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File:3DWANI_269.png (278.83 KB,847x866)


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Only the image matters:
A post is 2D when it has a 2D image ONLY. A post is 3D when it has a 3D image ONLY.
i.e. a post about the real world is still "2D" so long as it has a 2D image attached. Conversely, a post about an anime, and that only discusses the anime is "3D" if a 3D image is attached.

Only the content matters:
A post is 2D when it talks about 2D things (Anime, manga, video games, etc.). A post is 3D when it talks about 3D things (IRL people, news, outdoors, animals, etc.)
i.e. a post can have a 2D image, but if it the post is about the real world, it is a "3D post." Conversely, a post can have a 3D image, but if the post is about an anime, then it is a "2D post." The classic example is animal videos are typically considered acceptable on "2D" boards.

Both matter, but the image matters more:
A post can be either 2D or 3D depending on the content, but the image matters more.
i.e. a thread about a seiyuu from a particular anime with a 2D image is a 2D thread more often than not, HOWEVER, a thread about a seiyuu from a particular anime with a picture of the seiyuu is a 3D thread more often than not.

Both matter, but the content matters more:
A post can be either 2D or 3D depending on the image, but the content matters more.
i.e. a thread about a particular anime with a picture of a seiyuu is a 2D thread more often than not. A thread about a seiyuu with a screenshot from the anime is a 3D thread more often than not.


File:1591551465511.gif (1.1 MB,480x360)

The image makes for an easy and quick distinction.


File:tegaki-1725646642818.png (7.05 KB,380x380)

The presence or lack of depth.


A 2D post is spanned by 2 independent vectors.
A 3D post is spanned by 3 independent vectors.


picked other option
if at least one of the image or the post text is 3D, the post as a whole is 3D


Yuru Yuri was written by a 3d woman.


a work transcends its author


It still obviously has an author and is a portion of that author manifest in said work.


how severe did doc say your autism was


doc said that you are gay and ur mum smells


damn, this is a breach of privacy.....


File:C-1727735032805.png (121.92 KB,570x467)


ur mum is a breach of privacy


I disagree with the way the OP divides 2D/3D.
A thread about a seiyuu is 2D regardless of image.
A thread discussing an aspect of Japanese culture (eg. Shinto) in the abstract could probably pass as 2D if it had a 2D image but not otherwise.
A thread about American politics is definitely 3D even if it has a drawing of Clownpiece attached to it.
A 3D image attached to a post about anime does not make the post as a whole 3D, but neither does the post being about anime automatically make the use of a 3D image acceptable (which it may or may not be, depending on what it is of. But, either way, an equivalent 2D image would usually be preferable).


File:real women.jpg (53.06 KB,385x344)

>A thread about a seiyuu is 2D regardless of image.
There is a big difference between discussing a seiyuu's acting and discussing the seiyuu themselves.

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