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File:1699340254537295.png (1.78 MB,3108x1691)



S should also be 20 or 25 cm smaller to be peak


File:1697577859976.png (514.77 KB,1052x1072)



LL out of pity


M is the superior one


20 years ago she would have been considered L. Yes she's perfect


S probably has the best personality


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (416.15 KB,1920x1080)

I wonder why LL is so comparatively unpopular. I guess you might as well go all the way and maximize the plump if that's your preference?


Probably, it's just an in-between option that has no real stand out points of its own not emphasized better by 3L


LL is like a moped. Fun to ride but you don't want your friends to see you doing it.


I wanted to add. If there were a true choice between S and M I would have voted for it. I wonder how many others would have. It was the ideal body type promoted by the media before thick came into vogue.

Basically M's top with S's bottom.


Which one's the most ticklish?


M's bottom with S's top
I assume the fatter, the less sensitive

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