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File:R-1720858628775.jpg (204 KB,1366x768)


>Eagle Mode is a zoomable user interface (ZUI) with file manager, file viewers, games, and more. This project is about a futuristic style of human-computer interaction, where the user can visit almost everything simply by zooming in.



And a video for those that don't want to download to try it.


File:[Chihiro] Maou no Ore ga D….jpg (394.51 KB,1920x1080)

Took me about 3 seconds before I got nauseous. Cool in theory, I guess.


File:1627584862913.gif (2.39 MB,320x240)

diving into my nested pack of folders to reach my hidden stash of images of my waifu
This is actually crazy, the fact that it so smoothly loads the content feels surreal. Really makes me think on how modern file explorer software stutter and shit the bed in spite of the fact that it's so simplistic.
I wish more software would explore new ways for a way the user interfaces with it, I can guess that the typical ones we see these days are founded on a ton of trail and error from way back, but with the advances of technology I wonder if there's potential for something that wasn't possible back in the day


How the FUCK do you even go about coding something like this, let alone coming up with the idea for this. Wow.
Love the universe-esque theme too. However, such a UI, while cool to look at, would probably be hell to use. Having to zoom out/in to anything you want to use instead of maybe alt+tabbing to summon it into view immediately.


This feels like file system navigation for people that only know how to use a smartphone. It's neat but there is no way I'd use it day-to-day. It's simply too slow.

The real way forward is getting rid of the file tree all together. Plan9 and TRON got this right. No difference between local and remote files. All files in chunks that would be piped into each other without any formatting tricks. We're only stuck with what we have right now because the entire industry refuses to move beyond UNIX.


This reminded me of Project Xanadu somewhat. Instead of representing hypertext as if it were paper you navigate it in a three-dimensional space. Development started in the 1960s and it's essentially considered vaporware at this point, it has a very long and convoluted history. Some people might have heard of it because it's mentioned in Lain a few times.


This is intensely cool, with major caveats.
It really needs to cache big folders.

It actually manages to handle a 31000+ image folder, after a little bit of waiting.
Unfortunately, if you zoom close enough to a picture for it to be considered the currently opened file, you then have to wait again for the folder to load. My main image folder is 61000+ images, and it didn't even try no matter how much I zoomed, lol.
It really needs to make concessions for big folders where it just doesn't care too much about sorting or anything, just get a list, put it in a grid, and then try and handle what's in view.
Also, it breaks completely on some filenames -- tried to zoom into my Star Twinkle Precure and Prisma Illya folders, it got confused and gave up because of the star in the filenames.
I think there was also a youtube video I'd downloaded with an emoji in the filename that confused it.

If it was faster, I'd genuinely use it regularly. It does make dealing with deeply nested folder trees extremely easy, you can easily zoom around and see what's up. Navigating through folders full of images feels great, navigating into a PDF feels great, I was too lazy to go install VLC since I use mpv, so I don't know how it handles video but it seems like it'd be pretty cool there too.

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