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File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (350.45 KB,1920x1080)


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This poll is for deciding the most /qa/ anime of the season for the season of Winter 2021. Anyone that wants to vote needs at least 3 posts on kissu, you can vote for multiple titles if you're unsure. If a title isn't on the list it doesn't exist because I'm not attempting to remake this poll for the 100th time.

Aside from all that, this poll shouldn't be hard at all for anyone, clearly.


File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (191.18 KB,1280x720)

>this poll shouldn't be hard at all for anyone, clearly.
It's a shame that Wonder Egg turned out the way it did, it started out so strong. It's possible I don't enjoy teenaged girls talking about being teenaged girls as much as I used to, but I think many people shared my disappointment. We had some good random threads with the main character, but it just didn't pan out.

Sometimes I wonder if year-long shows are cheating, too, but how can I say no to Laura? Precure is very strong this year.


Pui Pui Molcar!!


>Tropical-Rouge! Precure
Shoujo anime I didn't watch is winning by a land slide! (I voted too)
Did we have "/qa/nime __ 2021" for the other three seasons?


Yes and I'll make them tomorrow, or one for Spring before I sleep today. I'm done with /poll/s for the day and want to give them some time in-between.


this was quite the disapointing season

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