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File:icon128.png (196 B,128x128)


Although I haven't done much development on 4chan X lately, bugs still crop up, and eventually I want to get around to making it work with the new Kissu UI. This is a thread where you can discuss problems with or suggestions for 4chan X. I'm thinking about linking this from the bug reporting page if Verniy's okay with it.
67 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Huh? Import to where? You mean from the native 4chan extension to 4chanx? Can't you just copy paste? (I'm not ccd0)


thing is I don't think 4chan lets you select your entire filter list and copy everything


Probably something pretty urgent that needs to be fixed. I clicked on one of my 4chan links today and it brought me to a cloudflare check, but unlike usual I was forced to disable 4chanx to proceed since it was somehow blocking challenges.cloudflare

Wish I'd taken a screenshot of it but I was fiddling with things to try and find what the issue was and just happened to find it through disabling 4chanx before the thought to post about it in here came to me.


Random anon here.
I just passed the cloudflare check. So either the problem is something other than the presence of 4chanX, or it's been fixed.
Can you try again?


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opened up on a proxy and i still get the same issue, on regular
yeah the beta version is fixed once i updated it

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So I asked AI to paint me a screenfetch and this is how AI sees it, lol. If enyone fancy to share their desktop looks, well here goes


Is that a music creation program?


Nightcafe? Barely. No, i asked for an image

Funny, when u aks to paint yourself something anything about sound machine here acts a bit weird. Maybe it curious about sounds because it cant hear. I doubt someone connected a microphone to an image creation "tool" just out of being kindhearted

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programming no /mahou/
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File:yoshiko.jpg (217.94 KB,850x886)

>good thing I'm stupid
D-do you like bananas too?!




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Bana nã


I don't actually mind JavaScript.


File:C-1719104999850.jpeg (743.86 KB,905x1280)

what programming and what languages have you done before
c++ is my favorite language of all time, but maybe you shouldn't learn it unless you are comfortable with c yet

if you want to learn c++ the best resource ever if you already know how programming works is by bjarne stroustrup and its called 'a tour of c++' and you should get the very latest edition and you should pirate it for free

with c++ you can do everything that every other language can do and you can go right in the guts of the lgnauge. with c++ you know they aren't hiding anything from you. you can look inside/ with c++ you will be the ultimate programmer

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that's the kind of username I'd use, so I approve

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PC-98 is very important
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10GET for 1.0-tan


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I claim this 11 for God


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12 for the mafia

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