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/poll/ - Polling and Honesty

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Going for two options.
Ironically, this is the Cool-Guy vs Verniy showdown


It says 1 day, but the poll will expire on Friday est


File:Go! Go! Loser Ranger! - S0….jpg (239.96 KB,1920x1080)

Ehhhhhh.... someone must have something else in mind.... maybe......


Times up


I want to pick both. Now I'm stuck in decision paralysis.




5+ letter board names just won't do


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/maho/ - Goblins & Technology






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Not enough posts.
Fortunately minasama will make the right decision and pick the cutest name.


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minna aho


File:824e4202f05e69982bd112e52c….jpg (334.3 KB,2048x1533)

where my maho ahos at


the fuck you mean not enough posts just make it check the ones with the token already


VPN preventing you from getting 3 posts...


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Now I kinda want the board name to be the entirety of the lyrics of a Daft Punk song.


call it /dp/


I'm on holiday. I'm on holiday. I'm on hoo~lidaa~y...
>Not enough posts


File:大丈夫大丈夫.mp4 (2.59 MB,1920x1080)

大丈夫大丈夫, the cutest choice is winning.


buy pass to vote with proxy


this is so hardddddddd


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We're going to have more threads about what to name this board than we're going to have threads on the actual board aren't we? I take a week break and all of you are still debating this.


Why would I do that? I gave you a week+ to come up with names and this is what we got. The deadline is the solstice.


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A cute name is more important than techloligy. We're going to make several distro and ricing threads on the first day and not write anything about techloligy at all. Every thread will have a picture of a cute magician.


yesssssssss /maho/ is still winning


hi nino


Narrowish margins


smallish penises

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