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What are the most effective baits you know of?
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I remember using hooks with a red "berry" on them being very good for fishing mackerel.


Have you seen King of the Hill episode titled "Jumpin Crack Bass"


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does /qa/ support their country?
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It depends on the era you grew up in. With the internet and globalization, nowadays it's more about what language and power bloc you come from


On the contrary, I started to identify more and more with my country the older I became. I'm fully aware of the situation, and I think it's a good thing not in spite of it.


I think that identifying more with your country as you get older is probably actually a common thing. Especially considering that voting is usually done by older individuals.


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I will when my country crops up into existence once I transcend humanity through augmentation to achieve a higher level of being and escape this weak flesh cage.


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Is there anything that one should consider when getting a shelf for figs and whatnot? Or will any shelf really just work.

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Have you seen the storytime generals on 4/a/? I ended up checking out the ShimSim one after the manga ended and it looks like a qualitatively new thing. A new historical epoch.
They're basically a chain of chapter dumps, sustained by a dedicated OP and a group of people interested in reading whatever manga manages to get traction, a notoriously rare thing to happen. At the end, the OP may announce what they're going to dump next, and the community will move on to that as well. They differ from regular ol' dumps in that they carry around in-jokes and all that as well as getting perpetually bumped and remade like a standard general. Right now there's even some friction between /tkmiz/ and the storytime's community, mainly over the former's liberal use of spoilers.

It's like, rather than a segregated topic growing a micro-community, it's a micro-community hopping from topic to topic. Turned the whole thing on its head.
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Anonymous' field observations on modern thread structure and distribution


I feel an intrinsic disgust at insular generals from my years of browsing several other boards, but in /vt/'s case the hostility to "catalogniggers" or tourists makes perfect sense to me. I don't think I've ever seen a board with more clearly divided cultures. The kinds of discussions in /#/ (numbers) or drama threads vs many of the smaller generals are incredibly different. And since the only form of interaction many of those generals' regulars have with the rest of the board is having to deal with random shitposters, I'm sure most of them would prefer not to be on /vt/ at all.


>I'm sure most of them would prefer not to be on /vt/ at all
The majority of general posters on any board would be happier having their discussions elsewhere. A site that isn't constantly deleting their threads and having board events shaking things up and forcing them to bump more rapidly would make things a lot easier on them. Even when the mods take their side, forcing all discussion of their topic into their thread and deleting anything that takes up board space unnecessarily, the inherent structure of an imageboard conflicts with what they're trying to do. This can again be compared to people who jump through hoops to write long blogposts on Twitter or creators who complain about demonetization on YouTube. They would be better off going somewhere that is built for their style of community, but they refuse to leave even when a better option is available because they want visibility at all costs.


Honestly for the /vt/ general users it sounds like an anonymous forum would work the best


Probably, though I don't see how you'd get habitual 4chan posters to migrate. Some people would stay no matter what, so you'd simply split an already small community.

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What do you do in this situation?
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They could have just imprisoned a bunch of other kids and caretakers with him. The kids would be just as ignorant of their imprisonment as he, while the caretakers would know better than to speak of things they shouldn't.
It breaks their human rights, but then, he is a world ending threat.

Alternatively, if they really trust that he can only kill by sight, weld the door shut for good and leave him alone in there. If they want to be humane, keep him company via robots and feed him via meals served conveyor belt sushi style.


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>They could have just imprisoned a bunch of other kids and caretakers with him
What if some of those kids grew scared or formed cliques exclusionary of him while they were growing up.


Good caretakers can stop that sort of thing from happening.


Considering they are researchers, I think the point is to research him and not just contain him. The researchers don't seem overly disdainful of him, more like how we would treat a lion, if we never saw a lion before. They want him to be in a "natural habitat" not just be contained.


bun bun

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The longer time goes on in a community you fear participating in, the bigger the newfag you'll be when you eventually post. The bonds that exist will grow stronger without you and those chances you had to forge friendships will be lost. Wary and judgement is cast upon the newfag when they first enter into a community. Their every contribution or post viewed with the extra critical eye people place on strangers to the group. Yet even still, the brazen newfag presses on without fear and eventually forms connections and becomes seen as more than a stranger.

I envy the newfag with the willpower to leave their mark.
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No, but it's temporarily out of service while they figure out some sort of hosting/domain thing. The IRC is back, but not working ideally because there's no account system.
The way people were talking it seems like we might have to set up every single torrent again, but also someone mentioned scripts exist for automating that so hopefully they get shared or I'm going to go insane


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>I envy the newfag with the willpower to leave their mark.
It's not about willpower. They're not considering that at all.


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¥-Global- [proton] We have received another update with official confirmation from registrar that domain suspension was not result of targeted legal action.
¥-Global- [proton] It is still unknown whether we will be able to recover control over our .tv domain and are awaiting further updates as registrar is working to resolve this issue.
¥-Global- [proton] Regardless of whether we will recover domain or not, a new domain will be used for tracker and image host. Current IRC domain (animefriends.moe) will be used purely for hosting IRC.
We're back.


The ifunny logo makes it perfect


yep, I couldn't bring myself to edit it out.

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I spent a really long time trying to get this working recently, so I figured I'd document what I did to get GPU passthrough working on my laptop. The steps I went through might be a bit different on other distros given that I am using Proxmox, but the broad strokes should apply. Bear in mind, this is with regards to using a Windows 11 virtual machine. Certain steps may be different or unnecessary for Linux-based virtual machines.

First, why might you want to do this? Well, the most obvious reason is that virtual machines are slooow. So, by passing through a GPU you can improve its speed considerably. Another possibility would be that you want to use the GPU for some task like GPU transcoding for Plex, or to simply use it as a render host, or you may want to use it for something like AI workloads that rely on the GPU. Alternatively, you may just want to use this to have a virtual machine that you can host Steam on or something like that (bear in mind, some games and applications will not run under virtual machines or run if you are using Remote Desktop).

0. Enable Virtualization-specific settings in the BIOS such as Intel VT-x and VT-d or AMD IOMMU and AMD-V, and disable Safe Boot (After installing your OS of choice if it requires UEFI)
1. Create a virtual machine
- BIOS should be OVMF (UEFI)
- Machine type should be q35
- SCSI Controller should be VirtIO SCSI or SCSI Single; others may work these are just what I have tested
- Display should be VirtIO-GPU (virtio); other display emulators will not work for Proxmox's built-in console VNC, or otherwise cause the VM to crash on launch.
- CPU may need to be of type host and hidden from the VM
2. Edit GRUB config line beginning with "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT"
- These settings worked for me: "quiet intel_iommu=on iommu=pt pcie_acs_override=downstream,multifunction nofb nomodeset"
- For AMD CPUs, change 'intel_iommu' to 'amd_iommu'
- Save the changes and then run 'update-grub'
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Hard drives are painful as primary storage... I wish used SSDs were as cheap and as plentiful as used hard drives...


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I think it depends on what you mean by "primary storage". All my anime and game ROMs/ISOs (when not being played) are on HDD since it doesn't need "performance" and 99.9999% of the time it sits there doing nothing. I have AI models on SSD since they get loaded and unloaded and stuff and I read that can be bad for HDDs to move that much data around regularly. SSDs and NMVe prices seem a bit better lately, but I think they're expected them to stagnate or increase unfortunately.


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Well... I'm making a backup of a virtual machine's filesystem because the virtual machine was acting erratically and not starting properly. It's virtual drive is only 80GB, but because it's on a rather slow hard drive and filesystems are often filled with tons of tiny files, in the image there it slowed down to 7.4MB/s. If the remaining ~59% go at that speed, it'll take about 2 more hours from when that screenshot was taken. The task info stopped updating though and I noticed earlier a few messages saying "Bad block medium error"... I'm hoping some hard drive errors aren't the cause of all this... My server seems to suggest that the hard drive is alright though and not likely to fail.


sigh... I think the drive really did corrupt the VM... I tried copying the .raw file that stored the VM's filesystem manually, but it stalled after having only moved 26GB over ~8 hours. I hope I can recover some of the files at least, but it seems like after ~2 minutes the VM freezes up and gets itself into such an unresponsive state that the VM process cannot be killed, requiring a full restart of the host machine. It must be corrupted in a very peculiar way because it boots fine, but then after some time, nothing can be launched and any attempt to do so results in the process hanging with no ability to force quit via key macro... Probably the worst part of all is that I cannot even SSH into the VM, if I could, I could at least try to retrieve some of the files via SFTP.



Moved to >>>/maho/1260.

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Sometimes I wonder what Kissu would be like if the voting system used on /ec/ and /megu/ was a sitewide thing that was active on every board.

In the standard imageboard format, it's hard to tell the difference between a post that has no replies because no one read it, and a post that has no replies because people found it generally agreeable and nobody had anything to add, and it can sometimes feel like you're shouting into the void.

This isn't a feature request. I'm not even sure if it's a good idea to begin with. I just think it's one of those things that's interesting to think about.
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...to praise Elle and acknowledge her as their superior before departing!


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First panel: Opening a video titled "ugly baby eaten by dog"
Second panel: Watching the video


this is what pitbull mamas enjoy doing in secret


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The video thumbnail:

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Gets aren't worth it but that doesn't mean repeating digits aren't still fun


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I'm not so sure.


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Apparently the most important part of a skincare routine is sunscreen, even indoors.
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Good thing I live in a basement.


every single time this is posted it feels like you're trying to choke someone


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If your life is saved in a way that makes you completely dependent on the person who saved it, with them able to take it away at any time, have you really been saved?
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Even the normal undead are utterly beholden to their resurrectors to survive. Their lives aren't their own at that point. Benevolent necromancers may allow them a great degree of freedom, but a freedom that can be taken away isn't a freedom. It's a luxury that distracts a slave from their position.


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Maybe. Sounds pretty terrible to me. Sounds like a prolonged suffering thing, but OP is alluding to a specific situation from a specific anime and for that I'd say the answer is probably no.
I think in these situations there's usually some free time or small joy found since the human mind is capable of great feats of adaptation.


Only the dead can know peace from this evil.


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Consider this scenario:
The one you're eternally indebted to is a cute girl

I think then we can consider that you have been saved.


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It seems it's actually in the WN that Shalltear takes a lot more prisoners, like Arche and Brain becoming her sex slaves. Maru decided to off them the second time around, and I'm very glad he did so.

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 No.114206[Reply][Last50 Posts]

So, what anime are you planning on watching this season? There's quite a few major sequels and continuations and some new stuff that looks great as well.

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Was browsing some places and found this chart of the final rankings for all anime on nico. More than popularity, kissu may like seeing this.


wait what
98 out of 100?



that has to be selection bias


Well it's the ratings for the final episodes, so most people that were still watching probably did like it a lot.

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 No.116690[Reply][Last50 Posts]

New feature just landed.
Better than paint, allows you to add another layer on top for a simple CSP style image editor.
105 posts and 42 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The only one I know of is on 4chan, but I'm not sure if it's any good. It's bad to always receive fluffy, non-committal praise, but /ic/ seems to be too far in the other direction. Apart from that, artists seem too scattered.


do people still use conceptart.org forums
edit: apparently not the site is gone noew


I am also on firefox and it also doesn't work here and in some other browser drawing app so maybe firefox just does not support pressure.


Chrome tends to be more ahead of the curve with programmer apis


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Got banned from heyuri cuz anonwaha is a faggot.
I need a good site to migrate to.
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i hope you enjoy being here with us forever!


I think part of what helps kissu maintain a relaxed atmosphere is that you're still allowed to be edgy, calling people slurs and making jokes about race and sexuality, but actual discussion of controversial real-life topics is kept on a pretty tight leash. I can call people niggers, but something like >>119722 would get you banned pretty quick.


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my negis


wrong. I do not like your post. It just makes every post after it more likely to cause an explosion of deletes.


do you know who I am?

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I've been looking at 4chan/w/ and found the powerlevel thread. It's like a thread for posting wallpapers which reference some anime/manga/game/whatever but try and be pretty stealth about it so it won't look weird in public.
There were some really good ones there, but there aren't many wallpapers for phones there...

What wallpapers does kissu use? I've been using pic related on my phone for a long time now, it's Okabe's phone wallpaper from the Steins;Gate VN. Pretty stealth but still a nice reference that somebody who's also read Steins;Gate would catch (not that that's happened to me yet...)

This could be a nice long-running thread so I'm posting it on /qa/, but maybe it's better for the seasonal boards? Though those don't get much activity compared to the 2 main ones, so I put it here
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And this one too, which I like quite a bit and fits very well.


It only works because his personality contrasts with being a Lich


Well yes, that's essentially the story in a nutshell. Though I meant it fits in that it's rectangular, fits the screen.



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I just started using this one as my wallpaper about two days ago?

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How much time can a show spend on build-up before you demand the plot move forward?
How many episodes can the main character be absent before you need things to get back on track?
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If it's really good then it doesn't need to move forward at all. The exception is filler material, but I don't think that happens much these days. But, I think it needs to be clear about what the show will entail early on, and not suddenly pivot for episode or two in a completely different "genre". I think it's better for a dramatic show to have a fun episode than a fun show to have a dramatic episode, especially if it goes into politics and stuff.
Story progression though? As long if it's still generally heading in the same direction I don't care if it takes a while if the characters are good.


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All of them. Never move the plot forwards and have the characters move on from school. Keep them there forever and the good times continue forever.


Episode 1:
We are informed that aliens are attacking Earth. Humanity scrambles to bring together a team of high school students to combat this threat.

Episode 15:
So far, every episode has brought news of people dying, massacred by the vile invaders from outer space. The protagonists are very disturbed by it and discuss it with great vigor during lunch on the school roof.

Episode 52 (last episode):
One of the characters confesses her love for another, but the declaration ends up inaudible over the noise of heavy bombardments. "Eh? Nandatte?"
To the background of the burning city, the girl suppresses a tear, bears a slightly bitter smile, and says: "Eh, it's nothing."


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I want 10, no, 20 seasons!


In the OP show, they spent five episodes introducing characters and are just now having the different factions start to interact meaningfully. It's still been interesting, but I am wondering how much they're going to be able to fit in the remaining time. It's not episodic or SoL at all, but at the same time not much is actually happening while they set the stage.

It's different from, say, Code Geass or Railgun where they periodically set the important stuff aside to get into school shenanigans. That can be a lot more frustrating if it isn't used to build character motivations or relationships and just ends up feeling like a filler episode.

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