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The Roulette is open for entry for a week. At the conclusion of this period, the following occurs for all of the people who entered:
¥ One person, chosen entirely at random, is turned into the perfect loli according to whatever they personally consider that to be
¥ Every other person gets free use of the loli

Do you enter?


extremely kimo


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I'm feeling lucky


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im gonna be the loli


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Please turn me into a vampire loli with ginormous milk sloshers.


I'd rather be the loli than have to share her


not wanting to share the loli is why i voted no as well


If it's with my /qa/ friends I'd be willing to share.


I understood voting no as opting out of the possible transformation, but still including you among "every other person"
And I voted yes


Well obviously not entering means you don't get to use the lolI


you cant make a /poll/ thread with only one option the minimum is two


What if the person who gets turned isn't anywhere near the others? Do we have to travel every time we want some cunny or is he going to move in with us on a rotation or something?

Also, are there some restrictions on what counts as a loli? I don't want fags like >>4153 trying to game the system by making themselves unusable.


win win


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We're all moving into the kissu mansion once the lolification process is done.


I don't want to live with a bunch of smelly hikkiNEETs, I'm only letting one of you in because he turned into a cute girl.


this is why i voted no too


>but still including you among "every other person"
>the following occurs for all of the people who entered:
>¥ Every other person [other than the one who gets turned into a loli] gets free use of the loli
This means that people who are not in the roulette don't get usage rights.

And if "every other person" actually referred to some 8 billion humans, then the loli would get raped to death on day 1, and no one else would ever even get to see her.

I don't see any appeal in common-use sex slavery. If you're going to be immoral and establish sex slaves, at least make the slave personal property.


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The risk of becoming the loli is too great, and I don't want to share the loli. I think it would be mean to take advantage of someone like that too. So I shall pass.
And I prefer hags anyway.


>The risk of becoming the loli
you say that like it's a bad thing


>sex slaves
The winner doesn't become a slave, they're just free use for the other participants, and it's not rape since they willingly signed up for it. You'd basically just be paying a few anons back for letting you harness their virgin energies to become the little girl.


Free use implies slavery.
>since they willingly signed up for it
That implies that the people voting yes had imagined other folks to be sadists or even guro fetishists while doing so.
But they are "free use", anything is fair game.
They are helpless both legally and physically. From that point on, it's rape.


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>The risk of becoming the loli is too great
There's no downside.


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Kissu needs an unpacking thread.


>actually referred to some 8 billion humans
Everyone else who voted of course, not everyone else who's alive
But I can see why I was mistaken
It's pretty rare for free use to include guro, ryona absolutely, but not guro
I don't remember the term but apparently there are some relationships where people give consent by default and are always open to it
Anyways there's a question to be made about what happens if I become an ancient kitsune lolibaba that drains your energy and kills you because somehow you have to justify the teleportation if someone like >>4163 doesn't want to live in the mansion



kimochii friki


Not really. If I say you're free to use my car, I don't mean you can drive it off a cliff. It should go without saying that you should leave the loli in a usable state for the next person. Then again, the autists of kissu are notoriously bad at understanding unwritten assumptions.

Marriage is the best example of implied consent. You can still say no, but you don't need affirmative consent because it was already given when you made the pact. This is most important for situations where one party would normally be legally considered incapable of giving consent.

Also, I don't think we're factoring in anything more than physical transformation, Mahiro-style. Being able to add magical powers would just create more loopholes where you can say the perfect loli is one with mind control pheromones and then force all the anons, even the ones who voted no, to serve you.


Why are people immediately assuming the most kimo stuff will happen just because it's "free use"? If I entered the Roulette with one other kissuer and he got turned into a loli, I would:
¥ pick him up
¥ take him home
¥ wash and shampoo and brush his hair
¥ dress him up in cat ears and fluffy socks and a long-sleeved top
¥ give him neck and shoulder massages
¥ make him a cup of tea
¥ kiss him goodnight
and never let him go.


And then you would wake up to me riding your cock and calling you a kimo oji-san until you went pew-pew inside me because my ideal loli is a mesugaki and there's no rule that says I can't use you too.


the non-loli anonymous were the free use all this time...


it's a two-way street


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Becoming a loligod and then ruling over this existence with my /qa/ harem


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Because it's one loli with eleven masters. You really believe everyone would be that pure-hearted?


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So this is how a leader is selected for the 12...


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Only a few more days until one of us wakes up to a surprise...
I hope you'll go easy on whoever is un/lucky enough to be chosen... I'll d-do my best if it's me... (please don't hurt me).




Okay, transformed anon, stop masturbating and show us your tits. No voters don't look.


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🎲 Rolled 13
There are 13 "Yes" votes. I'm going to pick a number, call it n, and if you were the nth "Yes" voter then you are the chosen one. Enjoy!


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🎲 Rolled 5
I hope you all enjoy your free use before my world domination and subsequent reign of terror.


wait how do i tell which one was me.... i think i was the second, but i don't know...


Uh read his post again and then put
into the options field.


no you tards
why do you think you roll your own numbers


I dont get it the selection process...


Oh I forgot my number...


i randomly selected a number in >>4244
that number was 13
so if you were the 13th person to vote yes
you have been turned into a loli
and made available for free use by the other 12 people who voted yes


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There's not really an elegant solution since people won't remember which vote was theirs and rolling dice can results in duplicates. Maybe every 'yes' voter should just take a turn. Heh.


i dont remember my number but it surely wasnt 13
kuso poll shine


>rolling dice can results in duplicates


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I'll take my anger out by raping the HELL out of the lolymous


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If I roll a 13 sided die it can land on 5. Then the next guy rolls and it can land on 5 as well. Ergo, QED, e pluribus unum it will result in a duplicate!


maybe let all the Yes voters roll a die and who ever gets 13 first wins


🎲 Rolled 7






i don't care anymore why isn't it me


i roll it
you dont


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Maybe you were all turned into lolis with the level of reading comprehension on display here


it's all really unintuitive....


File:[SubsPlease] Kono Subarash….jpg (198.14 KB,1920x1080)

🎲 Rolled 9004, 7925, 234, 3889, 2202, 7118, 636, 9436, 8251, 2214, 7880, 6130, 774, 595, 3529, 9240, 8644, 4195, 1734, 5565, 4277, 2872, 553, 25, 389, 1077, 3741, 5573, 2453, 6442, 3227, 7907, 3402, 8001, 8649, 4516, 7393, 4245, 6580, 1871, 5742, 3725, 2775, 1740, 2518, 5477, 2082, 3727, 1370, 6805, 1491, 7431, 5178, 7124, 6251, 829, 8926, 7218, 5277, 6938, 637, 1407, 3061, 8625, 1267, 2188, 931, 2528, 8076, 9782, 9486, 7612, 5601, 9489, 2756, 6880, 2283, 9196, 795, 1089, 1538, 5760, 7410, 9733, 8592, 3114, 4149, 9664, 6179, 684, 8990, 5232, 9213, 267, 8982, 1743, 8623, 9928, 568 = 479070


this is a sign to never have sex


13s of dreams of being a loli destroyed because OP didnt think through the selection process..


its not my fault you guys dont understand my explanation


it's a team effort


everyone who doesnt get it by now is pulled out of the Roulette and instead becomes a loli for my free use (I hosted but did not participate in the original Roulette)
if the 13th "Yes" voter is included in those who do not get it then sorry guys no free loli for you




>becomes a loli
>for ... free use


Then can you explain it again in a more complicated way so I can join your loli harem?


I just woke up and I'm not the lucky loli. Where do I go for the free use? Can the winner please announce themselves? Please don't be a bad sport.


You need to roll the dice at least 3 times


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I don't remember my number.


should have voted no to avoid all this mess.


There are now 13 anons unsure of their genitalia.
One of them is going to have a rude awakening when she realizes that the phallus between her legs is not her own, and it's being as enthusiastically social as a little puppy.


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