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/poll/ - Polling and Honesty

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File:C-1736152868094.png (155.04 KB,485x341)


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On a scale of 0 to 4 rate how well you understand the new poll type


this is intentionally confusing...


this is actually hilarious way to show that tiers voting is distinct from multiple choice or popularity


This is more votes than I had expected.


File:1363807420876.jpg (522.36 KB,1600x1200)

I voted 2 for 'Sure' on not understanding because I'm sure I'm still a bit confused


File:tegaki-1736183334310.png (9.92 KB,380x380)

It's just one of these with a less intuitive interface. What I don't understand is how I would make a poll that benefits from this format. I'm pretty sure it's mostly used as a psychological trick to get moderates to pick a side. Maybe it could be used to see how kissu leans on spectrum issues, but it's impossible to decipher those results when there's no voter count shown and the results are given as a sum instead of an average.


On a scale from new UI to old UI I'm either voting 0 or 4.


Or 1? (I don't understand it).


File:Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 1….png (104.91 KB,642x315)

>it's impossible to decipher those results when there's no voter count shown and the results are given as a sum instead of an average.
I was going to say that the shape would be the same regardless, but thinking about it... Since the voting is on a scale of 0 to 4, it would make far more sense for the results to be averaged and shown as 0 to 4 as well. It would be nice and fancy to then round to the closest whole number result and show the "sentiment score" as well (pic related):
X <= 0.5 -> Bleh
0.5 < X <= 1.5 -> Meh
1.5 < X <= 2.5 -> Sure
2.5 < X <= 3.5 -> Cool
3.5 < X <= 4 -> Boson

As far as making polls are concerned, it would help to just have an "invert sentiment" button.


>It's just one of these with a less intuitive interface.
It doesn't let you put only one option


I understand it but I vote 4 on both options anyway just because I can.


gonna get those vote numbers high as boson


we had a discussion about this in IRC and my opinion that he failed to provide an alternative option to is this:

- The bars on polls are an inherent average
- Being given the raw numbers lets you infer how many people are on a poll
- Averages hide information and require me to add more numbers and graphs to the page decreasing readability


What he made me agree about was that the voting should be a 1 to 5 since a 1 implies that you voted. However. this means that everything will get a vote


We just need to make cool 'I voted' stickers


>However. this means that everything will get a vote
that's only a problem with sums, but not averages
as for this
>- Being given the raw numbers lets you infer how many people are on a poll
it can let you estimate fairly loosely, but it'll never tell you whether that 12 is from six people voting 2 or three people voting 4
>- Averages hide information and require me to add more numbers and graphs to the page decreasing readability
hide what information


not him btw


File:Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 1….png (104.91 KB,642x315)

>The bars on polls are an inherent average
An average which does not relate to the options 1:1.

>Being given the raw numbers lets you infer how many people are on a poll
Not important. If you think it is, just add a "votes: X" above the poll expiration.

>Averages hide information
It increase readability by directly relating the sentiment scores to the result of the poll.

>require me to add more numbers and graphs to the page decreasing readability
*Number: yes. Graphs: no. I think pic related is infinitely more readable than "48 vs 68 vs 61 vs 64".


I am tired of explaining this to you guys. Shut up. I'm making things behave the way I want and fuck you


if you mean >>>/chat/229179 then you admit the number of voters is not given


I am fucking tired of this shit. I will ban you in such a way that no one will ever be able to unban you if you keep responding to me



Least dismissive developer.


I've said my thoughts so many times and it's just back to back people not even trying to have a conversation. When do you think someone has to be dismissive and tell them to stop?


i improved the memory of the polls and updated it to 1-5 rankings but I'm not interested in updating the version numbers so whatever, you guys can deal with it how you want or something


it should go from 1 to 5 instead of 0 to 4 and it should display the average score instead of some weird total and it should let you make a poll with only one row if it's a Likert scale poll and it should be selected via a dropdown with three options instead of a combination of two checkboxes where one of the 4 states of the checkboxes is disallowed by fiat


> 1 to 5
done, but I don't feel like updating the version numbers to cause cache update because the userbase doesn't want features.

>average score
I've been over this. Averages are not good for polls.

> only one row
I would but the userbase does not want features.

> combination of two checkboxes
Sure, when someone actually uses the feature


>done, but I don't feel like updating the version numbers to cause cache update because the userbase doesn't want features.
dumb argumentative shitposter
>I've been over this. Averages are not good for polls.
dumb argumentative shitposter
>I would but the userbase does not want features.
dumb argumentative shitposter
>Sure, when someone actually uses the feature
dumb argumentative shitposter

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