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File:[SubsPlease] Sousou no Fri….jpg (286.79 KB,1920x1080)


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Here's a hard one, as some of these are still airing I'll give this poll 3 weeks to conclude. Although I don't expect any clear results for a bit...


File:[SubsPlease] 16bit Sensati….jpg (160.76 KB,1920x1080)

This one I'm pretty sure there's no possible gaps. But if by some miracle you do find one, like I said in the last one post it here.


FUCK dead mount


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Really strong season and it's hard to choose. I have my own preference, but what is the most /qa/... hmmm...........


why do i have to make enough posts to vote on this poll?
was there an issue last time, i don't remember there being protection on the last polls..........................................


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It's always been 1 post to vote


I must be unlucky.


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I think it's either Frieren or 16bit. The biggest impact on discussion was from the former on the matter of fantasy and isekai, at the same time I don't recall there being many funposts tied to it. Konoha I'd say was the girl of the season and Aquaplus' much better treatment of otaku culture was happily welcomed after the mess that was Destroyers.

Kage was popular but more the first parts than later and some weren't happy with it, Kusuriya, Undead, SxF, and Migi to Dali had their share of popularity too but I don't think the had the same impact as the two above. (Personally I've repeatedly forgotten and remembered about Hikikomari, only realizing I skipped it after taking another look at the list.) GS also had a bunch of posts and its influence continued in that one moffer thread.


Kusuriya seems to get more traction on the stream than it does on kissu. Probably a result of it airing just a few hours before the stream.


Very plausible, though it doesn't seem to me it has much to discuss or highlight funposts to make kinda like Revengers or SxF, compare it to something like MahoAko right now whose threads have about 200 posts on /jp/ atm.


Kusuriya was wildly popular on listing sites (which audience I am not sure that reflects) and the MC was even /a/'s girl of the year


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Kusu is more popular with women according to that one Japanese chart I posted on /jp/ about a week ago, or at least Japanese women I suppose. It's got political intrigue and gossipy stuff about titles and social posturing and all that other stuff that women seem to love so I guess it makes sense. It's not bad, but not something I'd choose to watch on my own


I think anime list sites do not represent any particular faction of the fanbase in the west, except maybe that AniList is slightly more hardcore because of Taiga, but even then not really. I don't know if they still have their own communities either like anidb and MAL used to have in the day either.


These sorts of stats always mix two questions into one:
Which anime did you like?
Which anime did you watch?
The problem with this is that it warps the data.
In my opinion, rating polls should only be permitted to be answered by people who are familiar with every single item on the poll. (but how are you going to do that in an anonymous community)


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Well, neither of those are what the poll is for, really. It's what anime is the most /qa/. Essentially, what inspired the most threads and discussion and seemed to have the most shared interest. It's less "I like this and think it's the best" and more "Yeah, I think that's emblematic of the time". It's also influenced by the voter to an extent as it should be.
A show that is highest rated in terms of overall quality isn't necessarily the /qa/nime of the season.


The problem with that is that like half of these are propped up by single dedicated posters and the ones that generate the most discussion are also the most divisive. Most seasons don't have a defining show, so people will remember them by whatever their favorites were.


>people who are familiar with every single item on the poll
Why? Nobody talked about Buta no Liver or Toaru Ossan, there's zero need to have seen them in order to tell it's not the /qa/nime of the season. This point keeps coming up and >>3899 keeps being given as an answer.
But that wasn't the case with Im@s, definitely not with with Frieren or MahoAko right now.


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Well, it's more meant to be a community poll than some objective measure of the quality of everything in a season. In that sense I do like that it emphasizes a bias towards things that got a lot of discussion or have wider recognition on the site, even if it were just a really dedicated poster. Since if someone were to want to prop up a show for the polls in the future it encourages posting about it.


Keep having ntr dreams of frieren


teh kimmer





Whose NTRing who?


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File:[SubsPlease] 16bit Sensati….jpg (359 KB,1920x1080)

Frieren's animation quality (especially the magic) is really good and the story is fun, especially Fern and Frieren's interactions. My personal favorite is Undead Unluck for many reasons, but it's mostly just me talking about it so I can't really vote for that one.
Its later subplots were very bizarre (and took away from it I think) but I have to go with 16-bit as the /qa/ show of this season because it easily generated the most interest and activity. Also it's tangentially related to Aquaplus since some staff was involved so it's the Kuon vote.



Kusuriya may not have had a shot here, but there's always a next time.


Huh, I wasn't expecting that. Not the show I was hoping to get a sequel this season, but good news for the people that like it.


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Can't believe Kissu would rather some elven hag than this time traveling otaku dork.

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