Uh... Wait did it erase my votes...
Nvm. I was probably just retarded
Yeah. The mobile phone interface for these polls is pretty kuso
these votes are much harder to make sense of
Well you can assume that each person is worth 2 votes so fate has the weight of 6 people
I'll give a more detailed result analysis after it's done or whenever. But for now the poll is basically blind
The issue is that two people thinking House might be okay is not the same as one person thinking GoHands is the vanguard of animation and one person thinking they're complete eyecancer, yet this poll represents them as the same thing. It doesn't really matter how much a couple people love a show, what matters is cutting out the stuff people hate so we can have a stream of stuff the whole group is fine with. You watch a show whether it's on the stream or not, but you can't get back a viewer who thinks the lineup is unbearable.
>>5404or three people gave it a 4
breaking the consistency of 1 person = 1 point makes it impossible for the regular reader to take away a proper assessment of what is popular and what isn't
kunoichi right now has as many points as karte, lily, and medalist, and sorairo has only a one point difference, this would lead someone to believe they're on equal footing but the official poll proves otherwise
you could add a counter showing how many people have voted, it'd help though it would still be much harder to interpret than a non-tiered vote
This poll messures the potential for people to discuss shows and have a back and forth on the pros and cons. The other polls are popularity contests
>potential for people to discuss shows
l i t e r a l l y popularity
>>5411Whatever... Likability... Popularity is more important in gauging watchability
Also that people give something a 1 and someone gives it a 4 means the person who likes it a lot has potential to really try to drag fence sitters to their side over a season. Or two 4 can have a big discussion with a couple of zeros. It's overall better.
Honestly, for me, it's the middle ground shows that I most want in the stream. I won't vote against shows I really like because I want others to see them, but I'd rather take my time watching with my full focus and talk about them in threads later. The stuff that's decent is what benefits most from being able to joke about and talk around during the episode.
I think this setup would work better if it showed you how many people put it in each tier.
Anon spends more time arguing about the poll than watching anime. Just stick the less "popular" stuff between two popular shows. I don't understand why people need constant stimulation now. If you don't like a show just consider it a poop/snack break and return in 20 minutes for the one you're looking forward to.
Lets be honest 7-10 people max watch and half of those probably have it on the in the background and don't say anything. As long as you keep the stream under 5-6 hours total it's fine.
>>5400Select desktop mode. :^)
>>5414Listen... I don't really give a shit. I'm tired of trying to help you guys with features.
I made this feature solely to rank Fate entries. You guys can do whatever you want. I've given up on you all
>>5417You seem way too invested in this anon. Take it easy.