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File:[SubsPlease] Kimetsu no Ya….jpg (130.39 KB,1280x720)


How do you make mob characters look competent and useful without taking away from the main character's importance?
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File:[SubsPlease] Kono Subarash….jpg (275.48 KB,1920x1080)

It doesn't matter what they do when they're just a featureless blob of copies. Everything about their generic, doll-like appearance tells us not to value them at all since the universe itself says they're not important or useful. So, the first step would be to humanize them by giving them identifiable visual traits, but that's a whole lot of work.
I think Konosuba is noteworthy in this way. It still has faceless knights and such, but the guild often features individuals instead of copy-paste nonsense. Because of this, events like pic-related make it seem much more meaningful.


But in settings like Kimetsu or Kaijuu 8 the setting tells us that all of these rank-and-file soldiers are skilled enough to go through the same trials the main characters did and have more experience than them, at least at first. Designs are a meta factor for helping the audience know who they should remember, they imply relevance to the story, not competency.


shonen series are not good stories, they're good explorations in character growth, but never worldbuilding and plot


Typically, the MC has some special divine ability that separates him from everyone else in-world. So you can make your background characters strong in the usual human ways while only making them appear weak to the MC and whomever the MC is fighting at that time.

It isn't hard to write strong background characters. But most people skip on the world building now. Since it takes up far more runtime and words to flesh out background character details.

I do appreciate studios that don't copy/paste background characters and at least put some effort into them. The first couple of shows that started not to bother and use blobs/cut outs were funny. But it got much less funny as time went on.

Lately I've been trying to spot a male background character in MahoAko thinking they might have hidden one somewhere as a joke. I thought I found a couple. But on closer inspection all of them turned out to be lesbians.


Avoiding the Redshirt concept (point 1) and screentime (point 2).
The Redshirt concept is that the characters are disposable and are there just to die. Not to say you can't have them die, but give their purpose something more before dying. Their actions and subsequent deaths push the plot along, maybe they sacrificed themselves to buy the heros time for example. Or for a more in depth example: a group of knights storm the walls while the main characters are sneaking in through tunnels. Many of them die but they succeed and the result has a knock on effect that aids the main characters, then at the end we see what remains of the mobs they had a brief interaction with earlier. While they were never the focus and we only see the before and after, it still gives us a glimpse of a wider world even if we were focused on the main characters.

Mobs are either dressing for a scene or at best they're minor characters that show up once or twice that interact with the main characters, but that's not to say they're unimportant. Their job is to do things the main characters cant do and support/hinder them in the grand scheme of things. The main characters cant exist in a vacuum and thus need mobs to hold up their share of the story, the background cast and extras exist to give contrast to the main characters and give the world some semblance of life and potential stakes to care about.

As for importance, I assume you mean to the story. The actual power of the main characters and mobs are irrelevant, what matters is how their interactions and screentime affect the story told around the main characters.

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what to host? any ideas?


Host a Spongebob streaming site


Is this a new type of scam?

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 No.96625[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Anyone else been messing around with the stable diffusion algorithm or anything in a similar vein?
It's a bit hard to make it do exactly what you want but if you're extremely descriptive in the prompt or just use a couple words it gives some pretty good results. It seems to struggle a lot with appendages but faces come out surprisingly well most of the time.

Aside from having a 3070 i just followed this guide I found on /g/ https://rentry.org/voldy to get things setup and it was pretty painless.
346 posts and 182 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>In other news Stable Diffusion came out today
Err Stable Diffusion 3 that is


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I was looking around 4chan today and happened to stumble upon this thread, https://boards.4chan.org/a/thread/268171362

It got me kind of curious because from what I know most models when you try to edit an image directly tend to alter the base image a little bit into something else instead of perfectly editing the image with a specific modification. From what the OP said in a recent post he's using some sort of subscription, but I know that DallE and Gemini don't work like this so it has to be someone's paid SD offshoot that they've tweaked to work in this way. My question is how would you approach doing this in your own SD model? Via controlnet or something? It seems so odd... Of course there's still plenty of areas where it's making unwanted changes like with changing the style of the bras and aspect ratio or whatnot, but for an advancement in AI modifying only specific details of an image it looks like it's doing pretty good.


Looks like some skilful usage of inpainting.


Oh yeah I guess this thread can go on /maho/, too, right? Ehh... yeah it's AI and stuff and AI is tech


Moved to >>>/maho/843.

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 No.97793[Reply][Last50 Posts]

MORE AI STUFF! It's weird how this is all happening at once. Singularity is near?

Alright, there's another AI thing people are talking about, but this time it shouldn't be very controversial:
Using a temporary email service (just google 'temporary email') you can make an account and start having conversations with bots. (Write down the email though because it's your login info)
But, these bots are actually good. EXTREMELY good. Like, "is this really a bot?" good. I talked with a vtuber and had an argument and it went very well. Too well, almost. I don't know how varied the stuff is, but they're really entertaining when I talked to Mario and even a vtuber.
Sadly, it's gaining in popularity rapidly so the service is getting slower and it might even crash on you.

It says "beta" all over the site, presumably this is in the public testing phase and once it leaves beta it's going to cost money, so it's best to have fun with this now while we still can (and before it gets neutered to look good for investors or advertisers).
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From the filenames in this thread, I am guessing that whoever asked for a cftf in the /vg/ thread came from here. I have no idea whether that person saw my response, but I will post the card I made here in the event that it was not seen in the thread it was requested in.

Please! Bear in mind that I have never seen this show, and have no idea who this girl is. I am going entirely off of what I saw in the clip that was posted alongside the request. The card is entirely SFW.



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Breaking my vow once more today, I decided to test out to see if I was right about Opus or if I was just being stubborn about not using it from past experiences with Claude.

It's definitely true that, unlike GPT4, Opus uses much better prose and has more flowery/creative language. Which could help a lot if you're into more vanilla or straightforward roleplay with a character or something. But when it comes to how easy it is to break or resistance it puts up against you in a story it's near nonexistent unless you heavily intervene. It'd switch characters from arrogant pure maidens to the most cock hungry sluts in a matter of a single message, not caring at all for gradual progression or having any semblance of restraint if I indicated I wanted to head in that direction. I had to clip off the end to a majority of the chat messages because of this and also modify the contents too to be more in-line with what I wanted. Not to mention how many times I needed to regenerate to get a certain scenario written properly as opposed to GPT-4 where it seemed to follow my intentions a bit better. Far more times I needed to use [brackets for OOC commands to the ai] just to get it to generate what should've been an obvious development given the context and it just frustrated me. At the very least I guess if I ever want to look back on the crafted story it'll look really nice and clean after all the effort I went through to perfect it.


Shouldn't this be moved to /maho/?


hmm I guess I'll do that later, sure


Moved to >>>/maho/491.

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 No.129034[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Lets play a game /qa/!!

you will be the directors of the feared imouto rescue squad. A highschool club of imoutos that use fearsome weapons and tactics to rescue kidnapped onii-chans, wherever they are in the world...

the rules I will be using are Osprey - Black Ops.
It's the most fun rules that allows for stealth, and action gameplay and feels to me like the best simulation of small unit tactics that you can easily DM for

I've uploaded the rules for your enjoyment, but I will be adjusting the rules a bit to make the game work better. Don't worry about it too much....

coming up next will be the scenario and the buy screen where you can plan and outfit your task force!
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The hostage is the last living biohuman left in the compound. Miko pulls him out from under the toyota and efficiently checks him over for wounds. She sits Nya in the passenger seat on onii-chans lap, and instructs him to hold pressure on her wound

Kiri is wrapped in a tarp in the back seat

The girls managed to complete the mission before Nya died. And before the militia reinforcements arrived.

The c-130 from operation eagle claw meets them in another clearing. Blasting rocket engines to roll to a halt, while club members usher the technical onboard. It's quickly taking off into the air in less than a minute

A full ICU is rolled out in the cargo bay and Nya and Kiri are descended upon by flight surgeons

on this mission you:
Killed 8 bad guys
took 1 KIA
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


oh shit nice


Well thats it guys, I hope you had fun
I have some more action packed scenarios up my sleeve for next time.
I wasn't expecting a stealth approach, but it worked out well. The catgirl ninjas are very powerful

I wonder if a bunch of fresh men clubmembers would have been able to do it? I think they would have taken a lot more casualties


A squad of freshman is worth a single ninja catgirl life... truly this mission was a tragedy for Onii-chan.

I enjoyed it, especially now this time that we were able to succeed the mission.


we'll have to rev up the clone tanks and fire up the simulation for another... twenty five years........
yeah that's a heavy loss......

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 No.114877[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Alright, so I'm going to make an attempt at a Let's Play thread of what will surely be a fantastic game. I played the original Dungeon Travelers 2 on Vita and it was the last physical game I ever bought (remember when we could buy and own media?) It's truly an amazing game for many reasons. Fantastic characters, great classes, great boss battles and spectacularly frustrating dungeons. Its sequel, Dungeon Travelers 2-2, came out years later, but unfortunately it never received a translation.
Now, a decade later it did received a surprise translation and release on PC. It was going to be on Steam, but those prudes backed out. I'm sure it's related to the lewdness, as Steam only has room for stuff like Sex with Furry Hitler 2 or War Crime Simulator 2023. Instead it got a release on one of those gacha/freemium sites where it feels like you get malware just by loading the page, so I will instead be using the version found on nyaa.
If Aquaplus actually wanted money I'd be willing to buy figures and stuff from them, but nope, they don't. If I traveled to Japan I could get some crappy keychains if I timed it right and found one of their "pop up" stores, but that's about it. Okay, back to the game:

This game is a "what if" scenario at the end of Dungeon Travelers 2 if the final battle was lost. There's a Demon Queen that wants to corrupt and conquer humanity and blahblah that part isn't very exciting. Since the characters are the of the highlights (Aquaplus is involved after all) I'll give a brief introduction of each character before I start the game.
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Tamaki is great. It's early in her route so it's just fully silly and fun, but I saw glimpses of her kindness in Sasara's route.
I bet I''m going to enjoy this route a lot!

Well, I don't just want to bump the thread every time so it's like a semi-sticky of me doing a VN commentary thing. But I'll bump it this time for you!


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Tamaki's route was way too short.
Initially I thought it might be the "time flies when you're having fun" effect since I'm prone to ignoring the outside world when I get into these, but no, it was definitely not something that I should have been able to get through in such little time.
I don't understand... she's a major character and she features prominently in official art. This was waaaaay too short. Some of her scenes were even shared as you can see on the "map" here with Konomi: >>126910. Then on other days I actually had to choose the 'go home' option because there simply wasn't any event with her. Huh?

But, I guess enough complaining about the length. It was a really nice and heartwarming story as expected. Unlike Sasara's route the confession was not until the very end, with no regular scenes as boyfriend and girlfriend apart from the short epilogue scene hinting at the future. This is something I strongly dislike, but I guess it's not too unusual. The climax of the story that contained the confession and love scene was quite long and emotional! If you count the pre-sex parts the scene had 7 CGs not counting variations, so that was quite impressive. But... I wanted more time with her....


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I remember looking forward to seeing Yuuji's reaction to me dating his sister but that sadly never happened.


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Yeah, that would have been fun. Spending time together as a couple was completely missing; a nice continuation of the story and celebration of love would have been wonderful. Instead I'm simply taken to the title screen and encouraged to start the process over again with a different girl. It's wrong! It's cruel!
I don't know if writers think that there needs to be the "conflict" and pursuit in order for the story to be engaging, but it's definitely not true. Well, it's been 20 years so hopefully they know better by now.


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Finished Karin's route. These routes feel short.
Maybe Sasara's route was the one that was longer than the others, or maybe it just felt that way because it was far more dynamic and dramatic.
Karin is a paranormal/UFO/etc-obsessed girl with a teasing/playful personality, but the route didn't really highlight the paranormal stuff much. Why is it that it was on Sasara's route that there was paranormal club event (with Yuuji and the others) where we searched for an alien(?) at the school (and I found her) but the similar event for Karin was just me bumping into a random girl for 20 seconds? The hypnosis event even worked on Sasara while in Karin's route I had to play along. Strange...
It panned into regular romantic-type stuff quite fast with the paranormal club in the background, which was enjoyable, but I was expecting a bit more zaniness since she started out zany and was also very zany in Sasara's route. It was cute and enjoyable, but I just didn't feel any connection to her. The thing with these stories is if I don't feel any connection to the girl then everything becomes less remarkable.
Maybe it was a mistake to do Tamaki's route so early, and also Sasara's since it was very emotional by comparison.

Current objective* route rankings:

1. Sasara
2. Tamaki
3. Karin

Tamaki is my clear favorite so far, but I have to admit that Sasara's route was far more fleshed out with conflict and resolution and a whole host of emotions and character stories. But, the climax of Tamaki's story was truly wonderful and she's the one I feel most connection to. I'm also extremely bothered with the knowledge in Tamaki's route that she came back for me after we pledged our love as kids (although "I" didn't realize it) and the whole reason I'm bad with girls is because I subconsciously love Tamaki. Every other route is me rejecting this beautiful story of a love which lasted for years even across a distance. I... this REALLY bothers me and I think it tainted Karin's route for me. Tamaki is suffering...
I think I'll save Komaki's route for last since she is the other character that features prominently, and Konomi will be second to last. But... Tamaki...

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If I wanted to use kissu's vichan fork, which version on github is the most up to date?
And I just need a VPS, domain and database, right?
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probably nothing else to share really


Yeah, I really can't say I enjoy the blog-general format, but I guess it works for them. It has unfortunately become a dominating form for the modern 2D imageboard outside of 4chan. But, uh, I guess that's a subject for another day.


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>Warning: require_once(inc/scoring.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory


there's also jschan if you haven't tried it out already, it's pretty nice

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Do you have any tools that you like? I just bought a 'hori hori' knife because gardeners apparently swear by them. I'm not much of a DIY guy, but I'd kind of like to become one someday
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>it looks a bit like it's trying to be one too many things at once
Possibly true, but it's very basic stuff.
Hori hori knives seem more like a 'maintenance' tool whereas specialty stuff is used when you need to do a bunch of it in a row. Something like a tool for playing seeds seems quite extravagant unless it's your job. People really seem to swear by these things so I guess I'll see if I feel the same way.
I think Swiss army knives are cool, although I only have a junky one.


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I have a small multitool that I've had for a long time. The pliers/wire-cutters are pretty handy. The scissors are meh. The nail file/flathead is very useful, and I lost the tiny tweezers a long time ago :(


hi purin


I have lost my swiss army knife but it's pretty useful. It is mid at everything it does but it's useful to keep on you when you need it and that's its main function. However I dislike that it doesn't have a screwdriver. They should make a version that has a screwdriver instead of corkscrew.


Screwdrivers are pretty common attachments, I think.
As for the corkscrews... I guess the Swiss Republic is in the general wine-drinking region, so it's probably a necessity.

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They say be the change you want to see, and that if you like something you should support it. So I preordered the MahoAko BD boxes including the limited edition one with the Baiser fig. Here's hoping we get more series that similarly strive for greatness and ecchi in the future.


Kinda wish I had money 10 years ago like I do now to freely spend on BDs... Could've started amassing a collection a whole lot earlier and I'm sure there's a bunch of limited edition ones that I'll never be able to get my hands on. The effect buying them would have towards the old production would probably be minimal as well. Though, if I were to venture forth and try to make up for lost time while NEETing around does /qa/ know of any good place to find older stuff, or is it just eBay and Amazon? On that topic too, how much into merch or BD buying is /qa/?
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The Kara no Kyoukai BD box set will be released for $400.

"What, indeed, is money?" I asked.

She flipped her long auburn hair with the casual elegance of a spider walking among snakes, and began to speak.

"Currency is a system that man has devised in order to give his efforts-- which you and I understand are ultimately meaningless on the astral scale, but the thrashing of a fly whose legs have yet to be torn off--"

(I recalled that like the dinosaurs, humanity would eventually be destroyed by some mundane natural occurrence like a meteor: we were too insignificant for gods to take notice of.)

"--value. The wealth number, such as it is, can be increased by work and decreased in exchange for goods and services, like our morning tea and the maid who brings it to us."

And indeed, the frills she wore. I understood this concept. It was like the use of male reproductive liquids in the magical world. In a corner of my mind, I began a series of calculations that would eventually result in my magical wealth number.


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Cute little box this comes with


Looks like the box is too large though. There is a gap at the top.


i like the strategic obi on the second volume


its so a fat guys thumb can fit in and pull out a box even when the box is full

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Every time I see this dance move in any Mouse advert I see in the wild, I am immediately entranced by it. Not particularly fond of the actresses, nor of any other part of the video(s), but this dance move with their skirt swirling really has me wanting it looping somewhere within my line of eyesight all the time.


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What is it an advertisement for, or is it music? Disney? Nazrin? Pest extermination?


Pasocon mausu


It's for a japanese PC brand "Mouse"
Full advert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YvgUouPio0


mousu~ mousu~ pasocon mousu~


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Every now and then people like to talk about future human evolution, that humans hundreds of thousands and millions of years from now humanity may be a completely new species that does not resemble a modern human any longer. Do you think so?

Personally, I'm inclined to believe that evolution is like language. When there is a strong social fabric connecting one person and community to the next, languages evolve very slowly. When that cohesion breaks down, languages tend to diverge and evolve. I think evolution is probably something like that, and within our broader interconnected world, humanity will probably evolve more slowly together and so maybe that human born hundreds of thousands and millions of years from now will resemble us much more than others like to suggest.
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How come we haven't evolved out of needing sleep?


i'm not sure the reasons behind the evolution of sleep are entirely clear but it's widely agreed it's pretty important stuff


From what I understand, sleep serves a few functions, that we know of. First is detoxification. While you're awake, toxins build up in the brain, and restful sleep allows the body to detoxify the brain. The second is memory consolation. It seems that during sleep our brains essentially go through a categorization process where things that happened during the day that were in your "medium-length" memory get turned into long-term memories. Third is healing. Wheen you sleep your body releases hormones that allows for you to heal.

I'm pretty sure those are the main reasons. I'm just a layman though.


There is also a more indirect reason for sleep: Nights.
It's just energy-efficient to go into a energy-saving mode in a time when it's cold and dark and it's difficult to spot the resources you want, or avoid the predators to whom you are the resource.


Because there has never been a random mutation in our evolutionary line that allowed someone to survive without sleep, or if there were that person was unable to pass those mutations on long-term.

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Solar eclipse soon! Anyone here in a position to see it?
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wonder how it looks literally in space and not as a shadow


No atmospheric effects without an atmosphere.


I don't think it would work. If you were in space between the Moon and the Earth, the Moon would take up more of your field of vision so you wouldn't see the Sun's corona like you can from Earth. You'd still be able to see the partial eclipse happening though. The type of orbit matters, however. You would have to be in a geostationary orbit, orbiting the Earth at the same rate that it spins, for the eclipse to happen at the same time as it does on Earth. Otherwise you could probably observe the Moon eclipsing the Sun pretty often. The Internation Space Station, which is in low Earth orbit, for instance, makes 16 orbits around the Earth every 24 hours.


If you are going to space for an eclipse, there is no reason why you should have to stay between the Earth and the moon. All that is required is that you find a circular body that you can use to just obscure the sun with, (meaning you need to be the right distance from that body).
That could be the moon, it could also be Earth itself.


Scary as hell
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I could have sworn I read that somewhere, but maybe I'm remembering it wrong. Maybe it's just my assumption that humanoid robots and their inefficiencies are designed for interacting with people.


Their walking dog robot is very liked in manual labor for inspections. I figure they're looking to expand products for existing customers.

I think most of what I read supports that general idea of robots being used in situations that could kill someone


I think I read a mechanic's blog where soldiers were coming up to him and begging him to save their robo-dog. "Please sir! He saved my life!"

Looking forward to robots getting extended human rights long before they achieve sentience.


You're thinking of Honda's Asimo, I think. It would appear Boston Dynamics is actually owned by Hyundai, though.


>Boston Dynamics is owned by some Japanese company (Toyota or something) and they want to make bots to assist the elderly
wasnt there a video going around of the robots mimicking a loading a rocket launcher movement?

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God damn I hate the modern internet

I just wanted to re-learn how to edit a clip in davinci, but it's impossible to actually find the information. Google is just a bunch of AI garbage and youtube nonsense that is 30 minutes long to explain something that would take one entire sentence.
I don't know how anyone learns a new skill in this hellscape of noise.

Then I remembered a tip where you add "+reddit" to search reddit for humans sharing information for the benefit of other humans and I found it within seconds. This is going to be patched out, isn't it? Everything else is already drowned out.
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Isn't AI detection part of the usual AI-training protocols anyway?


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I used to complain a lot (still do) but I've been learning to get around things.
For one, I took to downloading freetube on all my devices. Not only does it allow me to block channels and filter words, but I can also get rid of clickbait titles and video thumbnails. The options to remove the comment section is nice too.
>Quora cancer also gets blocked from showing up too.
Nice dude. Apparently not only do they allow you to search by region, but by language too, which is awesome. I had this problem where whenever I searched something in Japanese on jewgle I was met with western sites and results within my search. When I use this 4get none of that comes up thankfully!




Honestly, in the last couple of months Google results turned into such hot garbage that I'd rather pay 20 bucks a month to have priority access to Copilot and ask whatever I want straight from my desktop so I don't have to kiss some unwashed ass on Discord >>127085 to access gatekeeper content. At least I can specify my own prompts rather than reading some random nobody's horribly prompted AI content.

I just hope GPT-5 won't get brand endorsements embedded straight into the dataset, like recommending Gucci bags when you ask for fashion ideas for instance. Then it will truly be over.


Feels like whenever something's not working right nowadays, people are just ineptly implementing an AI "solution".

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How is your sleep routine? I'm thinking I need to improve mine. Strangely I've found that having my little tablet thing playing a youtube speedrun history video helps me get sleepy faster. My theory is that it interrupts my thinking and allows my brain to turn off faster. It doesn't increase the amount of sleep I get, but at least it starts earlier so there's less wasted time doing nothing in bed.
12 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Have created a sleep routine and have been able to stick to it for the past month:
12:00AM - 6:00AM, at least 6 hours of sleep on weekdays
Sleep as much I want on weekends.


>accident involving my bed
did you wet it?


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It's awful.


Used to do the same with playing a YouTube video in the background trying to sleep. Recently though, feel like I've come to a realization on (my) sleep.
1. As long as I'm not thinking about something that's plausible in the future or a regret of the past, it does not count as a thought that keeps me awake; have been able to fall asleep within ~10 minutes of turning off my phone recently.
2. Used to think alarms didn't work for me, but seems like as long as I haven't accumulated any "sleep debt" the past 2-3 days, and as long as my sleeping hours for that session is >=6 hours, the alarm wakes me up. Have had cases where only sleep debt was the factor; but haven't tried that theory because sleeping <6 hours is already a cause of sleep debt. Also, have somehow trained myself to wake up after exactly 6 hours.
Think I've been getting my sleep schedule under control recently, 10 minutes give or take.
For waking up, the 90 minutes cycle seems to be true/working; hence my sleep time of 6 hours (90 * 4 minutes).


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (255.45 KB,1920x1080)

Well, if you're able to choose what you think about you're far more advanced than me. It would require conscious effort on my part which is probably even worse. I've been doing the youtube nonsensical documentary/review thing now for a while and I think it's working pretty well. The key is that it can't be too exciting or interesting, which I guess does count for most of youtube.

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