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File:1590346556200.jpg (28.13 KB,318x333)


This is the official poll for deciding whether /jp/ gets deleted or not. The poll's results will respected.


>Not enough posts
wait a minute...


My thoughts are maybe to make polls operate like petitions do for the British government. I.e. if something gets enough attention it's brought up for debate in parliament. Though this could be seen more as a principle and not a contract.


there's nothing wrong with /qajp/ being a thing


reminder >>>/jp/1414


Can jp be transformed into an otaku culture board? (3d allowed)


no, use the seasons for that


delete jp


if you want it done then just vote "yes"




rigged poll, I can't vote


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Anyone can vote with the right amount of posts


how many


File:[Coalgirls]_Nisemonogatari….jpg (933.75 KB,1920x1080)



looks rigged to me. I can vote fine in every other poll


Even >>156?


delete jp
gays ruined it


File:[HorribleSubs] Gabriel Dro….jpg (479.1 KB,1920x1080)

If you want it deleted you've got to vote "Yes", Anonymous


i like how you're SO fucking mad you have to post your retarded opinion in like 5 different threads. just leave. kissu is a GAY FRIENDLY imageboard!


try dying


Solid argument.


/jp/ stands strong


voted yes for teh lulz


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/jp/ is the realm of the gods.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (271.37 KB,1920x1080)

Wow, I completely forgot about this. I forgot that we didn't have /jp/. I forgot lots of stuff.
Looking at how kissu is now, I'm definitely glad we have /qa/ for the slower threads and /jp/ for throwaway stuff.


keep jp
gays saved it


3d is not otaku culture


/jp/ is not /a/


correct! also, 3d is not /jp/


Did I make enough posts on this IP yet


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Heh, another vote for 'No' it seems. /jp/ isn't getting deleted anytime soon.


Huh? I don't understand why this has been brought up.

Could somebody explain to me the reason to delete it and also the reason to save it? I can't just go making votes willy nilly, I take my duty to the democratic institution of Kissu seriously.


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (254.06 KB,1920x1080)

Reason to delete it:
Too many pictures of those horrendous Pretty Rhythm twins!
Reason to keep it: To enable more posting of Elle

look at the creation date


This was back when /jp/ was fresh and there was an ongoing debate over whether it was worth it to have funpost and serious threads on the same board or not, mainly in terms of whether people were willing to make funpost threads on the then unified /qa/ due to those threads pushing down slower ones.


You are subverting democracy by voting multiple times.


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I make the rules, git gud scrub.


Not enough posts...
Fucking oligarchy keeping the common man down.


voted for yes again.


File:CNCTW_Kane.png (58.04 KB,1022x1064)

/jp/.... LIVES!


File:[Coalgirls]_To_Aru_Majutsu….jpg (123.22 KB,1920x1080)

Voted for "No" again.




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Aw, shucks


Couldn't vote again...


>4 years ago
It's been 4 years....


kissu is what, 6 years old?
kinda crazy to think it's not really "new" anymore and more of my time has been spent with kissu on kissu than on it has on /qa/


>spent with kissu on kissu than on it has on /qa/


Kissu does a lot of stuff together. That wasn't as common, really at all on /qa/. There was only the seasonal stream. The steam thing was made back then, but I don't think it was ever used to organize anything from what I remember. Not like how Kissu has played Terraria and Minecraft and Factorio together.


kissu is still just a backup site for /qa/ in my mind


Can't vote because I don't save cookies and often change IPs. But I support everyone that voted no. Didn't read the thread will when I have more time.


well back in 2017 there was oj and the not-yet-seasonal stream
and the steamcord had appeared by july 2018, this is the first time it was publicly linked to
i don't know what it was used for since i was never there, but some threads were made inviting people to specific games like insurgency, which i assume was not unrelated as there's a post linking to it


>i don't know what it was used for since i was never there
I was there, but I don't remember either... I don't recall any discussion happening, but there might've been and I missed it. It's quite annoying how Steam has no chat history... All lost to the sands of time.

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