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File:9002fc58184bb9a78d804a5776….jpg (1.49 MB,2304x3072)


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Simple question.


Could Roon take on the Demiurge? Is she capable of such a thing?


File:3b9b78d203500fd81c02d05cf9….jpg (225.06 KB,1031x1621)

Could she take on the Demiurge? Probably. Would she lose? Most likely.
But I'd rather struggle against this satan god that has trapped us in the material hellworld we live in then do nothing.
Junko could probably jabroni Satan-God by apotheosis.


File:09779ebb8f304b5d659d9d7e42….jpg (Spoiler Image,371.84 KB,1370x1939)

I don't really have anything funny to say to make up for the bible spammmer doing his autism thing on kissu of all fucking places, I bet he's probably a
¥ prot
as well.


File:[SubsPlease] Kamisama ni N….jpg (30.31 KB,503x524)

Well he's trying to get people to read the Bible, so he's certainly not Catholic.


File:[houraisan kaguya patchoul….jpg (1.09 MB,1200x840)

That sounds like a lot of work. I think I'll stay in bed


File:954a8e82e9062bd0c205e4e692….png (1.34 MB,2000x1413)

But in bed is where you can do your learning as well!


File:judy-in-office-panzglard-a….jpg (43.25 KB,640x738)

for me its juddy

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