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File:[SubsPlease] Make Heroine ….jpg (171.58 KB,1280x720)


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File:[SubsPlus ] Dungeon People….jpg (235.07 KB,1920x1080)

I don't know what it means


doroboneko means thieving cat, usually translated as homewrecker or something.
the other must be childhood friend by process of elimination


File:osananajimi vs doroboneko.jpg (624.1 KB,640x2699)


ACTUALLY tsumugi is the real childhood friend


File:[SubsPlease] Senpai wa Oto….jpg (174.36 KB,1920x1080)

Ryuuji will realize how much of a fag he is and finally get the boy. I believe in him.


In this world, you're either the cutieromancer or the romanced cutie.


it's hard to pick

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