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Jisaku-ing a keyboard.
Following the video, tried creating a 3x3 "keyboard" with switches on a breadboard, was pretty simple to connect and program. Won't be doing much software though, mostly just soldering diodes and wires from the switches to a micro controller.
Thinking of making some compromises with the keyboard body and switches/keys by scavenging an old keyboard I have lying around. Right now, my goal is to create a working model and implement a custom layout for the keys. Maybe if this works out, I'll look into CAD-ing a proper case for a new board, and installing some good switches (the ones I have right now are off-brand reds).
All in all, the project is looking pretty doable so far... So long as I don't mess up during the soldering phase. Going to have to do a ton of practicing before I'm confident enough to work on the switches, don't want to be ruining them. Want to spend as less as I can on this.

*Will drop the project if I deem it financially unfundable (because I'm broke)
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Fell short 5 diodes when soldering the columns for the keyboard, now I have to get another 50 pack...
Pretty proud of the soldering work I've done here, looks pretty clean I'd say.
Soldering the rows is looking to be a challenge. Have to have a single connection running through every pin in a row. Ideally I'd use a single long wire with chunks of exposed copper in the middle, but I don't have any means of stripping wires in the middle. In the video (https://youtu.be/iv__343ZwE0?t=978) I've been following, it looks like he's burning away the plastic cover around where the connection should be made, so maybe I'll try that first. Other than that, I'll have to connect multiple short wires to each other, creating a "single long wire".
Decided to go with kmk because I couldn't figure out how to create the logic for the matrix in C...


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>looks pretty clean I'd say
taking the video you linked as reference, it definitely does
and yeah it seems he's melting the plastic at the same time as the wire, is that supposed to help it stick or does it not matter much?


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>is that supposed to help it stick or does it not matter much
It doesn't matter as far as the connection is concerned. It's just easier to connect a single longer wire to all the row pins (bottom), instead of trying to connect two shorter wires to every row pin (top).


Pretty wires. Too bad you don't get to see them in action.


Looked a little more into burning the wire, because since it's possible, I want to go with that. The guy had another 3D custom keyboard building video where he explains what he did: he burnt the insulator off of a 24 gauge wire. With that info, I started looking for a 24 gauge wire, then found out that the insulator can be of different types, then a quick "best insulator to burn off a wire" on Google and now (ignoring all the health warnings...) I've ordered some 24 gauge vinyl wire on amazon which should be arriving by tomorrow. Hopefully this works.

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A thread for random tech chatter
If your talk ends up being well thought out and has lots of replies, consider crossboard-linking your discussion into a thread
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The problem was actually "Forced Only"


>In Handbrake, the setting was of limited use, as it relied on the subtitle being correctly tagged. You'll now see Foreign audio scan in subtitle settings, where Handbrake looks at the lines in the subtitle track to work out if it's likely to be a forced / foreign audio subtitle track, but it can and does get it wrong.


Oh, huh. Yeah, I've never had it actually do anything. And weird that the 'forced only' thing was what broke it. Huh. Yeah, I try not to mess with these settings as long as what I have works.


It may be (without looking closer myself) that there are two subtitles. One is dialog+signs while the other is signs only. Assuming the DVD had a dub of any kind the "forced" subtitles would be the ones that play along with dubbed audio. Kind of like the "forced" subtitles in a movie where certain characters are speaking another language and subtitles are needed for the English speakers to understand what's been said. Think of movies like Dances with Wolves and things of that nature.


I should never have started using .unwrap() in my Rust code. Now there are 480 occurrences of it and some of them are cause undetected crashes in a tauri app.

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For the price of some switches, new soft pads, and a soldering iron I fixed my doubleclicking mouse. I now have a functioning mouse and a soldering iron. It's like getting a free toy. Gave the entire body a deep cleansing while I was at it, it's a lot easier to clean something properly when you've taken it apart.

Now what else I can I do with this toy...
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This shab is playing with fire


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I found a use for the soldering iron. I want to use a CRT TV for my consoles, but despite living in Europe some of my consoles are NTSC. Many of the local PAL CRTs most likely do not accept NTSC signal on composite, but I could use RGB on SCART. Not all consoles natively display RGB.

SNES has a lot of peculiarities on the chip affecting video quality, but it does output RGB by default on both NTSC/PAL with the correct(!) cable as long as it's not the Mini which does require a mod. I have an NTSC-J regular one. No idea which chip, don't care.

My Gamecube is PAL. It supports RGB natively unlike NTSC. I need a different cable than the N64/GC cablefor this one. If I can't find any options I might have to make my own cable, but I found both NTSC and PAL cables on Aliexpress. Hopefully they're not erronously marked as such, one was even marked EU NTSC which... Well... One marked PAL had a comment from someone saying it had capacitors instead of the resistors required for PAL and could not be used. I might have to modify my own cable if whoever I order from in the end send me one like that.

N64 doesn't support RGB by default, but it should be a doable mod for anyone with a bit of practice already and the tools that make it easy (the right tools are half the job, as we say). Just need to check which N64 you have first because apparently not all of the chips are compatible.
My N64 already has a HDMI mod installed though, I'm a bit scared to combine both mods as the HDMI modchip was quite expensive (pre-installed from used marketplace), but seeing as they're different outputs it should probably be fine. I saw some video of someone else having both mods after a bit of looking around so I'll give it a go.
A HDMI modded N64 can display both HDMI and Composite at the same time, kind of neat if one wants to play on console and record to a computer at the same time.

Fortunately since my N64 is also NTSC, I can use the same cable for the N64 and the SNES. Using an NTSC scart cable on a PAL N64/SNPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


This is a pain in the ass, there's so many different sync options. I will get back to this cable hell when I mod the N64.


You should invest in small air compressor instead of buying canned air. The air compressor is useful for a lot of things other than cleaning dust out of stuff. But it's also the best tool for that purpose.


Should have added: They make some nice small ones now that are good to keep in your car with an inverter to power it. But for home use I suggest splurging on one of the ones with a large tank and wheels. It should last you a life time so the $200 is well spent. I've got a few myself. One is very large and I've had it for probably $30 years now. I have a really old one with an exposed belt from the 1930s-60s or somewhere in there. Could never be sold today because it would have to be covered in warning labels. But it does the job well enough.

The reason you want the large tank is because it can store more air. That way the motor isn't forced to run all of the time.

If you just need it for cleaning out electronics one of the small ones might be better suited. But those things take forever to pump up a tire with.

The reason they're so useful is because you can use them to forced compressed air into things like fuel lines, AC drain lines and other hard to reach places. Usually you can force out any kind of blockage with the air alone. They're way better than using canned air for cleaning components because there is more force and you don't have to worry about spraying cold crap all over whatever you're working on if it's in a hard to reach place. Plus people won't accuse you of being a huffing addict. I had a roommate years ago that would still canned air from the case I kept around and huff it. No idea why he thought it was a fun high but he was pretty addicted.

Of course I'm not that bright either. I use to hold the cans upside down and freeze my hand with them to see how long I could endure the pain. Not recommended but nothing bad ever happened from doing that stupid shit.

Anyway, you can pick up used air compressors pretty cheap. Check out estate sales and yard sales. Usually when an old mechanic or working man passes away his wife is looking to off load a lot of tools like that. Everyone should own one. If you have a car or anything else with tires it's a really useful thing to keep around.

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 No.843[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Anyone else been messing around with the stable diffusion algorithm or anything in a similar vein?
It's a bit hard to make it do exactly what you want but if you're extremely descriptive in the prompt or just use a couple words it gives some pretty good results. It seems to struggle a lot with appendages but faces come out surprisingly well most of the time.

Aside from having a 3070 i just followed this guide I found on /g/ https://rentry.org/voldy to get things setup and it was pretty painless.
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I was looking around 4chan today and happened to stumble upon this thread, https://boards.4chan.org/a/thread/268171362

It got me kind of curious because from what I know most models when you try to edit an image directly tend to alter the base image a little bit into something else instead of perfectly editing the image with a specific modification. From what the OP said in a recent post he's using some sort of subscription, but I know that DallE and Gemini don't work like this so it has to be someone's paid SD offshoot that they've tweaked to work in this way. My question is how would you approach doing this in your own SD model? Via controlnet or something? It seems so odd... Of course there's still plenty of areas where it's making unwanted changes like with changing the style of the bras and aspect ratio or whatnot, but for an advancement in AI modifying only specific details of an image it looks like it's doing pretty good.


Looks like some skilful usage of inpainting.


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He's just using NAI probably, although I didn't know they offered such a thing.
It's inpainting, yeah. I don't really do it much, but these days you can use controlnet which would probably be superior to NAI's, although they might have their own model for it or something.
You go to the Img2Img tab and then the Inpaint tab, provide the prompt, and ideally set up controlnet. You use 'inpaint_global_harmonious" and set denoise to 1 instead of the usual 0.3 or whatever.


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remember how image generating AIs actually were around for years and years before stable diffusion took off and how janky they were


Yeah, it's funny how long AI stayed in that relatively Coming Soon™ state for over a decade until one day it all just blew up and insane progress occurred nearly overnight.

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If you've gotta program an algorithm you've gotta use CSS

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Out of curiosity I tried it with an actual gradient image

.sidebar-container.pannel-borders.fixed-sidebar , .side-segment.pannel-borders.thread-page-layout {
border-right: 8px solid;
border-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1726185772007.png) 10 fill;
Changing the numbers there can effect the filling so that's kind of cool. The change from 10 to 9 is pretty drastic as it fills in the whole area below the box.
I guess it's related to pic related https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/border-image-slice

This mozilla page is pretty informative, I like it more than other css sites I've used in the past.


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kinda weird


that's how the sticky scrolling is handled for the sidebar. There's a small panel that stretches a bit. I think there's a way to make it not do that. Lets see....


.thread-page-layout.sidebar-container {
border: unset;
height: calc(100vh - 4px);

Try seeing what this does to it. This will make that sidebar box take up more vertical height


Hmm, don't think that did anything. But, I think we're spending too much time on this and it's something I can go back to later. There's probably a simpler answer in just adjusting the image itself.

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How do you manage computer security in your devices?

I feel that just common sense isn't enough nowadays, because of several reasons:

- Browsers especially (even if you disable JavaScript, which is often not feasible in many sites), but also email clients, torrent clients... can all be exploited somewhat easily.
- Some games require kernel-level anti-cheats, which have complete access to your computer. Even if you trust the developer, these kernel drivers are often buggy and can be leveraged by malware.
- Legitimate programs or Steam games might receive malicious updates if the developer or their supply chain is compromised.
- If you use third-party dependencies for development, you might also be compromised if any of them (or their recursive dependencies) are malicious, not uncommon in ecosystems like npm.
- If you play doujin games or eroge, you often have to download them from random untrusted sources.

I've concluded that it's not really possible to trust a computer if you use it for activities like these.

I'm thinking about getting a second device only for sensitive stuff, like banking, shopping and managing passwords. It seems a bit of a hassle, but I can't think of any other way.
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99% of the stuff you listed is not realistic and only works in theory. In reality all you have to do is not download random shit on the internet and not fall for phishing scams.


OP and anyone who is interested in securing their electronic devices should define their own threat model before implementing solutions.
Anyway, most people only want to be safe from cybercriminals and this advice is probably the most important. If I wanted to add one more specific, I'd recommend to create a separate account for administration tasks (done by default on most Linux distributions but not on Windows).


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have some fun playing with Qubes OS which isolates every application into its own virtual machine


Backup your files in case of ransomware.
Don't reuse passwords.

Having a USB containing a small OS that loads into RAM and doesn't touch your HDD could work, like Puppy Linux or Slax.

There are small things you can do that don't necessarily fall under "don't click on weird stuff".


I don't keep any passwords on my device, after I got a virus that pulled all mine from Firefox's password cache.

Don't let your browser remember passwords, it's stored basically in plaintext as far as viruses are concerned.

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taken from lake moraine in alberta, canuckistan


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Have a bunch of new monogatari screencaps in my wallpapers directory, but have been using this one for a while. Good screencaps.




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Very cute! I also have Alice in my wallpaper.


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The only one I had that nicely fit my monitor resolution.


I found this imageboard on Github https://github.com/brodyking/Openchan As I said in the title, it works without a database and I am taking the time to make a connection with a MySQL database to be able to integrate functions such as reply and others. If you were looking for a basic project to start your own imageboard I think you should give this software a try.


Mr. Froggie, the readme says input isn't sanitized. If you want to start your own imageboard software why not do it from scratch with full control over all the code?


why do some people write out whole ass Contributor sections without going thru the trouble of wrapping two variables in htmlspecialchars()

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Install Linux on your personal computers.
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People did/do use XMPP as a protocol. They just used it re-branded as something else. The answer to this question is the same for all technology. Mainly that most people are happy to consume warmed over garbage and beg for more. They're lazy, stupid and do not care anything about quality.


This season, surely, will be the season of the Linux desktop!


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For what it's worth the same is true of IRC. Most popular multiplayer chat programs are simply IRC renamed with some simple add-ons and a web interface.

XMPP fell out of favor when voice/video chat became more widespread. But it's likely the text portion of those chat programs are still XMPP or IRC on the back end.

Basically, anything that requires you or random person to set-up a server is not normal-friendly. They will freak out about such things "leaking their IP address" but will happily use the same chat software if a corporation is hosting the server. Same reason they fear p2p stuff.

I think Zuckerberg said it best. They're "dumb fucks".


It is very funny the open source community has fragmented into many chat protocols like the early 2000s proprietary ones. I guess Matrix's trying to fix that

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Thoughts on KDE?
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For me personally the time I was using lighter desktops is when LXQT didn't even exist yet, I used the predecessor LXDE instead


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i have used KDE for almost 3 years now on different distros, most notably on arch which is the one i've used the longest. i enjoy using it and have it setup just how i like it. though a lot can be said about KDE's feature creep, it has almost every configuration one could possibly want or need. as for its bugginess, this is something that is greatly exaggerated online: i haven't had any deal breaker issues while using the same bleeding edge installation for well over a year now. at most, some minor graphical glitches that usually get fixed on the next update. as for its memory usage, despite being way more polished than XFCE they share a similar memory consumption.


libbie !


Not a fan of KDE personally. I'm more of a fan of WMs. If I have to use a DE I usually go with XFCE, MATE, or Cinnamon.


The only advanced Linux topic I've ever needed to deal with is the OS's C libraries, glibc, because I can't compile software on Mint then move it to other servers.

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I'm gonna give one of these gay ergonomic mice a shot. I just wish there was one that had that Logitech free-spinning mouse wheel thing...
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>The trackball you posted doesn't address the issue that the vertically oriented mouse is meant to address
It does and it does it better in my opinion if your concern is damage to your wrists. They are for people with that concern that don't want to give up using a mouse.

>which is the two forearm bones crossing over and coming close when your wrist is pronated. I guess you could place it on a slanted surface.
Trackballs are nearly _always_ designed this way out of the box excluding those horrible mouse+trackball combos. Look at the one I linked. See that little pad it comes with? That's for your wrist to rest on. Now take a close look at the base just ahead of it (the plastic under the ball itself). It's at a slant. So it rests flat on your table but is a bit higher in the front than in the back. I've personally found it to be perfect slant for me. If it isn't for you then you can adjust it no problem.

My wrist is totally relaxed when using a trackball. Which is more than I can say for the keyboard I'm typing this on right now. Which is a very good keyboard.

Aside from trackball+good keyboard: Chair, posture in chair and your desk set-up is a serious thing! Do not take them lightly. No kind of input device can correct bad posture or too little desk space.

I suggest having a big/deep enough desk to have room to put your elbows on the desk top and reach the keyboard. You want your keyboard pushed way back close to your primary monitor. This alone will take a lot of stress off your wrists. You want a chair with good arm rests. You want them level with the desk. You want your free to be able to reach the ground. You don't want to slouch over the desk itself.

I also high suggest old school metal shop desks. Since they're huge. Have plenty of desk space with overhangs to mount monitors and they're generally cheap and will last forever. The right desk makes all the difference. You need the room.


>So it rests flat on your table but is a bit higher in the front than in the back.
That's orthogonal to what I'm talking about.


my trackball gamer girl big sister bends my wrists back every day


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>>1548 >>1549
Am seriously considering getting one of those now, especially since I more often have pain in my wrist and the tendons in the back of my hand recently. So thanks for all the information you gave. I hope that model goes on a sale soon in my country too since 110€ is ab bit much for an experiment for me.

Model M keyboards are truly a pleasure to type with, only the sound of the keystrokes are rather drastic (Lain here seems to like it though).


If anyone else needs a quick and cheap fix for wrist pain with mouse usage, I've been using an xbone controller with a steam desktop setup and its good enough. Lets me rest my wrists and still work. Im sure a trackball would be better, but I already had it

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 No.491[Reply][Last50 Posts]

MORE AI STUFF! It's weird how this is all happening at once. Singularity is near?

Alright, there's another AI thing people are talking about, but this time it shouldn't be very controversial:
Using a temporary email service (just google 'temporary email') you can make an account and start having conversations with bots. (Write down the email though because it's your login info)
But, these bots are actually good. EXTREMELY good. Like, "is this really a bot?" good. I talked with a vtuber and had an argument and it went very well. Too well, almost. I don't know how varied the stuff is, but they're really entertaining when I talked to Mario and even a vtuber.
Sadly, it's gaining in popularity rapidly so the service is getting slower and it might even crash on you.

It says "beta" all over the site, presumably this is in the public testing phase and once it leaves beta it's going to cost money, so it's best to have fun with this now while we still can (and before it gets neutered to look good for investors or advertisers).
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Please learn to recognize when someone is joking around and don't derail the thread with rage posts. The situation could be that this reverse proxy stuff is very rare now or something, I haven't actually looked at it.
It's inevitable that the buffet of free reverse proxy stuff will end at some point and it's possible that the day has already come. You would need to *shudder* go to /g/ and search around.

Oh, really? Huh.
>Way too repetitive and likes to loop.
Well, it's kind of been that way for me forever. 3.5 Sonnet does it earlier or more often? That sucks. I'd like to try that Llama 3.1 405b sometime. Obviously I wouldn't be able to host it myself, but some services eventually grab them and I could see some AI sites make use of that instead of GPT/Claude. It's annoying to change all the jailbreaks and prompts around, though.


I ran into the 'sorta' looping problem last night. But I have to say that 3.5 sonnet runs circles around every other model to date on consistency and detail. I don't need to wrangle it as much anymore to get out what I want to from a specific story beat and instead it will take the logical followup route.

The "looping" I encountered was more akin to a status description of sorts in that while it would repeat the same thing again and again, it'd also update that repeated part with new context which is far different from what models before have done. In my case I actually found this more useful than before since it's more familiar to me as an eroge thing than having to force it to do a recheck on the character status every once in a while to make sure it's doing what I want it to.


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That's good to hear. The looping is something I had tried to prevent with randomized jailbreaks, but it had limited success. The AI repeating phrases and going back in time while ignoring the current story are things that made this largely unusable to me for longer sessions.

I wonder if any of this stuff can be plugged into an OCR program yet in a semi-automated way. I'd like to try some untranslated VN stuff with it, but the software was all made for stuff like google translate.
I bet I'd want to make a system prompt/character to aim the prompt in a good way, too, so you'd want integration with SillyTavern and I imagine that's a very low priority if the two groups have ever even met before. (AI RP software people and untranslated VN readers)


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To solve that problem I just started learning Japanese. Been pretty successful so far.


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Yeah, if I had a time machine and money and a normal brain I'd go back to the early 00s and enter college to learn Japanese since it was the only way to do it back then. This AI stuff works in my current situation, though. I put up with some really horrific MTL stuff back in the early 10s so my tolerance is pretty high. Not ideal, but good enough for my purposes I think.
Need to think of prompt stuff.. man, I haven't looked into this stuff in a long time. I wonder how the 'logic' prompts are working these days, like how you would tell it to "think step by step" and that would actually improve the results last year.


Remove all C code from the world
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So your argument is it's a slower version of an already horrible programming language? The fact that Rust shit takes forever to compile and requires 100x the RAM isn't exactly obscure information. There is a reason why distros like Gentoo are forced to push Rust-bin by default.
>the rest
Spending weeks learning flavor of the month webshit framework that's just going to be run much slower anyway is a waste of time and resources.

>Let me revise what I said: knowing HTML, CSS, and JS is all necessary for web stuff whether you use a framework or not.

The how come the average "learn to code" monkey can't use them without some stupid framework? How "high level" are we going to go? How many more layers are we going to add to the stack? We add more with each passing year to the detriment of everyone.

Rust is a language claiming to be ultra secure system code. For two platforms with known backdoors. You're spending 100x times the resources to "secure" something that is known not to be secure anyway. An entire OS outside of your control runs in Ring -1 on your CPU. So what is the purpose? To prevent someone snooping upon RAM they shouldn't? When an attacker can snoop upon it anyway even without that state level access?

Again; all one has to do is look at the Rust foundation board and the people pushing it as the greatest thing since sliced bread to see it's a bad idea. These people are no exactly trustworthy nor do they have good track records. You're wasting untold amounts of resources all to avoid teaching a compsci student how to use malloc. Instead you're giving them a frontend for malloc and claiming it's safer. When in reality every method proposed to be better than malloc since the 60s has proven to be unsecure over and over again. Why not just teach them how to drive a nail properly?

If they can't then they shouldn't be writing systems code anyway. You can not delegate away this type of problem. Anyone that's bought into the propaganda blitz for Rust isn't too bright I'm sorry to say. You should be suspect of such things by default when the entire big tech alliance and the US Government are promoting it. It's simply yet another way to take more power aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I think it's telling that one of the top ranking security researchers in C still finds himself having to look back and catch himself writing security exploits.

Your rambling just feels like you want to get angry at things than promote a better alternative.


The level of arrogance your rant proposes, as if you as some infallible god, is telling of your mental degradation.


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yuno drops out of yamabuki to go work at a farm...... the manga can get dark at times

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So there's some windows exploit thing that needs to be patched? https://msrc.microsoft.com/update-guide/en-US/vulnerability/CVE-2024-38063
I kept my windows on an old version since updates break various things (like the pirated copy) and adds new microsoft spyware stuff so I never update my windows 10. So uhh... can I selectively patch this thing without breaking my windows installation? I need help from nerds.


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Wait, I read that you can disable IPv6 here in the network settings.
Okay, potential crisis averted and I didn't have to update.

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How's your storage looking?
I think I need to buy another hard drive with at least 10TB when Black Friday comes around again. RAID stuff seems like a good idea, but buying two of every drive is too expensive.
19 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Who the fuck is this we person your talking about? I sage because I can sage, god gave me the right to sage so here I am.


File:[DeerStalker] Shikanoko No….jpg (293.7 KB,1920x1080)

People shouldn't be getting this upset about a joke post pointing out a mistyped sage...


koshitan is PISSED......


sageing for this


im obsessed to negate some sagees

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