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File:itadakimasu.png (214.6 KB,427x301)


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"politely receive", or alternatively "thank you Lord for this meal, amen"


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (359.53 KB,1920x1080)

I don't understand Japanese, but the first choice seems the most accurate from how I've seen it used.
But, I wonder if Japanese think of the words when they say it if it's just an auto-pilot habit like many acts of repetition. I mean, there's a difference between saying it to a friend that just cooked it in front of you and eating at MacRonald's


File:[EMBER] Summertime Renderi….jpg (288.66 KB,1920x1080)

OP here. Actually, it's "Time ta dig in" in Summertime, even more ridiculous.


If you translate 'itadakimasu' as 'thanks for the food', then what do you do with 'gochisousamadeshita'?


File:[HorribleSubs] Gabriel Dro….png (555.46 KB,1280x720)

That's still better than whatever this was.


Many thanks for the food.


"Blessed are you, Lord God, King of the Universe, for raising your darling son from the dead and making him Lord of all.
We come to you in prayer, asking you to bless us and the food you have provided for us.
Help us to be generous to others and to collaborate with them so that they can eat well as well.

Dear Father, may we all gather around your table in paradise to celebrate together.
Through Christ, our Lord, we praise you and offer you glory.

Praise be to You, Loving Father; we thank you for gathering us for this meal; may we continue to live in your friendship and harmony with one another.
Bless this food, which is a symbol of your loving care for us, and bless us in our daily lives.
Bless your church all throughout the world, as well as all those who desire to do your will today.

All thanks be to you, Father of Mercy, through Jesus Christ our Saviour, in the union of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

We are grateful, Lord God, giver of all good gifts, as we pause before this meal, for all the blessings of life that you bestow upon us.
We are fed with good things on a daily basis, nourished by friendship and caring, and feasted on forgiveness and understanding.
So, conscious of your ongoing care, we take a moment to be thankful for the benefits of this table. May your presence add flavor to this meal that we eat in the name of your son, Jesus."


I'm in awe at the efficiency of the Japanese language.

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