's just too much work.

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What do you think were the best underappreciated or obscure games of 2023?


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Ummm... uhhh.... huh. Did I play any game that released in 2023?


Same, I can think of tons of 2022 games I liked that were underappreciated in addition to the big stuff, like tunic, signalis, ctrl alt ego, serial cleaners, and neon white, but none for 2023.



Does Princess and Conquest count? Or was that 2022?


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Seems the only game I played last year that actually released 2023 was Showgunners. That was a little tactics game with a cyberpunk game show kinda setting, good game. Right now I'm playing Shadow Gambit which was also released last year. It's Shadow Tactics but with Pirates, and that's also good. Also Fuga 2 happened and I'm sure its good but I just gotta get around to playing it...

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