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File:1638750143487.webp (23.96 KB,255x255)


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Decider Poll for the new NSFW thumbnail.
This is used on images which could be not safe for work.
Part 2 excludes less popular variants on the same idea.
This is the final submission set. People may make quality improvements on the contents herein, but no design changes.

If people who voted on >>1662 do not revote in this poll their votes will be moved into this thread when the poll has expired.

#4 and #5's line quality is too jagged so some sort of work will likely have to be put into cleaning them. #1 needs more work to be considered complete, but as an idea it could still be considered.


File:1638750373510.png (6.5 KB,255x255)

#1 Megumin (WIP)


File:1638750435504.png (119.81 KB,255x255)

#2 Elfriede+Hazuki (Red Black White Text)


File:1638750557424.png (119.96 KB,255x255)

#3 Elfriede+Hazuki (Red White Black Text)


File:1638765551006.png (131.63 KB,255x255)

#4 Elfriede+Hazuki (Blue Gradient)


File:1638767143843.png (118.15 KB,255x255)

#5 NSFW Door


Really like this one, but it looks like there's a few chips out of Elfriede's hair, and the text is a little fuzzy.


>#4 and #5's line quality is too jagged so some sort of work will likely have to be put into cleaning them


could the nazi who posted the original upload the layers so I can remake #4 if it wins?


File:nsfw blue.png (126.26 KB,255x255)

I remade it myself instead if that's okay.

Ironically enough, the Neko Mimi Mode album cover was the original inspiration for the NSFWehrmacht ones. And I even used the same font.


Yeah, this looks good.


File:1638837925588.webp (Spoiler Image,23.96 KB,255x255)

Congrats to the creators of #4


Note that you might need to do a browser chache clear to see changes

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