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File:[MoyaiSubs] Reiwa no Di Gi….jpg (383.24 KB,1920x1080)


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THIRD week of voting because the poll was inconclusive last time.
Vote for shows to keep!


File:Di Gi Charat - 09 (BD 768x….jpg (92.57 KB,768x576)

Vote for shows to KEEP
Hmm, my plan to go by hair color/theme doesn't look as good as just a simple rainbow I think.


nige jouzu aots


nige jouzu is like the girl who always brings her ugly friends to the bar. Once you pull it out of the garbage isekai surrounding it you realize it isn't worth your time.


if you don't like the priest just say that


you're the ugly friend


nige jouzu is legitimately better than any anime on that list by a mile


hey now let's not start attacking the others either


i didn't attack the others


nige jouzu is just better


duality of anonymous


The priest certainly could ruin any anime with his intolerable attitude, but to limit criticism to just that would imply that it is the only part worthy of dislike when, in fact, everything sans the animation quality is utterly lacking in merit.


Great art in standard story is 8/10 wothy. To give it any less is to say the story is marred by technical issues such as pacing


>everything sans the animation quality is utterly lacking in merit.
¥if you ignore the part everyone is talking about, then it's not worth your time
that's an interesting approach
i can say that i like the time period and the brutality it has shown, but i'm not gonna comment on anything else yet


File:[SubsPlease] Bye Bye, Eart….jpg (241.88 KB,1920x1080)

Maybe we need to find a solution to "maybe it's better after 2 episodes or I can't decide after just one" thing. Well, I guess if something like Bye Bye Earth ends up amazing then it could be re-added or something...


Why is it lacking in merit? It's a classical revenge storyline so far with a great motivating event for the protagonist. It's tying itself down to somewhat realistic power for all the characters and aside from Tokiyuki's dodging skill everyone seems fairly balanced, and even then to fend off a strong adult Tokiyuki wasn't able to go about it alone and needed some backup or his life would have been ended at a few points during the battle. He's not some god among men from the offset. The priest is only as intolerable as you warp your mind to make him when if you observe his actions outside of just a meta level of the comic relief he provides the plot, he's providing Tokiyuki with a bit of silliness and snapping him out of the all-consuming depression surrounding his situation that threatens to swallow him up. He's not just some fool, and his actions/words show just how keenly observant he is. It doesn't make light of the events that have unfolded and cheapen the weight of death. It quite competently tackles the inhumane nature of war while not shying away from showing violence as sometimes a necessary response to pure evil.

We don't even know what the motive of the villains were yet, but even if it was a power grab things like that occurred all the time back in that era. It even is based somewhat on historical events in that the annihilation of Tokiyuki's family did happen.


I suppose people watch anime for different reasons. To me, watching a show just for the pretty pictures is like watching a show just because one of the girls is sexy. I understand that some people just want some visual stimulus to jerk off or get high to, but that's not enough to make something watchable, let alone aots, for me.


have you ever tried to make something with hard work? It's a matter of appreciating the effort that goes into something through empathetic reasoning


Blah blah blah, more empty critique.


Powerlevels don't really matter since the fights aren't really serious affairs, but I'd hardly call jumping around in a horde of soldiers so fast they kill each other and then skyrocketing 100 feet in the air to scale a cliff "realistic." The priest is noted as an untrustworthy and obnoxious figure who Tokiyuki doesn't want to be around repeatedly. You can't judge him outside of his unfunny and out-of-place jokes because his character is only able to get away with the things he does because they transition the show into gag segments where playing along is the default. This isn't uncommon as a way to force the audience to accept a relationship, but it stands out more here because the dark setting makes the show seem more serious than it is.


saying you don't care about the animation of an animation is like saying you don't care about the cinematography of a movie
it's okay if you don't care about it, but don't downplay it like that
>Powerlevels don't really matter since the fights aren't really serious affairs
we've only seen one real fight yet and while i wasn't the biggest fan either, it's literally introductory so i'd hold off on making that kind of judgement
i'm not interested in arguing about the priest though, i'm surprised by how much he doesn't bother me and that to me points towards good execution but i don't think trying to debate it is going to get us anywhere


Saying that animation is not the only thing that matters is not the same as saying animation doesn't matter. It's okay if you value it more highly, but don't pretend like other elements don't exist.


hey, i'm not the one equating animation to jerk off material


No one did that and it would require an even greater misunderstanding to think such an equation carried the implication that animation doesn't matter. Porn really can get by with nothing but jerk off-ability, but this isn't porn.


the obvious point being made is that animation is indeed a very important thing that people pay attention to and its outstanding quality, which is much more than pretty pictures, reasonably explains its popularity and makes it worth watching, as it happens with old ovas or projects like redline
everyone wants to fuck the shota and yet you're the gayest guy around


File:[DeerGod] Shikanoko Nokono….jpg (300.31 KB,1920x1080)

Er, hm... I wasn't expecting so many posts in this poll thread overnight. I guess I'll just delete the elimination poll threads instead of messing up the flow here and moving the posts into this one


File:waterfox_LbQEQo6d0Z.png (170.45 KB,918x722)

Elimination poll results (and also the robot girl one had 5 votes):


He couldn't parry the elimination results


i think the second episode of the mahou shojo romance thing is a lot of live action interviews


uh, nvm. It's a 10min show and they added 20min of interview


File:[SubsPlease] Bye Bye, Eart….jpg (299.93 KB,1920x1080)

I think we might do a second week of voting with the shows with 4 or more votes. The other option is to have 16 shows and that's probably not a good idea...


Damn, six hours. Yeah, better make a second (third (fourth)) poll.


The voting style seems pretty different to last season


File:[SubsPlease] Kono Sekai wa….jpg (204.94 KB,1920x1080)

God, this poll sucks. I changed my votes to eliminate two shows, but it's still going to be so long again.


File:waterfox_Pk2aRtwFlf.png (203.81 KB,705x934)

Previous thread posts have been moved into this one. Here were last week's results:


File:[SubsPlease] Nige Jouzu no….jpg (341.68 KB,1920x1080)

I forgot to mention in this thread that Sengoku and Nige are staying no matter what (like I did in the /qa/ thread). If they continue to poll poorly then I'm just going to put them at the end.


well, I guess we could drop them... bleh... this is a season where I have some disagreements


i'm somewhat surprised people are voting for geass since there have been so many complaints about it


at the end of the day it's still got more of the geass flair to it than 90% of anime out there


More surprised people aren't voting for sengoku
it's another 22 episode show that we're probably just going to regret dropping


File:[SubsPlease] Sengoku Youko….jpg (234.42 KB,1920x1080)

The first season barely passed voting and I don't get it either. Well, Sengoku and Nige Jouzu both doing bad is something I'm having trouble accepting. At least they're mildly doing better than the vtuber one, but worse than the youtuber one...


File:[SubsPlease] Kono Sekai wa….jpg (240.15 KB,1920x1080)

I guess I'll leave it to the stream uploaders' discretion as to 5 or 6 votes is a pass this season as there's barely any pattern here to judge things.


Wow, the two shows the streamer wanted to watch suddenly get a bunch of votes to be over the threshold, how convenient.


it was ME

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