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File:C-1717433929540.png (9.29 MB,5472x2840)


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esnés, so i'm gonna vote sness


snès, but I like saying Super Famicom too because it confuses people.


Is one of the "s"s silent?


It's more that the e is long. It might just be that I would pronounce sness with a very sharp and quick S natively if it was written that way so it seems completely wrong.
If you pronounce snuff and say sness instead, that's how sness reads to me. It's way too fast.




a nintendo


i call that one with the grey-blue buttons and that shape a super famicom. i call the western one a sness


File:Mission - Yozakura Family ….jpg (347.28 KB,1920x1080)

Personally I was a "Super Nintendo" guy, but I do remember some kids saying "S N E S". I think the latter feels like it takes more energy to say.


File:super-famicom.jpg (41.35 KB,960x768)

It's crazy how much better the Super Famicon looks in comparison. Most unnecessary redesign ever.


We all called it Super Nintendo when it was current console. Since everyone called the NES "Nintendo". We all called the Genesis a "Sega" or "Sega Genesis" but the latter wasn't as common from what I remember.

They wanted it to look similar to the NES in America because of the branding. I remember the first time I saw one in person. They had it at the local mall for several months before it got a public release. Everyone was hyped up for it because the demo came was the new Mario game.

I never got one while it was a current console. I'd gotten a Genesis a few months before the SNES came out. I begged my parents for it because I got to play the first Sonic game at a neighbor's house. Compared to NES games Sonic was amazing. The graphics and speed the game ran out blew my mind.

My cousin had an SNES and I was always jealous of her for it. I found out when we were adults she was always jealous of us having a Genesis. We should have traded consoles but I doubt our parents would have let us. Her Mom hated the Genesis because of the games that featured blood like Mortal Kombat and Mutant League Hockey.


Round edges are for sissies and faggots. Real, red-blooded American gamers want edges sharp enough to crack skulls with. That's why the Gamecube is the greatest console ever made.

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