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Look at this neat OS


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (292.32 KB,1920x1080)

I don't really get it. Seems kind of fun, I guess? No one actually wants an OS that takes extra time to do stuff, though. It's like how movies imagined the future internet as a VR world in which you would take 5 minutes to 'walk' to another website through a polygonal street with a colorful avatar, which looks cool in a movie but would be dreadful in real life because you want things NOW as soon as you can click them.
At least it's not Lain again, although some kids do have a strange fascination with Azumanga due to algorithms or something. I actually replayed Day of the Tentacle a few years ago and it still held up.


The Azumanga Druglord Game got me curious.

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