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Do you think he'd be happy or sad at the state of things today?

I think he failed in the end.
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I guess the government publishes that they think it's similar potency to opioids. According to a 1994 paper. I think addiction is a personal thing though


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Shaft anime any day now.
Any day now...


For me. Keeping in mind pack of cigarettes = 20 here. Price for my preferred brand 20 years ago: $2.25. Price when I stopped smoking them a couple of years ago: $8.50-$13 depending on where I bought them (cheaper in my home state). I smoked 1 and 1/2-2 packs daily (so 30-40 a day). So I was spending $20 everyday and also buying a snack/drink or something along with them.

Compare to vaping: Initial cost for vape $120+ for first vape (large one) and $50 or so for salt nic vape (pen type). Cost for replacement cartridge every week: $5-$10. Cost of juice every week: $25-40. Cost of replacement batteries yearly to bi-yearly: $25-$50 (can't buy replacements for pen type).

Compare to rolling my own cigarettes: Cost for machine to stuff tubes: $50. Cost for 8 ounces tobacco: $8 (makes 200-250 cigarettes). Cost of 200 pre-rolled filtered tubes: $3.

Making your own is much cheaper. Also vaping is rougher on the lungs despite the advertising and promises. I can chain smoke cigarettes all day while working outside in the heat and/or walking/hiking. With a vape I can't do that. It's too hard to catch my breath.

Main reason I don't vape anymore: I just ended up doing both. I'd vape between cigarettes. Now the only time I use a vape is if I'm going to be somewhere that doesn't allow smoking. But over the last year or so these places have banned vaping to. So it doesn't make much sense anymore. If I stay at someone else's house I'll sometimes take one. Since they're more prone to allow vaping than smoking. Also with vape it's possible to take "ghost hits" that don't let out any vapor. But they're hell on your lungs.

I typically smoke 2-3 cigarettes an hour. Sometimes more now that I roll because they're so cheap. My mother is a true chain smoker. I've seen her fire up another while the last one is still smoldering in the ash tray.

The average is skewed by people that report only having 1-2 daily or people reporting less than they truly smoke. The average smoker in my experience has at least 15-20 a day. Most people smoke an entire pack or just under one so they have one in the morning left over upon waking. IfPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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This OVA drove me insane. Felt incredibly cowardly the way it constantly retreats into self deprecating humor and overdramatized smears of people who do the things they so enjoy depicting. MCs only dream is to get rich enough to make Otaku disneyland? And all the while they plaster real headlines from news of the world as if its supposed to remind you reality exists? Fuck outta here. This kind of paralyzing indecisiveness, neither committing to embracing their work nor committing to 'growing up' is infuriating to watch.

Still laughed at the interviews though.

wtf do you mean they were just mad that they didn't get to scam the otaku first and lost that opportunity to the suit


Rather than Otaku disneyland I thought the goal was a world where everyone was otaku and otaku were not oppressed.

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Would buying this count as an investment?
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Basically a coin has value because of something that happened, it's not created with the value at the beginning. Rarity through time passing or an error or something like that makes it rare and desirable. If a resource has value like gold, then you want the pure resource and not the resource molded into something else which will then have its priced increased artificially.
An amazing collector's edition gold coin is made from like $50 of gold and sold for $500. It's a complete scam that preys on gullible people and it's a well known thing. I think it's even lead to investigations, but I could be wrong on that.


a 250$ silver coin sold for 2800$


the thumbnail looks like a tiny egg cooker


was wanting to grab some costco gold


wasn't sure if this was some sort of joke but costco actually sells gold...
Can't see the price but I guess it's 2% higher or is this one of those scams where they try to capitalize on people who believe all of organized civilization will collapse?

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I miss board-tans. I find it sad that the board this one belongs to abandoned her. If you try to post her on her home board now the people using it will call you an outsider.

Who's your favorite board-tan?
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It's cold, huh?


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thread-tan getting really into tf2

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fduck everyone and fuck everyon on this site
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virus image dont click


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yep. that's me right there


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She looks like she's looking for her glasses


Why is Aqua such a slut?

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Do you make an active effort to get along with people you don't know or have you become so jaded by the state of the world that you don't bother anymore?

I try to be in the first camp but I keep finding myself in the second. I'm nice to strangers though and most of the time they're either nice or indifferent towards me.
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I could get acquainted with most people just by acting normal, but I never tried to go any further than that since people tend to lose interest once they realise I'm an awkward spergtard with no normal hobbies and no social media accounts. But this goes both ways; I am not interested in making friends with people I have nothing in common with either.


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Same, I learned this through my family and just talking about cooking. Apparently everyone loves the culinary arts on some level and are enthusiastic to talk about different recipes or different foods you've eaten. And I love food so it's easy.


used to be a forklift certified king myself


We weren't certified. They showed up 10 minute video from the 1980s and turned us loose in a plant with about six other forklifts. It was fun drifting them. The flood was covered in detergent from all the used detergent bottles. They were supposed to put down quick dry but we never had any. So I spent my days slipping and sliding all over the place picking up 1,000 pound bails of plastic and loading them into massive machine. Would have been okay if that was all I did. But they expected me to run both machines I was loading with only one helper.


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I've learned that it helps a lot to have a normal, socially acceptable interest. Ever since starting a garden I can make small talk about something that other people understand and it really makes things go smoothly. I can even make token complaints about the weather, which is itself a subject that seems to be a routine thing to talk about even when no one is truly interested in it.
Cooking would definitely fulfill the same purpose. I guess this is closer to how things are supposed to be.


late rome was pretty entertaining in it's spectacular failures
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irreverent bump


You did it!


love me some war trivia


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I had no idea those kind of fortresses existed as far as Russia. They're an Italian invention. Must have had something to do with Italian architects being employed to build a lot things in Moscow and Saint Petersburg: https://www.rbth.com/history/332444-how-italians-built-moscow-kremlin


I consider it basic to separate the Principate and Dominate.
In practice with a a couple notable counterexamples (Trier), there's no continuity in the Germanic Kingdoms with Roman civic life with most of what was left of Rome being the various churches themselves. Otherwise the story of the early middle ages is "Radical material simplification" as urban demographics imploded and became more rural and isolate.
I think most scholarship agrees the end of antiquity in the ERE was in the 7th century. The Empire totally reconfigured itself doing away with Rome's traditional delineation between civic/military authority and centralized heavily around Constantinople. The ruralization and demographic disaster they had mostly avoided started in earnest after the loss of Egypt.
Thessaloniki, which remained an important second city in the Empire so it didn't get the worst of it, went from several hundred thousand people to 50,000 tops during this period. Really this period of history turns Constantinople into the last Roman city, and the rest of the now Byzantine Empire into its military periphery.

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What's the meta on choosing a fan? I know EEs like to suggest altering the voltage to make any bladed fan run super fast.
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you could buy multiple fans


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Make sure to get one that doesn't suck. heh


I only need one adoring fan


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By Azura! I can't believe the great and mighty Grand Champion wishes only for mine eyes only upon him! What luck that I have exclusive rights to the grown tread upon by him!


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I have an old fan, about a decade old, that still works. Personally the most important distinction of a good fan is that it makes consistent noise. It's important that it moves air, but it's also very important as a source of uhh.. white or grey or whatever color noise they call it. I can't stand silence when it comes to sleeping. This is one of the things that really sucks about online shopping, although it's also kind of rare that you get to hear them in person before you buy them, too. And that's why my fan is a decade old.

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Why has this thing of a song becoming a meme not really happened on imageboards again? U.N Owen was her, Ievan Polkka, Caramelldansen and ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER are perhaps the biggest examples, but I remember back in 2010-2011 /v/ was in overdrive and going through a phase where a lot of catchy songs would become memes there. It started with HARMONY (Robot Unicorn Attack), then Fukkireta, then PONPONPON, etc. For /a/ and /jp/ I guess there's JIBUN WO, Hare Hare Yukai, the many catchy classic Touhou/Vocaloid songs, the /jp/ theme song, gachimuchi (gachimuchi also got popular on /v/, it's how it got transferred to the normsphere on twitch many years later), ME!ME!ME!, various Japanese MADs, etc.

I guess the modern incarnation of that would be those viral TikTok songs, but it just feels 'soulless' in comparison for a lack of a better word.
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i think its just that imageboards are just not the center of memes anymore, other sites generate memes and maybe they get co-opted by imageboards?


Taylor Swift seems fairly popular and she seems to have a dedicated following that presumably do remember and care about her songs.
I think we have to remember that we are on the outside, I have never even heard a Taylor Swift song, maybe you have not either. That entire world is something that we never interact with so to us it could be easy to say that nobody cares about modern music but that's just because we don't.


I think 'Soulless' is an apt term for it since modern trends aren't really made by humans but instead algorithmically driven with people not really having much of a say in the matter.


The mistake you're making is you think people that care about Taylor Swift are people. They are not people. They are cattle. That's why they watch TV and gossip about whatever the TV is gossiping about.

Anon is not like this. He has refined tastes that are not driven by advertising agencies and propagandists. The reason imageboards no longer spawn memes is because they are not allowed to spawn memes. Anon weaponized memes and the other side fought back. They flooded all our homelands and spread us to the four corners of the globe. We are no longer allowed to operate as a real community anymore. This is a trick. It keeps the TV watching zombies contained within the walls of the largest propaganda service ever conceived by man. Where they can be drip fed content curated by the propaganda overlords and any original content can quickly be silenced and censored before it's seen by more than 10 people.

Let's use your Taylor Swift example; She does not write her own lyrics. She does not produce her own music. She does not design her own costumes. She does not design her own sets. She never interacts with her fans (zombies) in any kind of real way. She does not hold handshake events. She does not appear anywhere organically. She does not have a real boyfriend. She's not even a real woman. But she (he) is an effective mouth piece for the people doing all of these things. Taylor Swift is not a bigger draw than the Superbowl no matter how much the TV tells you that lie on repeat. She's is artificially promoted like most everything else in this horrible world.

We should be thankful for Taylor Swift. It prevents more of the zombies from discovering real content like we consume. Thus ensuring that we can continue to consume it without worrying about what the zombies would demand be changed the moment their TV-kami started telling them to hate on repeat.

The world makes a lot more sense when you start to understand how much of it is really fake.

The only reason glorious Nippon cartoons even became popular in the west originally was due to the fact that people sought out content outside of this fake TV zombie curated garbage. Mainstream social media is just TV 2.0. It's a walled garden where all the dumb zombies can be contained so they don't infect the rest of mankind with their bad tastes and stupid opinions. The only diffPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


We are all cattle, memes themselves are the product of cattle. If you use or create memes, you are cattle.

Regarding Taylor Swift, a quick google search says that she does actually write her own music. But I do get your point, most pop singers don't. But then that's not really new or even restricted to pop music. Most Opera singers don't write their own operas nor do they design their own costumes and sets. Taylor Swift probably has more input in regards to her costume and sets than most Opera singers do. And a lot of what you are saying could very easily be applied to Idols as well.

I don't think your average Taylor Swift fan would care about what we watch, I think most of her fanbase are western girls and young women, though having said that many of them probably do read manga and watch anime and such. The average fan probably does not but I think there would be a lot that do.
I think if people like Taylor Swift and not anime then that's fine, everybody has their own interests.

It depends on what you mean by fake. Because everything could easily be called fake, you could be called fake, I could be called fake. Taylor Swift clearly is a real person and she clearly does make music that people like, not you or I but people none the less. The fact that she writes he own songs means she is more authentic than much of what I listen to, most of the cute anime songs probably aren't song by the people that wrote them.

It feels weird to be defending Taylor Swift but here I am...

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Is another moe anime that's both celebratory and satire on otaku culture like Lucky Star still possible in this day and age? Feels like the celebratory part is still possible, but everything that's of that vein seems to either avoid any serious self parody and is more feel good than laughs.
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I mean, KyoAni was the main producer of it with its moege VN adaptations, Lucky Star, K-ON, Tamako Market, Nichijou, etc. Dragon Maid is the closest thing to those and they haven't done anything of that kind since the fire.

The other studio that was really big on it is Doga Kobo. They're a bit lacking on it as well now. Houkago Tenbou, Koisuru Asteroid, Gabriel DropOut and New Game were their most recent attempts at it.


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Forgot to mention Wataten.


That change happened before the fire. All those examples you named are manga or VN adaptations or anime originals, whereas a little over a decade ago they switched to primarily adapting (light) novels instead, which being a less visual medium has less room for moe appeal. Stuff like Tsurune, Violet Evergarden, Kyoukai no Kanata, and Phantom World all came out of their in-house LN publishing division, while others like Eupho come from outside.
With the early ones, like Chu2, they went out of their way to up the moe appeal for the anime (Kumiko, for instance, being anime original), but as times changed they moved away from doing even that much.
Kobayashi-san, which you point out as one of their few moe-focused series of recent times, is notably the one and only manga adaptation that Kyoani has done since they started publishing LNs back in mid-2011.


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You can argue that Free! which caused a massive mental breakdown on /a/ back then was a big game changer as well; because it shifted their audience from primarily male to a more balanced gender breakdown if we use the gender demographics of Yuru Camp and Bocchi as example.
>Stuff like Tsurune, Violet Evergarden, Kyoukai no Kanata, and Phantom World all came out of their in-house LN publishing division, while others like Eupho come from outside
Notice that all of these have female appeal to some extent, except maybe Phantom World.

The fire certainly didn't help and it slowed down their overall production of shows though, so it means even less stuff like Dragon Maid being produced.


Edomae Elf was fun and I want a second season so badly.

The true decline of these kinds of shows stems from the studios attempting to go for mass appeal now. Which includes pandering to both the non-Otaku in-country and the west. The allure of money from new segments of the market has caused a lot of studios to focus on no longer pandering to otaku. It doesn't matter how much the otaku complain they can never outspend the hordes of more casual fans who don't care about obscure references or moe for the sake of moe. Never forget there was a time when people declared moe-shit the death of anime in the early-late 2000s. So it isn't surprising to see that style start to fall out of favor. Never mind the fact that we have all this pandering and censorship these days in an attempt to either prevent or cause a social media shitstorm as a way to do promotion.

In other words; You aren't the target market anymore. Even with remakes we usually see them taking an old popular show and toning down a lot of what made it good in an attempt to sanitize it for the new type of audience.

Studios don't want to churn out a steady supply of shows for otaku who will spend a slim-decent profit in return. They want to churn out as much as possible in the hopes that one show will obtain the popularity of something like Madoka. Where they can ride the profits for many years and slowly produce content that has mass appeal in many different regions. Why make $1,000 at home off something when you can make $1,000,000 aboard? Who cares what the local otaku think when they'll never be able to spend that type of money even on something they love?

This isn't unique to Japan or anime either. Mediums go through cycles like this. They will keep pushing out low budget stuff until the market refuses to watch it anymore. These come-lately fans will move on to the next fad. Then after a few years of nothing being produced someone will take a chance again. They'll make something for otaku. The otaku will like it and spend a lot of money on it. Then the process will repeat. We'll get a bunch of good content for about a decade or so until the usual parties see the money being made and attempt to cash-in on the fad again. Then we're back to what we have now: A Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Every story feels like a real life in an alternate universe. It's ruining my enjoyment of media and I'm worried it will ruin my relationships with real people. On a side note, what story would you want to reincarnate into? A lot of lives seem stressful and hard, but Binchou-tan looks comfortable.
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Will research help me not be a sperg when I try to woo a 2hu?


I was saying that, when I read a story, I imagine that it actually happened in an alternate universe and that I am reincarnated from that life and might be set to reincarnate into it again.

So I was asking for advice on how to stop this thinking, since if I'm reading a particularly gruesome story, it would make me scared of reincarnating into that.


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You have to research that part of the Charisma tech tree. Also cooking, it's very effective. So is good sake. Really just loosen them up through their stomach and the effects of sperg will be severely dampened. Hell, it can just come down to the individual 2hu. Yukari for instance would be more than happy to talk with a tree if it shared her weird interests so being a sperg might not be that big of an issue. I'm sure you'll find one to sperg out with.


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Reincarnation isn't anything to be worried about. At least if we're talking in the Buddhist sense where shit like that actually matters. It's simply a cycle of karmic debt, the shittier the person the more they have to live to learn their lesson and adjust to a better mentality. Whether it's a worse reincarnation or a trip to Hell you'll balance out and start again. Hell isn't permanent either unless you end up in the Avici (even then it technically has an end) for the select few profane sins like genocide and malicious patricide, or somehow killing a Buddha; not something the average person has to worry about.

Trying to stop yourself from thinking about something is a fools errand, you'll just think about it more like the game. Or put it this way: your past lives were just that kuso, so given you're here now reflecting on it, you're on an upward trend and can't reincarnate as anything worse then you are now. Just plod along and do one good deed a day, no matter how small.


>On a side note, what story would you want to reincarnate into?
I made up an on-going story through the power of imagination several years ago (maybe a decade has past now). I am basically destined to re-incarnate as a cute black haired girl with long hair in some world where they have Kami's assume the identity of girls hand picked for that purpose and have their spirits forcefully pushed out of their bodies so a Kami spirit can enter it. Then the Kami's use their knowledge and powers to guide the course of humanity in that world. But there is conflict because there are multiple Kami's vying for world domination along with many imposters pretending to be Kami and fooling the general population through technology and other forms of deception.

Each large city/town has a temple within it and worships a different God. Most Gods get along or at worst hate each other but don't let their own dislike of other Gods/religions spill into all-out war. But a few want to upset the status quo and attempt to purge the lands of every other form of God/Worship but their own. A few of these are backed up by very powerful Gods that do things like introduce them to technology like firearms to make their armies more effective in the field. Gods are supposed to be banned from participating in those wars. But sometimes they sperg out or get angry and genocide an entire army to protect their own village.

Anyway, most of the time I'm chillin in the temple hanging out with my personal medios/mikos and manifesting cool stuff like stereos and music from this world as my own form of entertainment (or to show off to the King). One medio is totally devoted to me because she was best friends with the girl that used to inhabit the body I'm stuck in and I upgraded her status to full Miko when I got angry about how the Mikos were treating the medios. The other is a total tsundere that's angry that I don't enforce the class rules and make her do things that are "below her" like helping the medios cook. She's also mad that I allowed the medios to attend school instead of being forced to do slave medio labor everyday with no outside interests or hobbies. Shes _really_ mad that I won't tell the public that I'm actually a God. Instead I continued living the life of the Miko I took over and started attending school with the devoted medio. SinPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I don't like the idea of there being more story to Mushoko Tensei after this episode. The ending isn't anything grand but the general message about growing up would be far more potent if it ends here. I don't see how all the other plot lines resolving matter to the main story. Resolving them would just distract from the core message around "growing up". Rudy seems to have finally "grown up" and accepted that he is no longer some isekai main character power tripping in another world, but he is a human, living in an actual world, and his actions have consequences; that he is now willing to take responsibility for. Unless it turns out Rudy's kid is also some isekai'd manchild that then begins to but heads with Rudy, I don't think there is much more to say about a manchild growing up and living a responsible life.
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Some things really need to learn when a good end point is. Assclass knew its perfectly.


Having read the LN, I don't remember it ending up like that. In fact, the last fight showed rudi as quite incompetent when it came to fighting 1v1. Sure, he was powerful, but it was more about his relations and things happening around him, than him being an OP MC...*


I guess that's true. The wiki doesn't paint him that godly, but all the "mushoku tier lists" put him at the top. I don't specifically mean they paint him as godly, but it seems like most of the trials from now on are about him doing amazing things.


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Well, I want to know more about the combat gods (or whatever they were called) and actual gods and the floating island thing that was shown in the first season and other loose ends. I don't much about Rudeus, but the world itself still has a lot of interesting stuff in it. Like many other stories it's the characters around the main character that are the most interesting.
But, as a whole (second to last episode of this most recent season excluded) there's been a severe lack of stakes. The Mushoku Tensei world seems to be full various factions and conflict, but the past 30 episodes didn't really show much of it. Rudeus has personal problems. Rudeus goes to school. Rudeus buys a house. It reminds me of the age of the filler episodes for manga that didn't yet have an ending.


i read the filename as norm disgust

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Does anyone else find it weird sometimes how 'shallow' otaku history is?

Like, watching Otaku no Video, the longest-time otaku interviewed had 15 years of otaku history. A lot for the time, but in the present that would be someone who got into anime while Bakemonogatari was airing.
Or how the Lucky Star manga began closer to when the word "otaku" was first coined than to the present day.
Or how we're only 3 years away from the point when NGE will have aired as close to the very first mecha anime as to the present.
Or how Japanese people who were preschoolers when the original Astro Boy anime aired are only just now reaching retirement age.
Or how 4/a/ has existed for a full third of all of TV anime history.
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I think this most recent conversation is a generational thing, although calling it generational is a bit inaccurate since people usually refer to that by age when it's not necessarily the case here. Obviously I'm going to generalize about Japanese stuff since I'm not actually one of them, but I have read stuff now and then and of course see references occasionally.
Being an otaku/nerd was definitely not cool and something you would generally hide. With otaku being a pejorative, especially after the aforementioned otaku killer thing, it seemed better to hide your predilections unless you know you're among your own kin. Not only will it avoid harsh judgements from strangers, but it will prevent you from creating awkward social situations. From what I've seen Japan is great at accepting that people can be weirdos in private, but being one in public is heavily frowned upon. This is also the case outside of Japan, but I don't think it ever reaches the degrees of tolerance for fantasy in private and intolerance towards straying from the social code in public.
Sometimes it seems strange to me that people can't understand that otaku was a bad thing to be called, just like being called a nerd or a geek was a bad thing to be. I think it's a modern internet thing where such terms have been "reclaimed" (watered down) as something you can put on your status page without elaboration, so such words carrying weight is a bit unusual if not incomprehensible.
On the English imageboard side of things people called it "powerlevel" and while it sounded funny, most people had the understanding that it was a form of protection not just for the individual but for the group as well. You can see this in older internet stuff when someone shares a clip of someone violating this safety net (like on local TV news or a college presentation or something) and people have trouble watching it because they feel empathetic shame and even anger at the person for doing it. As >>129775 said restraint is a force for good and it's important to keep society functioning... probably.
Maybe this is a bit of a moot point now since the algorithm will expose and destroy everything we hold dear until it moves on to the next thing tomorrow.


I submitted it because I was lazy. But in my defense the project was supposed to be about video editing. I didn't download someone else's shit and try to pass it off as my own. I actually sat down and took the time to edit something from VHS tapes I'd captured. But I didn't think things through and she forced me to show it to the class as punishment. She won in the end.

That's part of the reason why she didn't like them. But the hate for Otaku was already pretty widespread by then. Plus the meaning of Otaku has kind of changed since then in the west. It's was closer to "geek" back then. Trust me geeks were hated, shamed and shit on even in the west back then. This geeky stuff becoming cool didn't happen until much later.

Columbine wouldn't happen for another year or so at that time. We were still allowed to bring fake guns to school back then. Used to build models of them in art class for fun and shoot them at each other. The knee-jerk reaction to Columbine was fast and swift. They tried to force us all to buy new backbacks that were see through. Most fell in line but after a month or two they gave up on that. The clear plastic ones were crap and the mesh ones fell apart within a month.

Anyway, the violence in gaming thing had already been going strong for years at that point thanks to the Mortal Kombat and DOOM stuff being a hot button issue in Congress.

>I want to add to this. Otaku were resented for other reasons too, but I think I'd be upset too if all people cared about concerning my culture was the geeky, dorky, media aspects of it.

It was exactly this. She wanted to teach us about her culture. She ended up getting every geek/otaku in the school for her two classes. She didn't get enough students to fill more than two periods. Which is why the school dropped the Japanese language classes pretty quickly. I was shocked we even had it as an option at that time.
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Oh I also remember now she wasn't angry that I'd chosen to do an end of year project about anime/media itself. She was mostly upset because I didn't go into enough detail about the people producing and working on it. Basically, she wanted an essay about animators, seiyuus, production companies, history of them and that sort of thing. But I basically had tried to pass off a collection of fansubs and a kuso AMV because I was lazy and already had a lot of that stuff laying around anyway. I tossed that project together in 3 or 4 hours at the last minute.

In my defense my work load was pretty unbearable back then. My parents and grandparents really didn't care for the school since it was pretty useless anyway. I only got to focus on studies after I'd done all my work around the farm everyday. Which barely left me an hour or two a night if I was lucky. I couldn't stay up late that often to focus on studies because I was up at 4-5am every morning 7 days a week to do the daily chores I was assigned. I was expected to get a bunch of stuff done before the bus showed up to pick me up around 8am. I was also expected to work on Saturday and Sunday to make up for the fact that I wasn't around to help on weekdays outside of summer.

Probably why she took pity on me. Since she was aware of my home life. She took more interest in her students than any other teacher I ever had. She once showed up to our farm randomly just to check on me because I'd been out of class for a couple of days. My Grandfather would often force me to lay out of school when the work load got heavy since it was all hands on deck during those times.


>Being a nerd who doesn't go out does have the benefits of remaining drug free for the most part and away from STD-transmitting 3DPD.
I'll certainly agree with you on that, lol.
>Maybe this is a bit of a moot point now since the algorithm will expose and destroy everything we hold dear until it moves on to the next thing tomorrow.
I'd wish the algorithm would hurry it up dammit, I want most of these people out of my hobbies. They have invaded all of them.


>an essay about animators, seiyuus, production companies, history of them and that sort of thing
Sounds like a lot of work to me. More evidence that kids are getting dumber each generation.

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When did you first start using imageboards?
45 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I think the last time i posted on 4/jp/ was 2019, it was before I finally gave up on the original /qa/ anyways.


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I'd think I made this post in my sleep if not for the fact I don't have this image with that filename saved with me. I didn't post in this thread yet. It's pretty much the same for me, including the fact that I played YMK back then as well. I found out about it on /v/ in 2008 I think. It was my first 'real' VN aside from some pixelated dating sims like True Love I played as a kid.


Aside from my aforementioned reasons, for me it's also a game of evading the latest deep packet inspection censorship in my country while still using my actual IP address to post (most websites require that). I figured out a new way to post on the 4 after they nipped the eSNI/ECH trick. These are not permanent solutions however, the word gets out quick. It usually takes roughly ~6 months after I switch to a new method. I need to come up with novel tricks for personal use because they monitor our discussion forums and probably dedicate far more budget to the Firewall project that could be reused for more useful things, and I spend far more time reading RFCs and specifications for current/new communication protocols than just writing new blogposts. Usually I'm browsing with Tor, which is understandably outright banned on most websites. When I have long dry spells, I can't post anywhere at all but at least I can browse.


It sometimes astonishes me just how sophisticated 4dev can be when it comes to creating anti features and as a less fun and appealing place to post.


So you can't use a residential vpn then?

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What are your thoughts on using multiple displays vs having one main one.

Having done the following:
- One widescreen monitor
- Two monitors
- One Widescreen + Laptop screen
- One TV monitor
I find that my ability to focus on tasks and get into the `zen` zone state of programming is much simpler when I only have one primary monitor to focus my attention on and then potentially an auxiliary one to play music or get outside notifications. Only one thing is the object of my focus at a time and this helps me get things done.
22 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I like having 3 monitors (each 27 inch and 1440p). one for videos, one for general internet browsing and 1 for any chat or side webpage I want up for information if I'm playing a game or something. I was using 2 monitors and a tv but having a big tv right in my face was pointless so I switched to a normal monitor.


I used to have around 24 monitors for work a while ago so at home I've always just liked having one


I only use one monitor. I tried two but the second was just distracting and I really don't have a need for two monitors.


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>multiple displays
A fancy way of ruining your focus and attention span for sure.


On my side monitor, half is my music player and half is whatever else: chat, music from youtube, etc.

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is Catalog only necessary for non chinese/japanese imageboards?


Well, I don't think it's necessary for any of them. I'm not sure why Japanese/Chinese would be an exception, though, since futaba has had them for a long time. I guess the assumption is the condensed language, but I don't think that's really relevant in this situation.


I use the index for all imageboards. Never liked the grid layout much

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