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File:slut electricity.png (77.87 KB,569x380)


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no power no puter, i know what im choosing


File:Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sens….jpg (434.58 KB,1280x720)

A wise choice. S*x is temporary, puter frens are eternal.


Well I'm not sure. A nude slut in heat probably looks pretty gross, but if she's going to pay for my utilities, it might be worth it.


File:[Zafkiel] Urusei Yatsura (….jpg (242.53 KB,1920x1080)

It's not much of a choice at all. Computer is obviously my source of purpose, but also this is the time of year when a lack of electricity could be a danger to health due to the heat.


With electricity I can watch a slut in heat undress on my computer, easy choice.


that's it? gimme the lightning

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