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File:C-1712426077339.webp (609.78 KB,1204x636)


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What do you feel are the better ways for users to post on a site comfortably while addressing the problems of spam.

To clarify on the last one:
It's like what Youtube does where a video goes through, you have no disruption but after a few minutes they scan through your content and see it's copyright disputed. Posts might show up as being marked as suspicous or maybe just a shadow ban type thing.


My opinion is that a site should probably be using all 4, but what's the most popular


I simply live with the spam.


you can't live with spam because it's actively done against something that other people like


An automated system that rejects posts automatically based on AI thinking introduces too great a risk of false positives.

I don't know what the difference between after-post moderation/flagging is but anything that requires moderation to approve a post before it can go through heavily impedes the speed of a site and will certainly make people quit or not even try to stay with it. Especially whenever mods aren't constantly checking for posts to approve. It's infeasible, no forum does this.


As I understand it, after-post moderation is the post being caught by any active mods whereas after-post flagging is done by the user to bring it to mods' attention.


Captchas and filters are a pain to deal with. The main problem with spam is images. I think after-post moderation/flagging are a better way to do it.


yeah, that


Potentially it could be a combination of bots and users working to automatically decide if content is spam or not.

The opposite concept is moderation where we need to expand a mod team to handle extra issues. This leads to the problem of bad actors. Kissu has 3 mods already who are reliable(one of them is super reliable), but who knows what could change


I recently thought that anonymous image boards would really benefit from having a 30 minute waiting period for new IPs. (perhaps longer for slow communities)
This would make ban evasion a massive pain in the ass, and make after-post moderation meaningful.
As for commercial spam, I'm sure that cooperation between different platforms and intelligence sharing on sources, content etc would go a long way.

Captchas are probably going to become completely useless as AI is becoming more and more efficient at solving them. As for automated moderation... I think it has potential, but as >>4018 says, I don't trust the AI that much yet.


The proposal by >>4023 is quite like moderation tools offered on other platforms, which is slow mode. Not sure how feasible shared ban info would be for multiple platforms and it might unfairly flag users who were wrongfully banned from somewhere else, but that's not my specialty.

Just spitballing other ideas here:
- New IPs have restricted permissions + slow mode + text only. Photos and links are stripped out from their posts. After x number of posts with no punitive action taken, they are un-restricted
- IPs who are detected posting in rapid succession to multiple threads can be auto-restricted, allowing time for staff to act.
- An option under Report where users can flag the post and upon reaching a certain flag threshold, the post is hidden automatically (potentially vulnerable to abuse). Maybe those with a token can have the privilege.
- Text filtering so nobody has to see an annoying wall of repeating characters such as the one in >>>/jp/73356

No idea how difficult any or all of these might be to implement or automate. Just stuff to brainstorm


I was thinking about community based flagging(actual community moderation) through reports and I think it's more fesable than it sounds on paper.


I'd worry about it turning into up- and downvotes.


slow modes and such make no sense unless in response to a need for them


That's true for all kinds of moderation, isn't it?


yes but >>4023 is wrong in saying that in general ibs would benefit from this since it's only in specific circumstances that they'd benefit in all others they get fucked


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (499.82 KB,1920x1080)

Yeah, all 4 working in tandem, really. I think for imageboards a unique-ish captcha and filters do well enough on their own, though. Computers are unfortunately already better than humans on any captcha has anyone has bothered to train for it, so for basic ones (click the image) you need a unique one.
Maybe some sort of 'trusted user" situation where specific people can temporarily hide posts until a mod approves or disapproves of it?


spam is free speech


On private websites, free speech doesn't really apply.
The only reason twitter gets into free speech territory is because the fucking POTUS posted there about his policies.


sperm is free speech

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