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File:1476293385446.jpg (317.59 KB,1125x1500)


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When should the kissu april fool's event start? This is in Eastern Standard Time which kind of officially became official kissu time although I don't think we have many people in it. Just a tradition, I guess.
Here is a timezone converter, but I'll also say that 12AM EST is 5AM UTC. 12AM is also 00:00 in military time.

The vote is multiple choice, so pick a range.


EST is pretty much behind everyone but PT and CTE so may as well start it at 12AM


Yeah, that makes sense. My assumption is it will go in that direction


Is this voting for UTC or EST?... This is kind of ambiguous...


Well I did say:
>This is in Eastern Standard Time

It's EST. I just included UTC because I think the 'professional' timezone that people mention in these situations and it's +5


didn't know it was april soon, nice spoiler


File:[SubsPlus ] Urusei Yatsura….jpg (499.85 KB,1920x1080)

It will be May after that


Alright, you get what you ask for. Change your vote if you regret it


File:Utawarerumono.S02E02.False….jpg (339.55 KB,1920x1080)


Poll closed with the worst possible outcome. Going to be 12-12.
original.kissu.moe will be retained


you shouldn't have posted a reminder for me to vote :)


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (257.19 KB,1920x1080)


File:Precure All-Stars F v2 [Se….jpg (283.97 KB,1920x1080)

Remember: original.kissu.moe if needed!


Moving feedback into a new /jp/ thread

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