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With LLM AIs being the big new badass rockstar tech, when are we going to see some sort of implementation of them into games for enemy AI? At least for stealth games, the adaptability to different situations seems like it'd be able to reduce the gamey feel of sneaking past enemies and keep the player on guard more.


they outsourced AI to humans through multiplayer battle royal games, and they're not coming back


the few games currently using LLMs that i can recall were implementing them for text, like AI dungeon and the like
training them for videogames in general is something i've only seen in experiments and they were often quite janky, either failing to act according to design expectations or subverting them via unexpected glitchy cheese
at this point the above examples are ancient history but i haven't heard much since then in this regard, it still seems hard to implement and/or not particularly fun to play against
funny you say that, because the biggest battle royale today is full of bots and has had them since 2019
on top of tons of regular npc mobs

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 No.387[Reply][Last50 Posts]

A thread for random tech chatter
If your talk ends up being well thought out and has lots of replies, consider crossboard-linking your discussion into a thread
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going to attempt to learn python again


It's 'aight


it is not!


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I'm actually surprised by how cheap a game console is compared to all the other tech things I bought recently.


sometimes I'm shocked that computers even work

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MV3 just killed Ublock Origin
Now what, chromebros?
Are we screwed?
I don't want to download firefox
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The tech market is already in a slump and their AI Gemini isn't doing so hot and they're already known for their ads making them money so losing Chrome is a gruesome blow so I expect see them doing some rather extreme survival tactics from here on out.


My YouTube browsing habits are basically "if I watched it, I download it".
I need a bigger hard drive...

I set up my Raspberry Pi to play 4 random vids I've downloaded at once since I know local media discoverability sucks without some kind of random sort, there is shit I know I will never be able to find in the big pile of videos otherwise, and going through one by one is lame.

I suspect yt-dlp will keep working, but watch 720p and up become only for logged in users to limit its usefulness.

I have noticed YouTube on Firefox becoming slower and laggier (like, after a long session, it'll take 2 seconds to pause a video after you hit space). My immediate thought was that this was an FF problem, but it really could be Google's fault, the cunts.


Time for Google to use their data to enter the weapons industry to make up for the loss.


>immediate thought was that this was an FF problem, but it really could be Google's fault, the cunts.

If something is working correctly in FF it is _always_ "google's fault". With the chrome engine being a "living standard" they can push updated HTML to their websites and engine first and force everyone else to play catch up with them. This gives them an advantage because they can not only introduce new features they can break old ones. For example, they could push something to break the loading of media in a new version of chrome then suddenly all third party websites outside of youtube and the major social networks that got the heads up is broken in chrome. Making them out of reach of "normal" users that don't fuck around with Firefox, Linux and the small minority of users that go beyond the Apple/Google walled garden and the Microsoft botnet.

It wasn't like this in the 80s-2010s. Back then we had a standard body that updated HTML every now and again after years of public discourse which involved a bunch of different parties that included independent tech people from all over the world. This kept out things like DRM and other ways to lock content behind a wall. It also kept out things that datamined the end user.

Now Google owns the W3C and the biggest "rival" browser engine. Which just gets the same updates only on a slight delay. We also have browser engines now that refuse to display pages that aren't "trusted". So everything with a self signed certification or on plain old http looks like a spooky virus to normalfags.


>something not working correctly in FF
>they could break media in firefox
I don't know why my fingers decided to go full retard in that post. Sorry


Have you ever wondered why all the AI coding demos always use things like "Create the game of snake" or "Create a todo app"?


no, seems obvious to me


we need another tinder clone


twitch plays tinder

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If your bed takes up 90% of your room, you either need a smaller bed or a bigger room. I'd barf if I saw that interior decorating too.


But what if I spend 90% of my time in my room in bed?


Do you want to spend the other 10% squeezed against the wall?


My room is completely empty except for my bed. Bedrooms are for sleeping. I'd be fine with my room being 100% bed. I'm wasting all that room that could have been a bigger living room.


But then where do you keep your glass of water and sex toys?

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Backdoors, you say?
I avoid texting since I'm an old man that thinks phones should be phones and texting is better on computers.


My messages are encrypted fully in line with government recommendations and can only be accessed by me, US law enforcement agents, and people who are monitoring for CP.

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Thinking about buying one of those "Samsung, The Frame 55'' " TVs. There's nothing better of quality.
Good speakers and the picture quality is nice too. I watched some kissu yukkuri streams on it before my bro took it away from me.
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maybe. Does seem like a cheaper stratargy



Thinking on it a bit more I might not care for a TV at this time and I'd get more out of a sound system


Bought a pair of Klipsch R40m 200w which might be .3cm too tall for my bookshelf whatever this is called. https://www.amazon.ca/BT20A-Bluetooth-Audio-Amplifier-Integrated/dp/B07BQC7GNL/ref=sr_1_2_sspa#customerReviews
Says it over drives it(280W) at the given impedence so should work. Buying special audio equipment is weird


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I got a standard 55Inch TV for 300$ and have been fighting with sound systems.

My sound system stuff has been.... interesting... I've been trying many ways to get a 5.1 audio setup using a computer with a very avant-garde motherboard and a bunch of hacks.

So I'll wind up having 4 RM-40s which are OK but not very good at vocal clarity for home theatre.
I inheritted a Bose CD player which I hooked up to the headphone output of the TV... it has very good full range sound. But the RM40s are better with midlows and highs. So I'll blend them together.

I'll buy an 'FX 5.1 Sound Card SB1570' https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00EO6X4XG/ref=ewc_pr_img_2?smid=A31KR0810C9C89&psc=1 which should handle the sound better than the onboard card. Then I'll place speakers as such

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They might make you pay a lot but at least it is something that makes it easy
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Steam games I mean


Regular Wine works just fine. https://formulae.brew.sh/cask/wine-stable Do note that Rosetta 2 can only accelerate 64-bit x86_64 and not 32-bit because the M3 has physical hardware corresponding to 64-bit memory model.

There is a proprietary thing called Crossover which can get around this with wine32on64 and the good news is there are open source builds of said binary should you need to play with your touhous. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29987230 https://github.com/Gcenx/homebrew-wine

chu-toriaru in nihongo https://zenn.dev/okojyo21/articles/76f23cd8b45487


Not a lot of games that go for 32bit nowadays. But Yeah, older titles like touhou or VNs it might be something to consider


Mac issue with safety... Downloading my application off of the web requires 100$ apple developer subscription.

I'll probably create a script that people can run to bypass it instead since you can use the terminal to disable code signing for this program


Harks back to this comment

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Has anyone here used MacBooks for software development? What issues did you encounter in practice?
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Bought the "13-inch MacBook Air with M3 chip - Midnight".
512GB SSD and 24GB of RAM. I checked my old laptop and stuff and it's like 200GB. So if I'll probably just store archived projects on cloud storage or something


how much it cost?


with tax and converting from local currency 1575.78 USD. So it's very expensive... if I weren't well off right now I'd gamble on something I can put linux onto


will you post about how it works out for you? after some time with it


yeah. For that price I'm hoping everything will just work

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what are some human cybernetics types of technology you use to augment your powers
ill start with a strong example

everyday i use anki to help remember things, because of how memory works using space repetition is the most efficient way ever to remember things that you can put on a flashcard

its commonly used by medical students that need to remember lots of random symptoms and words and anatomy for medical school, but its also used for learning kanki, or vocabulary. I have a 'jeopardy' style deck with 10,000 trivia questions in, a professional development deck, decks for my school classes, decks for famous art pieces, and famous buildings

i have lots more technologies to talk about not just anki
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instashot or foe of the justice league?


no. girls in their bare scuddies, sometimes with penises, usually on civitai


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Do you guys have a todo list application that you like to use?
I use todooist because it syncs between my devices and the free version is fine for me
and it does all the stuff i need a todo list to do

and i have a plugin for my notes on obsidian where if you right click you can make a reminder that links your todolist and your notes.


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Do you mean an actual "to do" list? I just open notepad and keep it open on desktop, but that's probably not the best way of doing things. Physical notes in real life help, I guess.


the next useful technology i will shill is readwise that means i can save articles and links and pdfs and annotate them
and it syncs them on everything
and then it automatically exports the annotations to my obsidian notes everyday for safekeeping in a nice format thats easy to reference later

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What kind of speaker setup do you have for your computer/room/whatever? I need a new set.
My old logitech set is about 20 years old now and I hate how bulky it is and sometimes the copper wires have an interference thing that makes a big thump randomly which freaks me out.
When doing the requisite "[thing] +reddit" google search to see what humans are saying, I heard people say that speakers are so good these days that you no longer need surround sound, which seems strange to me. I really like the idea of having music all around me, and the rare game or anime with surround sound is really cool with it (Delicious in Dungeon and the crappy Geass remake were the most recent things with surround I've watched). But, I guess if most people have left 5.1 behind then maybe I should, too. I absolutely hate bass so it'd be nice if I could get rid of the subwoofer since it's so big and bulky. I'm definitely not an audiophile so I have no interest in the gold-played anti-virus cables.
So how is your setup and how do you like it?

I guess you could talk about headphones if you want, but anything placed on my head gives me a headache so I'm not a fan.
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Huh. I wonder if these are LLM posts.

Please don't sage when answering a question of mine! I only saw this by chance because I looked back into the thread to update my research.... which I don't have much to show for.

I don't know what an active dsp monitor is, but my hearing is pretty sensitive and I've never taken a TV or speaker above like 40% unless there were issues with the source, so I think that gets me some leeway.
How often do people have surround sound these days? It seems like everything people talk about is just 2.


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After actually reading up on the speakers I do have, they're quite well regarded still today.
I paid $250 for them and apparently the stuff Logitech made afterward is worse. It looks like to buy it used online it would be $400 or something if you managed to find all the parts. Someone is selling the subwoofer itself for $100 on ebay.
It's weird that a computer part I bought back in 2005 has actually appreciated in value, or maybe it's just kept up with inflation. Either way, that's neat.
But, man, I hate this giant subwoofer thing. It's a big square of annoyance.
Do I just keep these then...


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Just a pair of LSR305. They are cheap and good.

When you're looking into buying speakers check ASR reviews and measurements. Good sounding speakers also measure well. The website also contains lots of resources about the theory of acoustics preference and speaker setups.

These speakers have amplifiers built-in so you don't have to buy amplifiers yourself. I just use a 3.5mm to TRS cable directly from PC sound output to my speakers and it just works.


Dumb question, I have some studio monitor headphones that are 5 years old and either the quality has degraded or my hearing itself isn't as good as it used to be. Do good headphones degrade like that over time or no?


Probably depends on the build quality and wear and tear. Audio wires are prone to decline if they bend and twist a lot. My old pair (from like 12 years ago) sat unused for years and I tried to use them again a while back and it was just horrendous because the wires were a mess.

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So I'm trying to get Ootake to work here for playing Rondo of Blood and I'm getting stuck. I installed the bios for the PC Engine and supposedly I have the CD properly mounted, but when trying to run the game I just get "Load Error" on Ootake. Is there something else I need to be doing here to make it work?


Huh, never heard of Ootake. Have you tried any other emulators? I've never emulated PC Engine myself, but maybe there's some other programs to try?


I guess I will try other emulators if I can't get it to work in the next 30 min.


If you open the .cue file in a text editor like Notepad, what do you see? Does it reference files that are missing? In that case you might want to try getting those missing files and putting them in the same directory or getting another pre-patched copy of the game. archive.org appears to have some. Or you could get a clean rip of the original Japanese disc and patch it yourself (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/846/).
If it's the emulator that's the problem, https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/PC_Engine_(TurboGrafx-16)_emulators recommends Mednafen, ares, or Mesen.
In the past I think I was able to get a .bin+.cue rip of the original Japanese disc working by using a Mednafen (beetle) libretro core. I didn't need to have it mounted as a disc on my PC like you appear to be trying to do. I think I was able to launch it by selecting the .cue file.


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If you get it working, make this a Let's Play thread where you offer witty commentary of every level and death!


just use mednafen, no cd mounting shit needed
mednaffe is an okay frontend, or you can use the retroarch version

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stuff I would like in my image viewer

- way to quickly edit a lot of pictures
- by censoring out parts of a picture
- basic filters and image adjustments
- adjust levels
- red eye removal
- temporarily reflect pictures so they look new
- move pictures to new folder
- without a face
- with only male, furry faces

I'm too scared to open up issues for them though.


Use feh for editing pipe output to imagemagick or mv+perl/python/whatever.

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Oh no... Mahiro's pregnant with a Rust binary...





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I was without computer for a couple days and had to subsist on "smart TV" youtube and it was awful. The ads pop up like every 15-20 minutes and they are LOUD. I can tolerate annoying ads, but I was pretty sure governments instituted rules about equalizing the volume of commercials? I remember this being a thing people complained about back in the 90s on cable. Maybe it doesn't apply to the internet?
All those relaxing "___ to sleep/study" whatever videos and then WEE WOO WEE WOO CLEARANCE SALE ON FURNITURE THAT HAS JUST GOT TO GO TODAY
Also it was an old TV when the "smart" stuff was just coming out so half the time the commercial (which somehow always rendered in 1080p despite the youtube video itself being like 240p to 480p) would crash the yotube "app".
I'm so glad to be on the computer again. Truly ignorance is bliss because that was a terrible way to experience things and yet it's the default for billions of people.
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When I was baking a cake at my parent's house two years ago I tried out the YT-app on my then new phone while waiting. Did not have a functional version of the app on my old (then ten years old) phone since it hadn't gotten any updates for years.
The app apparently decided on it's own to use my parent's smart-TV, which was connected to the same wireless network, to play the video (after an annoying ad of course). Was surprised to hear it's sound blaring across the hall from the living room instead from my device. Good thing I chose a recording of a concert instead of VTubers.

>All those relaxing "___ to sleep/study" whatever videos and then WEE WOO WEE WOO CLEARANCE SALE ON FURNITURE THAT HAS JUST GOT TO GO TODAY
That was a 'normie-culture-shock' I won't forget; was drifting into sleep once when HEY YOU CONSUME PRODUCT LALALAAA happened. Had not taken measures for adblocking on my phone before then because I rarely used my old phone for anything other than messaging and phone calls.
Since then I'm using a browser with adblock and the 'YouTube Background Playback'-script when watching YT-content on my phone.

Still hate small touch screens though, PC über Alles.

I wonder about family members not being annoyed by constant advertisement as well. Especially when listening a radio station where they play at least five minutes of ads after 2-3 songs. Which is then followed by a short sequence where they talk about how they love music even though they usually cut songs after three minutes, disregarding the song as the piece of art it is.
My guess is that they don't really listen to anything most of the time but want a certain degree of background noise.


weird knobbly ankles


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I have YT premium but I stopped using the app when I realized that just running whatever I want to listen to in Brave at a low resolution was better for my rountine; I can turn my phone screen off without the video stopping.

Anyways, with the contractions associated with economic downturns, people are going to learn very soon that Google is first and foremost an advertising company. The beast is hungry.


Oh yeah, another thing is that the ads are sometimes minutes long if you don't hit the 'skip' button, which I assume is there to check that a person is watching. How devious.

>Still hate small touch screens though,
Yeah, it's weird to think lots of people watch stuff exclusively on them. But, hey, it works for them I guess.

As for family members, yeah, I mentioned it to my sister and she just put up with them. Her response was basically "Well, I could get youtube premium". Maybe I should look into installing something on her phone to bypass this stuff.

I've started to use yt-dlp to download more stuff to keep it available locally as well. It's just nice to know that even if my internet craps out I have some stuff to watch besides just anime.


oops, I put a space after each line...

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