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Alright, as per >>>/qa/134803 I'll be streaming Tatami Galaxy on the 20th of this month. I've got everything set up, I just wanted to make a poll to see if people would prefer seeing all 11 eps together (which is 4 hours long with the EDs edited out) or having two streams splitting it in half.


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I'm traveling the 22nd so the first for me.


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Artsy talking stuff puts me to sleep, so maybe 5+6?


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Heavily leaning towards one batch, then.
The talking is actually pretty normal, and there's tons of stuff happening in most episodes. The first five each cover a full mini-arc, with their own setups, developments, and resolutions.
Mini-spoiler: it's a time loop story. (Watashi on the right.)

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I've thought about this for ages, but The War Still Rages Within.


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The only one I know is Rules of Nature because of imageboards over the years... I don't think I'm qualified to vote since I haven't played it


a stranger i remain is what i was listening to browsing 4/qa/ so i'll go with that one


God damn, anon, listen to this shit already. The way it's integrated into the game is incredible, but the songs by themselves are still killer.


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Monsoon was the moment the game just clicked for me. God, what a baller theme and fight.
Stains of Time every time.



I agree, the war still wages within is the best

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Presented for your consideration.
(multiple choice)
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AA cuppu, A cuppu, B cuppu.


Thread theme.



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Would you rather have 10 house spiders or 50 silverfish living in your abode?
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who are you saging?


They... uhh.... What?


Well, at a surface glance it would appear that the sage is directed at the poster he is responding to, a way of indicating that his post was not appreciated. However, sageing does nothing to that post and his displeasure is already indicated in the text of the post so it would make no sense to sage at him. You might say that his sage is directed at himself, an admittance that his post is worthless and does not deserve to be seen, but in that case he would simply have not posted it so that can't be it either. So we're left with a scenario where the poster thinks his post is worth seeing and the poster he's responding to is worth responding to but the thread itself does not deserve visibility. It seems most likely, then, that the sage is directed at OP, but it could also be any post except the two described earlier that the poster believes made the entire thread untenable.

So the question stands: Who are you saging?


he simply shouldn't have saged, that's the straightforward solution


Spiders no doubt, total bros

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Don't bullshit me.
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if i lie and say i'm not a fag, does that make me a double faggot?


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no, that would make OP the double fag!


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ALL cats are honorary fags


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I am going to lie on this poll

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But Tsumugi is the REAL childhood friend.


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of course >>5154 bit >>5153


total defeat for osananajimi....

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If you say "beasts" Arceus will spit you from his mouth.
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Instead of this, you chose to revive a blue snail!?


I'd say dogs, but the top left one is really the only one that really seems obviously a dog. The others are just anatomical randomness.


From right to left: Sabertooth cat, fox, Sasquatch


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The modern sprites push the cat side more, especially with Raikou, but the original GS sprites were 100% dog so I will always call them the legendary dogs.

Also, Pikachu is fat and Jynx is black.


Gerbils. Paw structure, posture, facial structure, overall motifs. It all reads "gerbil" to me.

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This is the official poll for deciding whether /jp/ gets deleted or not. The poll's results will respected.
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Kissu does a lot of stuff together. That wasn't as common, really at all on /qa/. There was only the seasonal stream. The steam thing was made back then, but I don't think it was ever used to organize anything from what I remember. Not like how Kissu has played Terraria and Minecraft and Factorio together.


kissu is still just a backup site for /qa/ in my mind


Can't vote because I don't save cookies and often change IPs. But I support everyone that voted no. Didn't read the thread will when I have more time.


well back in 2017 there was oj and the not-yet-seasonal stream
and the steamcord had appeared by july 2018, this is the first time it was publicly linked to
i don't know what it was used for since i was never there, but some threads were made inviting people to specific games like insurgency, which i assume was not unrelated as there's a post linking to it


>i don't know what it was used for since i was never there
I was there, but I don't remember either... I don't recall any discussion happening, but there might've been and I missed it. It's quite annoying how Steam has no chat history... All lost to the sands of time.

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Here we have a list of crimes that polite society has deemed as highly immoral and highly criminal you now have the option to commit only one of these crimes with zero repercussions from the law, so total immunity, that said though you're not immune to any repercussions from civilians not only that, said civilians also have total immunity from their actions on whatever course of justice they see fit. As a bonus though the public won't know you did it but they will know of the crime less they find out of their own volition of course....Oh you can't do any tricky double dipping so no rapes plus murders.
The "nothing" option is just a control of those, who, well pick nothing and wish to stay moral.
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let's do a little thought experiment
you're reading an eromanga called "the unlucky maiden gets raped by a horde of thirsty goblins"
they come into town, they set everything on fire and kill everyone save for this last girl, they bring her out, tear apart their clothes in the middle of a crowd, and begin forcefully inserting themselves into her four holes while holding her at knifepoint
the girl's shouting "NOOOO I'M BEING RAPED HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN AAAAA" while the goblins go "RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE!!!!"
she ultimately gives out, becomes a husk of a human being and drops to the ground, and the goblins decapitate her and rip out her guts, without her ever getting the chance to legally prosecute them or even tell what happened to another
it is tagged as female:rape and in the comments people are going "man i sure love goblin rape it's my favorite hentai situation"
has she been raped?


I have no choice but to take her word for it. I don't see how this is supposed to prove your point.


so the only difference is vocalization? if she hadn't said that, it wouldn't be rape?


money without legal risk is of course, perfect
the general public isn't going to care either unless I was stupid and scammed someone's grandma vs say, convincing Google or some shit that I was a vendor they needed to pay (IIRC, this actually happened, some guy falsely billed various large companies and they paid), and I sure won't feel bad about it either

like yeah, you could go and nakadashi some idol and get away with it, but it seems like a waste when loads of money is also on the table
cumming inside a cute girl would just add to my problems, while loads of money would solve most of my problems


Financial fraud so that I could be rich. Also in this case even if the public found out it would not matter as they would not really care.

Well either that or I would murder Junzo Hosoi to save the Atelier series.

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Drumstick lolis are cute and have a mesugaki feel, but I like to think of her being just the right height to faceplant her boobs in a hug. A big soft hug you could really lean into would be blissful.


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>Drumstick lolis
i'm gonna use that in the future
oh about this
>Really it's not about the fat, it's about the distribution and overall proportions.
with this artist it's definitely about the fat, different levels of fat for the same person
i, personally, prefer someone i can lift with my two hands and toss around, so i wouldn't go for anyone above the height of 160cm, especially not a fattie


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>with this artist it's definitely about the fat
Yeah, I figured on that. I was more referring to a general case regardless of fetish; you can have a bunch of fat, but it just depends on where it's distributed as the same weight can vary from attractive and curvy — one could say voluptuous even — to "good god you're shaped like a pear". Small girls have their charm, you can pick them up whenever and they're easy to handle: the 40 kg Megumin meme comes to mind. But back to the proportion thing, if they're heavy then they should be tall. I post Ran a lot and I like to imagine she's got a good 15-25 kg in tails alone depending on fur and muscle density (really depends on how you headcanon if their strength is represented in part by actual muscle or all handwaved by magic), combine with height around a 190 cm ballpark and she's pretty heavy. I could manage to princess carry her, but tossing or swinging around is out of the question, that'll probably throw my back out.


gross realistic fat


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I want to say "neither", but if if it was a life-or-death situation then I guess I'd have to go with Asuka since she's more of a human instead of a robot doll creature. Any girl in Pokemon chosen at random would be a better choice, though, even those only seen in single episodes.


Rei's not a robot. She's a rotting meat puppet.




I don't like either of them but I hate Asuka while Rei is just boring.
So Rei.


>but I hate Asuka
So Asuka

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yea, thats a nice jalter bro


cute jalter


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Here is the poll for the autumn 2024 seasonal stream!
Vote for shows to keep! Fewer shows than most seasons recently.
You need at least one post on your IP to vote!
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File:[HorribleSubs] Gleipnir - ….jpg (88.59 KB,1280x720)

>the astrotheology boy


i don't understand


It's hard to be the main character when you're burning in hell for heresy.


oh yeah i know that happens but for now it's him


orb is VERY interesting

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but lolis are eternal


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Lolicons are manipulative and abusive kimo freaks that only love you for your looks and will drop you at a drop of a hat.

A siscon will love you forever. This poll being so divided is concerning.


>Lolicons are manipulative and abusive kimo freaks that only love you for your looks and will drop you at a drop of a hat.
that's why i'm getting myself isekai'd to find a dragon vamp monsterloli to marry forever


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Rude. I love little girls for their personalities and will treat mine with love and tenderness so that she grows into an ideal woman.


how do I vote lolicon yuricon siscon?


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What is YOUR alignment on the four axis political quadrants.
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keep your politics to yourself normshitter


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I'll never bow to authoritarianism.


Kuon sugoi!


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I'm pretty happy with these results. Some disagreements here or there are fine, but it's good that we have the same value system.


Can't believe our democratic polls keep getting corrupted.

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