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File:byebye.png (222.7 KB,260x436)

Sorry i'm so autistic i couldn't resist choosing ochinpo!


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cows heavy heefers, obviously


Where/how does one save a .jfif file? I'm not sure I've ever seen that before. Is twitter moving to it or is it an option?


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you're so wacky pink guy!

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File:[SubsPlease] Hanabi-chan w….png (1.4 MB,1920x1080)

I think Hanabi-chan should be added to the seasonal stream, it's super cute and short too.


I updated the polling UI and it seems more nice. I'd encourage you to vote and see it.


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At least 6 people have no taste whatsoever


How so, because of yakuza?


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No, because of リコリコ

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File:[SubsPlease] Yofukashi no….webm (1.81 MB,1920x1080)


thats qints

File:[Coalgirls]_Gochuumon_wa_U….jpg (831.89 KB,1920x1080)


Asking for educational purposes
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/all/ is great (for slow imageboards (no offense)), you can see /all/ the posts!


No, but it isn't hidden for me, so either I knew at some point and changed it or it isn't hidden by default on the old UI or something like that.


why would I want to hide /ec/?


so how do you do it?


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I'll admit when it comes to this subject me and cool are probably the most biased against it and our reasonings are clouded by animosity. Most likely once vern wakes up he'll give a more objective opinion that we'll go along with.

Although the poll seems to be more against than for, so I don't know. Personally I'd prefer links to that place be ban on sight alongside links to stalking/drama sites. Not as a way of keeping its fame limited, but as a way of keeping it clear that the undesirables from there won't be allowed anywhere else.


>Although the poll seems to be more against than for
Assuming you two voted it's a bit of a one sided poll and then i can't vote due to the my dynamic IP as well as any vpn users can't vote. Not to mention 7 probably isn't a great sample size for site users, though i don't have access to any user stats.

>as a way of keeping it clear that the undesirables from there won't be allowed anywhere else
Are you concerned that their admins or user base as a whole uses search engines to scrape for links to their site or looks at meta data to figure out who is linking to their site? Doing asinine things like banning links to sites will funnily enough create drama around kissu and can serve as an inflammatory agent for offsite drama about kissu site to be brought back onto kissu. You should all know this given our experience with /qa/.


If I moderated by my feelings I'd nuke all mention of it and probably ban the people, too. These teens did try to spam and kill kissu in the past, so you can't expect superhuman neutrality from me. This place would have gone the way of desuchan if they had their way.
But I think you're being overly concerned about this when it's simply dealt with and people have moved on, probably because there was nothing useful in there to begin with.


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It's not so much an attempt at a strategy for keeping those users away from kissu but a petty hatred for the users of that site which drives me! Although I agree it's probably asinine to extend this hatred towards those who aren't in any way related to that site. Oh well, as I try to think this out more I can't really rationally disagree with anything you're saying, but I simply dislike the idea of letting those creatures have any footprint at all on this site.


why does this even have a poll.
filters can only be changed or added by a sysadmin or developer and we put them in as a permaban against certain sites or people who would have to appeal and provide us with a case...not a poll though negative responses would get us to think about why we did them...

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Which would you pick?
Think carefully...
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I'm not familiar with the character, but I'm guessing it's a flat-chest joke.


it was just an interesting image and concept


No it's not!


Never found making fun of flat chests funny.


But flat chests are so funny and cute.

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love a good tehe, but they seem pretty rare compared to the others. I can't even find one in my screenshots without spending 20 minutes scouring it
nice drawing by the way


le sigh


File:[SubsPlease] Teppen - 06 (….jpg (165.08 KB,1280x720)

Sighers will be destroyed!


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sigh no they won't

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can't believe there are at least two times 17 people on kissu


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I didn't vote so there's even more.


(yes that's what "at least" implies)


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double paizuri

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Free, open source, I don't see a license so it's not GPL because the terms of GPL say you must include the text of the license alongside the source code.
It's in Japanese, but you can see how to include it in a HTML page by opening index.html and viewer.html in the 'sample' folder after cloning the repository.


well, these are some options. I guess I'll have to see how to work this into plans in such a way I'm not sacrificing on server design


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do artists really look like this


The mitsudomoe one pretty much

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If you translate 'itadakimasu' as 'thanks for the food', then what do you do with 'gochisousamadeshita'?


File:[HorribleSubs] Gabriel Dro….png (555.46 KB,1280x720)

That's still better than whatever this was.


Many thanks for the food.


"Blessed are you, Lord God, King of the Universe, for raising your darling son from the dead and making him Lord of all.
We come to you in prayer, asking you to bless us and the food you have provided for us.
Help us to be generous to others and to collaborate with them so that they can eat well as well.

Dear Father, may we all gather around your table in paradise to celebrate together.
Through Christ, our Lord, we praise you and offer you glory.

Praise be to You, Loving Father; we thank you for gathering us for this meal; may we continue to live in your friendship and harmony with one another.
Bless this food, which is a symbol of your loving care for us, and bless us in our daily lives.
Bless your church all throughout the world, as well as all those who desire to do your will today.

All thanks be to you, Father of Mercy, through Jesus Christ our Saviour, in the union of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

We are grateful, Lord God, giver of all good gifts, as we pause before this meal, for all the blessings of life that you bestow upon us.
We are fed with good things on a daily basis, nourished by friendship and caring, and feasted on forgiveness and understanding.
So, conscious of your ongoing care, we take a moment to be thankful for the benefits of this table. May your presence add flavor to this meal that we eat in the name of your son, Jesus."


I'm in awe at the efficiency of the Japanese language.

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This stream would contain shows that weren't tried in the Saturday stream or were but didn't get enough reception. Purpose of making it easier for cool to reduce the stream runtime and dismiss without disappointing people. Entirely run by the Vermin so Cool & Co. don't have to do more.

Based on some poll votes >>2108 what could end up coming here are Lycoris and Vermeil.
Picked up from >>2071 would be Luminous Witches and Prima Doll.
Added in but never streamed: Biscuit Hammer.

Truly, this is a vermeil stream of 5 shows from 7EST lasting 120 minutes.
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maybe give it another episode


Personally I'd rather see more streams of non-seasonal stuff. There's been some lately, but it always happens on Fridays when I can't be there. The problem with the seasonal stream is that most of it's stuff I'd be watching anyway.


I think the stream is best when it's stuff nobody whats to watch, which is the purpose of this stream... to select the things that people have decided aren't good.

But right now I'm sticking to the so called B-Tier anime.
Take Luminous Witches for example... I'm a fan of the Strike Witches universe, but aren't interested in watching Luminous for no reason. Same deal with Lycoris.

Sure that other people who want to stream a show can do that at an earlier or later time



File:[SubsPlease] Teppen - 04 (….jpg (131.25 KB,1280x720)

The solution to this has always been the same: be the change you want to see. I'd love to see more people hosting them. Kissu Theater isn't a closed thing, you can make an account and host your own channel(s). If need be we could get a tutorial going on how to convert and upload stuff.

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For those that have read it, did you skip most of the first act to jump into the second as quickly as possible or did you read it all?
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I read it but unfortunately I didn't enjoy it as much as everyone seems to. I liked their previous game, Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, better.

>skip most of the first act to jump into the second as quickly as possible
Why would someone do this?

Well, there is hardly any nudity at all relative to the length, I believe Alternative had literally one H scene in the entire game. If anything, I'd imagine it's some of the depictions of violence that got toned down for the console ports. There's also those plug suits that the girls wear that used to have visible nipples, but they're only in the original releases from the mid-00s that don't work on modern Windows.


i enjoyed the action and "life of a soldier" more than romance-com harms


Sure, but it's all a single story that was originally developed as one game. I wouldn't recommend that anyone skip Extra for the same reason I wouldn't tell anyone to skip the Haruhi TV series and go straight for Disappearance, or skip the first half of Trigun, etc.


The first arc is basically a prequel to me. You can't enjoy a prequel without first experiencing the true story.


It was released first. It is meant to be played first.

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That's not a hobby like the other two.


rambling grumbling dude


Maybe not for you.


It's not.


Well, I mean, you're wrong.

File:[SubsPlease] Teppen - 01 (….jpg (209.51 KB,1280x720)


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File:6bec3aab2b61b2906591c3799….jpeg (4.37 MB,2556x2695)

I'm still in the contemplation stage about having a Sunday stream which will take the shows that I like but are discarded... typically my taste being the opposite of Cool's with more value on gritty things.

No votes, will just be my discretion. No A-1 allowed


File:[SubsPlease] Prima Doll - ….jpg (186.08 KB,1280x720)

Well, this went about as expected. I guess we're watching everything next week and figuring it out then.
I'll be tracking down the guy that voted Utawarerumono. Such disrespect will not go unpunished.




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I said I would vote last night but actually only voted today.


File:[SubsPlease] Prima Doll - ….jpg (146.08 KB,1280x720)

I guess there's 3 shows that can be excluded now that I look again.
I'm surprised by the Prima Doll and Warau Arsnotoria Sun! votes, but maybe people aren't in the mood for drama mixed in with their cute.

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Do you see banana man?
Hopping over on de white hot sand
Here he come with some for me
Freshly taken from banana tree
Banana man, me want a ton
Gimme double and a bonus one
Gimme more for all me friends
Dis banana flow will never end

Do you want a banana?
Peel it down and go, "Mm-mmm mm-mmm"
Do you want a banana?
Dis banana for you

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