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File:[SubsPlus ] Gushing Over M….jpg (290.96 KB,1920x1080)

I guess if we limit it to actual sexual stuff instead of other applications (transformation would be fountain of youth and overpowered elsewhere) then... hmmm... actually transformation still seems the best to me.
Or is this for existing media instead of imagining myself in that situation? What if you transform into someone capable of stopping time?


Does "Body Modification" imply the ability to warp and corrupt those around you like in Precure doujins? Because in that case nothing can stop you.


How is rape a superpower?


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Is being fat a superpower?


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How is it not?


I'd say most of those use hypnosis/mind control for the corruption part with the lust seals or dark transformations, but the ones where they turn the girls into ultra-sensitive bimbos and break them with more traditional measures would be pure body modification. The two things get mixed together a lot.


What's the practical difference between aphrodisiacs and hypnosis? >>3315 presents several scenarios for the latter, but I assume the setup is more complicated?
I'm torn between those two and time stop.


Target's personality is modified or their mental state is made more amicable towards you as a deviation from normal.
Target's personality is left unchanged but they are forced to feel more sensitive and horny.


Time Stop implies FTL


and FTL implies time travel


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obviously aphrodisiac fluids would be beneficial albeit brief. when used it will temporarily arouse the individual I.E one who chooses this does not think of the long term and potential consequences.

mind reading would be a nightmare whether it is used in a sexual situation or not. there is a reason why the phrase "Ignorance is bliss" exists, it genuinely will fuck your mental health.

hypnosis can be used when (if) the person that can hypnotise knows what he or she is doing and let's be reasonable here, whenever your sexually aroused, you don't think straight and you would tend to wind up in activities you wouldn't normally partake in, like for example risky situations in which the likelihood of getting caught by strangers is high

time stop is a good ability to have in any context. though you have to have a good memory of what your facial expression, your posture, how one stood or sat down, your position was, before deactivating the time stop to avoid having unnecessary, bewildered or suspicious reactions from others if you activate it in a public setting. be careful how you use it and always use it wisely

personally i think body modification can be a nice bonus when with another power. don't really have much to say on this one.

cloning is one of the best options, it will unlock a lot of sexual fantasies for some people, one can fuck themself, have a threesome, etc etc. not only that, you can talk to yourself, participate in activities that requires more people, and if you think about it, it can be actually beneficial in science since medicine, trial testing can be more accurate, most of the time it quite literally improves society in a way.

possesion is harmful for the possesed individual and a terrible option to go through especially if you have no idea who the possesed individual is or their day to day schedule. it would be odd to see someone you know to suddenly behave in another way don't you think? not to mention it's unethical.

also don't have anything to say about transformation and invisibility really. i came to the realization that am spending way too much time on this trying to think it out only for this post lol

btw rape isn't a superpower of course.


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Ethics are for people without superpowers. Possession usually does give you memory access and even if it doesn't it's nothing a bit of stalking and some ad lib skills can't solve.

Clinical trials with clones wouldn't be useful since the results would all be the same.


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>Possession usually does give you memory access and even if it doesn't it's nothing a bit of stalking and some ad lib skills can't solve.

True, though the only people that would stalk is for people who are specifically obsessed with the individual in question and need time and patience but let's be honest. you came for instant sexual gratification.

>Possession usually does give you memory access

that would be very risky, like i said before the phrase "Ignorance is bliss" exists for a reason, for all you know the individual could have PTSD or they possess a very harmful memory that is best not known.

>Ethics are for people without superpowers

lol yeah, i shouldn't have talked about ethics.

>Clinical trials with clones wouldn't be useful since the results would all be the same.

can you please elaborate even further on this point? by cloning, i meant that the person would have a carbon copy or something.


If you give a new drug to 10 identical clones, the result will be the same every time. If you give it to 10 different people, it might do something different in some of them. Before you distribute that drug to the masses, you want to make sure it's safe on lots of different people.


never realized it, thanks for giving an explanation. though cloning can still have a impact on society whether be personal use or collective use.

i thought about it more and it has it's down sides and upsides


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One could solve the timestop conundrum by not being in line of sight when you begin. It's just super useful to have and you don't need to do anything super naughty either, you can do 'harmless pranks' like picrel, there's just so much potential. Though around other people with powers you really need to exercise caution. Timestop can't save you if you've been immobilized.
Cloning could be a double edged sword depending on your personality/mental state and the specifics of the power. Can your clones use cloning themselves? Are your clones autonomous? If you don't have a solid state of mind, could your flaws could be passed to the clone? Could your clone have greater ambitions and decide to take your place as the "original" you?
I did read one manga where the MC implicitly understood the mechanics and used a Player 1/Player 2 mental crutch. The clone understood their place as Player 2 and knew they had functionally unlimited lives so long as P1 lived, so they were able to do more risky and dangerous things they wouldn't have done otherwise.

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