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File:d191c9f204.png (1.15 MB,896x1152)


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What's kissu's bedtime like?


12 AM+, always waking up at 9 AM minimum
just today i was getting told to go to sleep and wake up early, but irl...........


Because I work till late night, its usually 12:30 AM to 6-7 AM, not as much sleep as I should be getting...


File:[aRMX] Maoujou de Oyasumi ….jpg (257.66 KB,1920x1080)

Closer to 4AM lately.
I need to fix my sleep schedule soon, which means I need to stay awake and go to bed at around midnight the next day.


¥ those fingers


Usually midnight, I should probably get more sleep but whenever I try to go to bed earlier I end up just laying there awake anyway.


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Not sure what to say. If this poll was 2 years ago I would sawy 12AM-2AM but since the return office stuff i've been going to sleep anywhere from 7pm-3am, depending on how early I want to get to work or just how tired i'm feeling


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I feel you, finals have absolutely wrecked my sleeping. Going to bed around 4-5AM, exams at 9-10AM, go to sleep after exams and wake up at 5PM, repeat. Eventually I'll get it fixed.


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I just go to bed whenever I feel tired. Currently it's 6am to 3pm.


Stay awake 12-20 hours. Sleep 6 hours. Always different time of day. I do not have a regular clock cycle like most people. So it depends on the week.

The only pattern I kind of maintain is the 6 hours or sleep and staying up about 2-5 extra hours compared to the day before. It's like living with constant jet lag if I'm forced to attend any kind of regular gathering or appointments.


my sleep schedule is so fucked cause NEET but am making the most of it, I usually go to sleep no earlier than 4 am but can be as late as 7

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