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File:2024_06_06_21-52__n8j.png (477.89 KB,538x1181)


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File:C-1739301290825.png (260.71 KB,560x579)

Remade because I fucked it up last time. Woops, also forgot to correct the mistake I made in the thread about how this season actually had a lot more than I gave it credit for.


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)



Bit late ain't it?


Better late than never though


canNOT believe this was the himari season


Bit bit ain't she?


File:Go! Go! Loser Ranger! - S0….jpg (246.86 KB,1920x1080)

That was a pretty damn good season. The winner with universal kissu appeal based on what threads were made and fits the general culture is probably Dededede or Konosuba, but I dunno, it's hard to say.
Mushoku Tensei got lots of discussion, more serious posts than most shows ever get.
Sentai Show was grossly unappreciated.
Fable was good, but doesn't really inspire much discussion. Himitsu no AiPri gets occasional threads since it's a year-long show (with a season 2 already announce)
Yoru is... meh, I don't like shows like that but it seemed kinda popular?
The campers aren't quite as good as they used to be.
Salad Bowl was AMAZING.
Spice and Wolf was okay, I guess. The S2 announcement with story new to the anime is pretty major.
I personally liked Yozakura show, but it's a dumb one aimed at kids.

I'm just going to vote with my own preferences and see how it goes. I gave a 5 to Dededede, Konosuba and Salad Bowl.


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i don't have enough posts to vote!!!


>Yoru is... meh, I don't like shows like that but it seemed kinda popular?
It had high aspirations, but shat the bed in the second half and was mostly forgotten. Kind of like a mini Lycoris Recoil.

Dumb lurktard.


File:[SubsPlease] Lycoris Recoi….jpg (260.76 KB,1920x1080)

Except people liked Lycoris to the end
Just look at >>>/jp/85751, it got 9th place


File:[SubsPlease] Wonder Egg Pr….jpg (218.81 KB,1280x720)

A better comparison would be Wonder Egg


Items still getting zero votes ... What...


it should go 0,1,2,3,5
skip 4 because that's bad luck


hot & erotic boy


File:2024_06_06_21-58__hUm.png (1.61 MB,960x1378)

And yet he's ignored in the voting...


looks totally KIMO on a phone due to the entries all being centre-aligned

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