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File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (172.65 KB,1920x1080)


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At what time of day do you have the most focus and energy? I'm using hours instead of literal time of day because people like myself have unusual sleeping cycles.
I wonder if other people here are annoyed by when they want to have energy and when they actually do.


File:5c6482f71dcbe9d7c1711efe5….jpeg (36.46 KB,400x564)

I was thinking after 4-8 hours but then that's usually when I take a nap or pass out so that's not it.. Pretty awake near the end of the day though but not past that so 8-12 for sure.


File:[aRMX] Maoujou de Oyasumi ….jpg (266.04 KB,1920x1080)

Very interesting. It seems most people are like myself and more 'active' 8-12 hours in. I wonder if it's something I've unconsciously trained myself for since I would talk or play games with people who had jobs or school and that was when they were available. Although, on the other hand I remember being very sleepy in school so maybe I've just been this way forever.

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