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File:1595803211766.png (279.31 KB,575x355)


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glasses didn't have a chance


better check again, dork


File:[SubsPlease] Tokyo Mew Mew….jpg (122.74 KB,1280x720)

That's just because they like the red sweater more. It's rigged!


they're both red sweaters


In fact... they're both wearing the same clothes...


But it looked kind of orange with the lighting and that surely biased the results


It looks more like salmon than orange.


File:1549319319450.jpg (38.63 KB,640x480)



usually like megane more, but sakaki is the best girl


File:sakaki shiggy.jpg (58.07 KB,640x480)

Rigged poll


File:C-1660008453266.png (28.78 KB,317x108)

can't believe there are at least two times 17 people on kissu


File:1374202361799.gif (314.57 KB,263x271)

I didn't vote so there's even more.


(yes that's what "at least" implies)


File:1362572391081.gif (515.17 KB,225x300)


double paizuri

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