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File:[SubsPlease] Atri - My Dea….jpg (97.6 KB,1280x720)


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File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (298.8 KB,1920x1080)

I don't understand the question. If I say "with alcohol" does that mean I have to buy and consume it every day? Because uhh no...


I just drank this shab.


File:byakuren.png (866.1 KB,995x1452)

Don't drink


File:1486681962897.jpg (146.68 KB,1279x960)

My friend...


File:1700165357634.jpg (96.69 KB,551x630)

Alcohol can be nice, but its also unhealthy for you.


Alcohol is a horrible drug. I prefer chemicals that are more targeted and with less damage to organs.


I just realized that in the past, alcohol was a painkiller. So when used for that purpose, absolutely I would want alcohol.


File:__jashin_chan_jashin_chan_….jpg (71.64 KB,850x478)

just woke up and alreayd 4 beers deep

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