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File:[SubsPlease] Make Heroine ….jpg (281.56 KB,1920x1080)


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I'm way too tard... I keep forgetting to do updates I need to do these at the end of seasons not randomly.

This season, uhhhh. I dunno. Who wins?


you mean /qa/nime Summer 2024


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I think the winner is clear.


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I think it's between Nige and the Kana Show when it comes to what got attention on kissu, but samurai boy has the benefit of not being season 2 so it's a little more novel. Also the story itself is more interesting than teenagers doing stageplay, albeit with gorgeous visuals. Samurai show blew most of its budget for the first few episodes while Oshi no Ko had its biggest moments later on, so it's a little hard to compare them week to week. Oshi no Ko was just so beautiful, and of course it had Kana in it so maybe I'll have to vote for them evenly. I put these shows a bit above the others on visuals alone as it's a visual medium.

The /qa/ show should have been more popular, but it got a few posts which was pretty good for something competing against the others. Cliffhanger end but who knows if it will get another season someday.
ATRI was really nice, showcasing that VNs can still shine, with an adaptation that was very expressive. There's something about VN stories that are endearing.
Shikanoko was pretty good, but a victim of a very successful viral campaign with the catchy OP leading to expectations that were set way too high.
Monogatari... well I'm not a fan of the monologues and for how legendary the series is it didn't really inspire much discussion on kissu. I take this as meaning that people didn't like it nearly as much as previous seasons.
Bye Bye Earth was quite unusual and I liked it a lot, but it didn't have much reach on kissu itself. Really fantastic soundtrack and I'm looking forward to S2 next month.
The other stuff I didn't really care about or didn't try.


pop in 2!


i gave shomin series and code geass a 5




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I see people haven't forgotten about the mob isekai...


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won't forget Hikarin's 75MP


I always confuse what I'm voting for here. Is it how I felt about the anime, or how much I think it was a factor for kissu's that season...


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I always weigh both.


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loling @ it going toe to toe with kana show and shotacon show.


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i vote for what had the most activity/impact on the site
i believe that was nigewaka, followed by ongk (which ended up a massive dumpsterfire and i CAN'T find the edit of pic i'm looking for)


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I give priority to what I saw kissu talking and posting about, but that naturally includes what I'm posting and talking about. Bye Bye Earth was almost exclusively me so I couldn't give it many points even though it was one of my favorites


>Bye Bye Earth was almost exclusively me
So it was you! Never watched it but Boson'd it.


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Don't interfere with democracy...


how is this thread not using the tier system inside of the thread...


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bleh'd at this post


I guess my phone and computer are on older versions or something... might need to do a cache reset..

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