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File:HG040130.jpg (79.13 KB,800x600)


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How do you like your poor man's protein?


File:Dungeon Meshi - S01E10 (10….jpg (284.28 KB,1920x1080)

Scrambled strikes the right balance of time investment and bulk cooking. Cooking 1-2 eggs at a time is not worth the effort to me, so when I'm in the mood I do all 12 at once and eat them for a few days.


Eggs alone or as the main ingredient suck
They're only ever tolerable raw


Omelettes are cheating. Like oh would you rather have eggs or eggs with bacon cheese and veggies hmmm

Anyway I voted scrambled because they don't smell weird like boiled and they aren't liquid. I grew up with fried eggs over hard which is okay but I prefer not eating the yolk straight.


Like I'd used to see faces in the yolk. Something to try when you eat a boiled egg.


(pan)cakes or covering Viennese schnitzels.


you can say the same for boiled


File:homurice.jpg (111.98 KB,500x500)

Not enough omelette appreciation here. It's the hardest way to make them but also the tastiest.


File:mamilove.jpg (377.83 KB,1280x720)

I don't think I have ever had a good omelette. They were always brown on the outside and I'm not a fan of browned eggs. It ruins the texture too.


90% of the effort of cooking an egg is cracking it and you can't bulk crack eggs. How is eating cold eggs for days worth the two minutes of doing something else while waiting for your eggs to finish it saves?


i like eating them as snacks


no wait that was about scrambled eggs, not boiled... hmmm that's weird




cold is perfectly fine for boiled eggs, and i'm not gonna reheat them every time i want to eat one


never eating disgusting cold eggs


I am absolutely torn between scrambled and boiled


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mochiron omuretsu


How am I the only vote for poached??
They combine the runniness of fried eggs with the softness of scrambled eggs, while being far less effort than an omelette. What more can you want?


File:[Asenshi] Heya Camp - 03 [….jpg (87.4 KB,1280x720)

>What more can you want?


>less effort than an omelette
isnt poached the one where you swirl a pot of boiling water and pour the egg in just right to make it a ball? how is that any less effort?


File:1561273243963.png (63.15 KB,444x328)

You can make scrambled eggs with bacon. In fact, I am going to make some right now!


You use a poached egg maker. It's like a muffin tray you put into a pot

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