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File:C-1739658354510.jpeg (156.81 KB,1710x900)


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Which transformation line do you prefer


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (282.64 KB,1920x1080)

What are the differences?
'God' certainly sounds more appealing than '4', though


unfortunate that I don't remember GT and I never watched Sayan GOD transformation


File:1650306841180.jpg (38.38 KB,566x358)

I remember more shitposts about Ultra Instinct than SSJ4 so I choose the SSG line


SS4 is when a saiyan returns to monke, goes SS to turn gold, then asserts their human mind and regains human form. It makes them grow a sick mullet, red body hair, and new pants.
SSG is when six saiyans affirm that life begins at conception and then vote for one of them to become Jesus. It makes their hair turn red and then afterwards they can ignore the voting to turn into an even better version with blue hair.

Because GT was before the modern internet and UI is literally a shitpost that somehow became canon.


Yeah but SSJ stuff is eternal and has lasted forever before the modern internet, everyone forgot about SSJ4


SSJ4 is so good they keep bringing it back


The only stuff I remember about SSJ4 comes from the death battle videos


I never forgot because it's the coolest shit ever.


File:1701797408244.jpg (153.91 KB,826x1000)

SSJ is still the coolest shit ever and wasn't topped by any of the others


File:C-1739675851812.png (751.03 KB,720x540)

SSJ2 is literally just SSJ but cooler.



File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (241.25 KB,1920x1080)

Is that SSG description accurate?


Where are your eyebrows, miss?

Super used SSJ2 as the basis of its main palette swap transformation for a reason.

Yes. That is literally what happens in Super.


File:[SubsPlease] Dragon Ball D….jpg (Spoiler Image,304.92 KB,1920x1080)

So which form is this that was just in the last Daima episode?




>UI is literally a shitpost that somehow became canon
And it was fucking awesome, everything about the finale of DBS was oozing with dumbass manly energy and it was great.

The theme too was an epic romp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHVqoiG0CUU

A shame about the rest of it though.

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