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An old example of How computers find out how to go from point A to point B in a map with obstacles.
The A* algorithm is an optimization which ignores certain situations unless required


Here's a classic valve paper that combines A* with source engine's navmesh system and a method to smooth the jagged path: https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/valve/2009/ai_systems_of_l4d_mike_booth.pdf
If you look at the navmesh, there's actually not very many nodes in comparison to the grid in that youtube video. :>


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I remember this site was a pretty useful resource when I was implementing A* for the first time:



Well, more presentation slides than paper


Djirska a shit


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While A* is one of the fastest algorithms to find a path from A to B, it doesn't guarantee that it is the shortest path. Dijkstra on the other hand guarantees the shortest path, but takes much more time to find it.


This isn't true, the path found by A* is guaranteed to be optimal so long as the heuristic used is "admissible", meaning it never in any case over-estimates the distance to the goal. In practice, in-admissible heuristics are often used as they produce good-enough paths faster than using the equivalent admissible heuristic.

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