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File:1415932418496.jpg (891.97 KB,3862x2040)


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File:107504376_p52.jpg (73.39 KB,826x1169)



File:smug korbo.png (389.15 KB,554x463)

You seem to have made an error with your poll. There should be a "No Twintails" option.


File:46775753_p0.png (260.04 KB,700x700)

No twintails, no life.


File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (273.86 KB,1920x1080)

Hmmm... I think I have to go with low. They're both really good, but high twintails are really reserved for a specific type of character age/personality whereas low can adapt to the character. Low twintails can be worn from the excitable little sister archetype to even a mature, reserved type. Very versatile.
This is something I first noticed in a game where you can change hairstyles, I think it might have been Artificial Girl 3 or maybe Dragon Quest 9. You just can't have high twintails on most characters without it heavily clashing.


High twin tails that reach all the way down to the floor.


File:__enoshima_junko_danganron….png (194.43 KB,600x390)

Love this pretty much


High is cute but low is waifu.


i like it when twintails go over the shoulders so i'm gonna go with low


File:thighs fat.jpg (180.08 KB,720x960)


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