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/poll/ - Polling and Honesty

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Poll for the opinions on tech.


I'd prefer the opinion to be on categories and give people more suggestions. This is for opinions, not decision making


please no jee


i had to put everything in


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/l/33t /l/olis


The main thing for me it I want to get far away from any existing name due to the massive baggage it brings with it and the subjects that should be barred from it here on kissu that are nonetheless part of its modern identity. Don't really have much of a preference otherwise, but I can't really think of any good names.


nice that a good chunk of people like the japanese angle. I thought puns would dominate by just how many there are


so /tech/ isn't even an option


i looked through every "/" on the thread and I didn't see it. It's in the traditional camp anyways.


No matter what you call it, I will refer to it as /l/.


I only proposed puns because I was sure that they would obviously sink.


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I cast my vote for /maho/.


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What is the post count threshold here? I want to vote for /maho/ too.


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Nevermind, now it works.


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I think he's trying to establish a theme, so you're voting for the uhh, general direction that the name will take or something and then more discussion and voting will happen later? I'm glad you like my suggestion, though


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Yeah I know, I voted for the Japanese theme (but mostly for /maho/ though).


/elec/ Tronics Tricity


i'm going to start freezing and copying season threads to appropriate boards soon




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Seems like people want a more Japanese themed name for the board. If people have suggestions along with this theme then send them out.


As for a followup poll, I'll cover that likely Wednesday


+1 for /maho/


No new ideas? Guess I'll make a 1v1 poll in a bit.


File:Delicious in Dungeon - S01….jpg (329.1 KB,1920x1080)

Maybe there will be a hot new joke that comes along naturally


Times up

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