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>And image board users are abnormal by default. I'll bet some of you don't even have facebook accounts.

That's such a weird indicator of normality


File:[Nii-sama] Blend S - 08 [7….jpg (85.56 KB,1280x720)

I would not have sex in a car.
I would not have sex in a bar.
I do not like sex with a man.
I do not like it, Anon-I-Am.

I would not have sex with a hag.
I would not have sex with tits that sag.
I do not like sex with a man.
I do not like it, Anon-I-Am.

I would not have sex with bare feet.
I would not let her lick my cheek.
I do not like sex with a man.
I do not like it, Anon-I-Am.


Would you have sex with one fat?
Would you have sex with a cat?


I would not have sex with anyone fat.
Even you wouldn't a cat.
I do not like sex with a man.
I do not like it, Anon-I-Am.


You do not like men, so you say.
Try it, try it and you may!
Try it and you may, I say.

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You homosexuals wanna watch Gurren Lagann again?
Maybe chunk it out over the course of a couple of days?
I'm thinking watching the anime, then the two movies.
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Okay how about we do the movies first and then the anime if anyone feels like marathoning it over the course of a couple of days?
Of course. I don't know what week would work though.


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I am in the process of converting the files to mp4.


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So... is the stream still happening or?


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Yeah it's still happening.


Tits too big

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Do you think the recent Precure pattern will hold and 2024 will be a bit disappointing?

2019 - Star Twinkle - AMAZING
2020 - Healin' Good - Ehhh.
2021 - Tropical - WOW!
2022 - Delicious - Meh.
2023 - Sky - Fantastic!
2024 - Wonderful - ???

All I know from the title logo is that it's going to involve dogs somehow. There's usually spoiler stuff out there by now, but I don't really like knowing that stuff.
Honestly, I'm a bit worried not just because of the pattern, but because the subject could easily be very mundane and that seems to influence the general quality of the show or at least my enjoyment of it. Star Twinkle had the entire galaxy and aliens, Tropical had the underwater mermaid world and Sky has medieval bird people from another dimension.
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File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (272.68 KB,1920x1080)

I was worried a bit at first that we were going into an off-year like with Healing Good but this has been a pleasant surprise in how enjoyable it's been. The animation is nice and colorful and bouncy, which gives a really energetic feel to the entire anime.
>and the main girl seems adequately dumb
This is where I see the most potential in this season. The second episode went on to make a point about keeping her Precure identity a secret, but with how baka she is I wonder how long that will really stay secret. Would be another breaking of the mold to have the precure identity be an open secret and possibly make for fun world.


Its fun, but the cast's not as sexy as Tropical Rouge or hirogaru sky. They also kind of look derivative, like remixes of other cures.
I'm a big fan of Mayu, though.


>who will be the fifth
Hopefully no one. The quality always tanks when they add a fifth cure. Don't even joke about another boycure.

I like how the dog is a scatterbrain, but they should have used that as an opportunity to make the owner less of a baka than normal instead of doubling the number of pinks.

Chasing the enemy around instead of fighting is novel, but also kind of boring. I never thought I'd miss the stock footage solve-everything-beams, but they're a lot more exciting than the enemy just rolling over from the weight of their sympathy.


Dogs like to run


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I see potential in the cat. Even before she can talk she looks like she has a strong, smug personality. Being a cat, she can play into an aloof stereotype and she could perhaps be a Laura-like figure that carries episodes.

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they should be moved after the derailment is over
what the fuck do you mean by blogging?


>what the fuck do you mean by blogging?
you should ask >>>/secret/24261 about it


is the thread where the original cat photo for this was posted still around
i can't find the picture in my folder


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good cat

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now it just looks like an ordinary last post how do i know your not lying


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It's happening again. A fantastic show happens to have romcom elements so it's not getting all the votes it deserves!


i actually don't mind romcom it's the humor that i'm not a huge fan of


I'm watching just not on the stream. I think it will be a funny show. I would probably put it around Magical Girl rapist in terms of "goodness".


reading this with ageha's voice

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File:[SubsPlease] Dark Gatherin….jpg (97.53 KB,1280x720)

Ethics are for people without superpowers. Possession usually does give you memory access and even if it doesn't it's nothing a bit of stalking and some ad lib skills can't solve.

Clinical trials with clones wouldn't be useful since the results would all be the same.


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>Possession usually does give you memory access and even if it doesn't it's nothing a bit of stalking and some ad lib skills can't solve.

True, though the only people that would stalk is for people who are specifically obsessed with the individual in question and need time and patience but let's be honest. you came for instant sexual gratification.

>Possession usually does give you memory access

that would be very risky, like i said before the phrase "Ignorance is bliss" exists for a reason, for all you know the individual could have PTSD or they possess a very harmful memory that is best not known.

>Ethics are for people without superpowers

lol yeah, i shouldn't have talked about ethics.

>Clinical trials with clones wouldn't be useful since the results would all be the same.

can you please elaborate even further on this point? by cloning, i meant that the person would have a carbon copy or something.


If you give a new drug to 10 identical clones, the result will be the same every time. If you give it to 10 different people, it might do something different in some of them. Before you distribute that drug to the masses, you want to make sure it's safe on lots of different people.


never realized it, thanks for giving an explanation. though cloning can still have a impact on society whether be personal use or collective use.

i thought about it more and it has it's down sides and upsides


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One could solve the timestop conundrum by not being in line of sight when you begin. It's just super useful to have and you don't need to do anything super naughty either, you can do 'harmless pranks' like picrel, there's just so much potential. Though around other people with powers you really need to exercise caution. Timestop can't save you if you've been immobilized.
Cloning could be a double edged sword depending on your personality/mental state and the specifics of the power. Can your clones use cloning themselves? Are your clones autonomous? If you don't have a solid state of mind, could your flaws could be passed to the clone? Could your clone have greater ambitions and decide to take your place as the "original" you?
I did read one manga where the MC implicitly understood the mechanics and used a Player 1/Player 2 mental crutch. The clone understood their place as Player 2 and knew they had functionally unlimited lives so long as P1 lived, so they were able to do more risky and dangerous things they wouldn't have done otherwise.

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This is the official poll for deciding whether /jp/ gets deleted or not. The poll's results will respected.
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File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (254.06 KB,1920x1080)

Reason to delete it:
Too many pictures of those horrendous Pretty Rhythm twins!
Reason to keep it: To enable more posting of Elle

look at the creation date


This was back when /jp/ was fresh and there was an ongoing debate over whether it was worth it to have funpost and serious threads on the same board or not, mainly in terms of whether people were willing to make funpost threads on the then unified /qa/ due to those threads pushing down slower ones.


You are subverting democracy by voting multiple times.


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I make the rules, git gud scrub.


Not enough posts...
Fucking oligarchy keeping the common man down.

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Nobody wants to marry rhythm


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She's married to the job.


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Can I change my vote to one of the marrying Rhythm ones now


Nope. She's mine.



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first guy to pick cups has a small penis and sits down to pee


File:[SubsPlease] Sousou no Fri….jpg (223.24 KB,1920x1080)

I have to disagree with any character with kpop hair, but thankfully this time I also disagree with his words.


you can _eat_ the cone
how is that even a decision


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Zundamon is a...
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I voted for cute three times from three different IP addresses


basatus et adorabilis




This is truly a threat to the democratic institution of Kissu.

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>i heard frequent bad things about love hina back in the day and it permanently turn me off of it
its been 20 years dude


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¥caring about the opinions of others


Naru is one of the worst female characters in the medium bar none.
No exaggeration. No imageboard shitposter hyperbole. She's simply one of the all time worsts.


Woah, how so? Unless you don't wanna get into it.


now I want to watch it

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Probably, it's just an in-between option that has no real stand out points of its own not emphasized better by 3L


LL is like a moped. Fun to ride but you don't want your friends to see you doing it.


I wanted to add. If there were a true choice between S and M I would have voted for it. I wonder how many others would have. It was the ideal body type promoted by the media before thick came into vogue.

Basically M's top with S's bottom.


Which one's the most ticklish?


M's bottom with S's top
I assume the fatter, the less sensitive

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Anyone wanna watch movies on the 8th of December.
Thinking of showing the Dollars Trilogy (Fistful of Dollars, Few Dollars More, and The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
Could take breaks and pick another movie this is what I'm feeling for streaming.
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Alright, alright.


File:[SubsPlease] Hoshikuzu Tel….jpg (290.72 KB,1920x1080)

So uh what starting time? It's today, right?


Movies are being uploaded, we'll start as soon as they are ready.


Movie is streaming now!
This is going to be really ghetto but it'll work out!


Second Movie is a GO!

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you could fit at least a few potatoes in that mouth


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NEET Alice


But Alice is your girlfriend?


Straight alice??


Expected little sister to do better.

It builds up a kind of horror-y atmosphere, but it's still an RPGM game so it's not exactly scary. The enemies have some gruesome designs but it's overall more focused on the psychological side in showing off the madness taking hold of a world plummeting into the abyss.


Little sister was too old compared to daughter

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