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Do you want to pick Linux1, Linux2, Linux3, Linux4 or Linux5


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)

What about the OS's on game consoles? Some of them seemed kind of cool


I just bit this shab.


Best Alternative OSs For Your Windows Machine That You'll Actually Use:
1. Windows 7
2. Windows XP
3. Windows 10
4. Android 14
5. iOS


File:[SubsPlease] VTuber Nandag….jpg (315.12 KB,1920x1080)

>5. iOS


File:1720715130506.png (22.08 KB,2048x1510)

God commands you to install TempleOS


his conceited takes are quite something


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It does everything you need a computer to do.
Sends emails for work.
Share pics of food on Insta.
Look things up for school.
Message your parents so they can let you know they'll be working late again.
Stream videos.
Solicit old men on Twitter.
Play the hottest gacha games.




File:1694997201077020.gif (1.6 MB,500x281)


You're just jealous that my tiktok videos get so many comments telling me how sexy I am, deskhag. No girl has ever gotten laid using Linux and that's a fact.


wouldnt use linux for anything other than servers


Every computer is a server if you're brave enough.


compensating arisu and bricking her toddlerware while she's sleeping!!!


Gentoo is actually the best and most stable desktop OS. Although it requires the person sitting between the keyboard and the monitor isn't stupid.

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